Speaking to CNN anchor Brianna Keiler on “New Day” Thursday, Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra claimed the federal government has every right to keep a list of vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans.
The alarming statement came after Keilar asked Becerra to address those who say, “It’s none of the government’s business knowing who has or hasn’t been vaccinated.”
Becerra responded, “Brianna, perhaps we should point out that the federal government has spent trillions of dollars trying to keep Americans alive during this pandemic, so it is absolutely the government’s business.”
“It is taxpayers’ business if we have to continue to spend money to try to keep people from contracting COVID and helping reopen the economy,” Becerra said without a hint of irony.
The government is responsible for the closing of the economy in the first place!
He continued, “It is our business to try and make sure Americans can prosper, Americans can freely associate… and knocking on a door has never been against the law. You don’t have to answer, but we hope you do because if you haven’t been vaccinated we can help dispel some of those rumors you’ve heard and hopefully get you vaccinated.”
So, if it’s the government’s job to make sure “Americans can freely associate,” why in the world have we spent the last year-and-a-half “on lockdown” and “in quarantine,” staying six feet away from each other as ordered by government mandates?
The conversation comes just days after the White House announced vaccine “strike forces” that will be going door-to-door for an outreach program.
Staying true to his title as “The Oracle of Austin,” Infowars founder Alex Jones predicted on April 30th that the Biden administration would eventually roll out forced inoculations by using peer pressure and public safety concerns.
Many Americans still remember Ronald Reagan’s warning about “the nine most terrifying words in the English language,” those being, “I’m with the government and I’m here to help.”
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Of course, many citizens went to the internet to mock the Biden administration for even thinking of coming to their homes in an attempt at getting them vaccinated.
See all of the best door-to-door vaccination memes here!

Healthcare workers all over the country are quitting en masse after the evidence of the true damage of vaccines was shockingly revealed to them first hand.
source https://www.infowars.com/posts/biden-health-secretary-it-is-absolutely-the-governments-business-to-track-unvaccinated-americans
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