Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) gave an impassioned rant against new face mask rules being imposed at the US Capitol in Washington DC.
On Wednesday, Capitol physician Dr. Brian Monahan advised bringing back the mask requirement following Tuesday’s announcement by the CDC that both unvaccinated and vaccinated Americans need to wear face masks.
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Rep. Roy was trying to call attention to the dire situation at the southern US border, where Covid-infected illegals are pouring in unchecked, when he segued to the new mask rules.
“We have a crisis at our border and we are playing footsie with mask mandates in the people’s house,” Roy stated.
“It’s absolutely absurd what this body is doing, the people’s house. It’s an embarrassment. A mockery.
“The American people are fed up. They want to go back to life. They want to go back to bills. They want to go back to school without their children being forced to wear masks. To have mental health issues.
“We are running around here, the Speaker comes down here at 10:00 in the morning saying we have to wear masks in the people’s house?
“We have thousands of people pouring across our border and democrats don’t do anything about it, heavily infected with Covid.
“We have ‘The New York Times’ today, what a mess. ‘C.D.C. About to Reverse on Indoor Masking for the Vaccinated,’ quote-unquote. This is some serious stuff that will only breed resentment. No kidding. Consider resentment being magnified right here on the floor of the House of Representatives. We are absolutely sick and tired of it. So are the American people.
“This sham of an institution is doing nothing for the American people. Nothing for the betterment of the people that send their representatives here.
“I just met this morning with an organization that tries to take care of people from human trafficking. Met with an elected official from Mexico. While cartels are raping and pillaging and killing. We have people infected with Covid coming through our southern border into Texas and you-all put masks up, masks up front here, here on the people’s house? We have to go around and say, ok, we can’t come to the floor, I can’t execute my constitutional duty unless I wear a mask.
Roy then asked the obvious question: if the vaccines work, why do people need to wear masks?
“Which is it? Vaccines or masks? Do the vaccines work or not? Do the masks work or don’t work? I’d like to know which it is. I’d like Dr. Fauci to come down and answer a single question about natural immunity. You have been infected with the virus, do you have immunity? Or are they going to go around poking people saying you must take a vaccine? ‘Sorry, the vaccine doesn’t work, you must wear a mask.’ This institution is a sham. We should adjourn and shut this place.”
On Thursday, Capitol Police issued a bulletin notifying officers to arrest non-mask wearing visitors and staffers who refuse to wear a mask.
The memo notably excluded unmasked staffers who are “accompanying a [House] Member,” an instance which “should be noted and reported to a supervisor who will, in turn, refer the matter to the House Sergeant at Arms.”
Texas Police Issue Emergency Alert – Biden Dumping Illegals Sick with COVID on the Streets
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