By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Special)

Most apologists for the Alt-Right and neo-Nazi movements have a policy to shy away from serious dialogue with the opposite side, and only appear on the media of their allies. They are, after all, in the propaganda business and not truth.

But to reveal the truth we initially thought to invite 'Richard Spencer,' but that would be asking for a small fry. So we invited Martin Sellner, Europe's top Identitarian (Alt-Right or New Right Movement) for both Austria and Germany (Identitären Bewegung Österreich)

Sellner, a major speaker for PEGIDA in Germany, he is always featured on the Alt-Right media, corresponds for Breitbart as the face of the movement throughout Europe's continent.

Martin Sellner, speaking to thousands for Pegida

Unlike what  you see on Breitbart or the Alt-Right media, by the time we cross-examined Sellner with some serious questions, and when it was all  over, Sellner clearly felt the defeat. Now that his entire movement was completely unmasked of its 'conservative' and 'Christian' veneer, his ideologues exposed to being fascist and racialist, and even his hero -- Yukio Mishima -- revealed to be a anti-white, genocidal deviant pederast, Sellner wanted us not to publish. He even begged us not to air it. But when we refused, he later threatened that he would have the video removed.

What few on the right expose, is that the veneer these appealing moderate apologist neo-Nazi groups cover under is that they fight for Europe's culture against the onslaught of Marxism and Islamism. But in reality, they are for everything they say they are against.

For example, they say that they are against multiculturalism, but at the same time -- and we found this out by talking with Martin Sellner -- they adore pagan cultures, specifically the warlike, savage, imperialistic religion and ideology of imperial Japan that attacked the U.S.

So here is an inquiry into these movements which shows that they themselves are corrupt, being filled with paganism, racism and deviancy.

Sellner, claiming to be "Catholic," did not realize what it would be like to dialogue with a real Catholic, Theodore Shoebat, who will be doing a detailed expose on Sellner and the movement's racialist and ethnocentric religions.

Watch Sellner get schooled:

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