Manila secures 2.6m doses of AstraZeneca jab
Source: Bangkok Post
Those who suffered adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine are set to receive compensation, whilst Pfizer and Moderna victims are yet to be recognised.

In Norway, at least three claims over severe adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca vaccine have been upheld, resulting in financial compensation. It is expected that many more are set to be upheld in connection with vaccine injuries.

The Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation (NPE) announced on Friday 2nd July that it will make payments to three applicants who were seriously injured after they received the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine.

The NPE confirmed that the AstraZeneca jab, which is currently suspended in Norway, has caused severe cases of blood clots and low platelet counts in these applicants, one of whom unfortunately died.

Two health workers – who were in the priority group for vaccination – are amongst those who had adverse reactions after receiving a dose of the jab, which was later removed from the national vaccination programme due to its serious side effects.

The two women were rushed into hospital in March and one of them, who was in her 40s, passed away.

Another applicant, an unnamed man in his 30s, is still suffering from severe immune reactions as a result of the jab.

The man told the NPE: “I was admitted to hospital with great pain. It was frightening to follow the news about others who had just died from the same vaccine.”

Rolf Gunnar Jorstad, the body’s director, announced that they are calculating the amount of compensation that must be paid out, stating that the link between the injuries and the vaccine has been established and confirmed by medical staff.

Jorstad also said that the family of the deceased woman will receive payment for her funeral.

In Norway, there has been a total of 77 compensation claims so far in relation to the Covid-19 vaccine. Over 50 of these claims concern the AstraZeneca jab, whilst the rest are linked to the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Eight of these applications involve fatal cases.

NRK media have reported that there have been more than 16,000 recorded adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine by the end of June, according to the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NMA). These adverse reactions range from mild, such as headaches, fevers, to severe, including blood clots, paralysis, and anaphylaxis.

Currently, in the UK, there has been a total of 1,0007,253 adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines reported since December 2020, which includes 1,403 deaths as a result of the experimental jab. Despite this, the media will fail to recognise any of these injuries or report on the dangers of the “vaccine.” Let’s hope that those whose lives have been ruined by the jab are able to get justice and compensation for what big pharma has done to them.

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source https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/07/05/norway-to-pay-compensation-to-victims-of-astrazeneca-covid-19-vaccine/

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