By Theodore Shoebat
The government of France just decreed that citizens must have a vaccine certificate to access shopping centers, restaurants, theaters and most public places. The law also decrees that the certificate will be needed to go on long distance train and bus rides. Al-Jazeera put put a video on this:
As we read in the New York Times:
France passed a new Covid-19 law late on Sunday that makes health passes mandatory for a number of indoor venues as the country faces a fourth wave of infections. The vote came after days of heated parliamentary debates that lasted long into the night and protests against the measure in dozens of French cities.President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday, “With the Delta variant, the epidemic is picking up again,” adding, “My message is simple: to get vaccinated.”
About 40 million people, or nearly 60 percent of France’s population, have received a first shot, but the number of new daily cases has risen steeply over the past week, to over 15,000 on average, from fewer than 2,000 at the end of June.
The health pass — paper or digital proof of being fully vaccinated, of a recent negative test or of a recent Covid-19 recovery — was already mandatory to attend large events in stadiums and concert halls, and to enter cultural venues like cinemas, museums and theaters.
The new law, which will be implemented in early August and can apply until Nov. 15, extends that obligation to bars, restaurants, gyms and certain malls. Establishments that fail to enforce the rules will face penalties, and their employees could face pay suspensions — but not firings — if they fail to get vaccinated as well.
A valid health pass will also be required for nonurgent visits to medical facilities and long-distance train and bus rides. Young people ages 12 to 17 are exempted from the rules until Sept. 3.
The new law also obligates health employees and other essential workers, such as firefighters, to get vaccinated by the fall, and it makes a 10-day isolation period mandatory after an infection. Before it can be enforced, the law must still be reviewed next week by the Constitutional Council, which verifies that legislation complies with the Constitution.
France’s parliament approved a law early Monday requiring special virus passes for all restaurants and domestic travel and mandating vaccinations for all health workers.
Both measures have prompted protests and political tensions. President Emmanuel Macron and his government say they are needed to protect vulnerable populations and hospitals as infections rebound and to avoid new lockdowns.
The law requires all workers in the health care sector to start getting vaccinated by Sept. 15, or risk suspension. It also requires a “health pass” to enter all restaurants, trains, planes and some other public venues. It initially applies to all adults, but will apply to everyone 12 and older starting Sept. 30.
Last year I watched a film called Children of Men. It takes place after Europe has just gone through a devastating war and none of the earth’s men can reproduce and thus nobody is being born and humanity is quickly dying. Britain has utterly cut itself off from the world and banned all immigration. In dystopian England people need passes to travel within the country, and this is where the film shares a parallel with what we are seeing here in France where a vaccination pass could be needed in order to go on long distance train and bus rides. This phenomena of vaccine passes could be used in the future to restrict travel within the borders of nations, and in the future such passes may not be based on heath but religion and ideology.
source https://shoebat.com/2021/07/27/the-government-of-france-declares-that-citizens-need-a-vaccine-certificate-to-enter-shopping-centers-restaurants-theaters-and-most-public-places-and-to-go-on-long-distance-train-and-bus-rides/
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