If a Muslim so much as alleges that somebody may have done something to a mosque and with no proof, Muslims will exploded into rioting and violence, nations may pull their ambassadors, and they will attack non-Muslims near them in "revenge" for Islam. Yet here we have case after case of Muslims committing the foulest acts in European churches such as defecating and urinating in the pews, openly masturbating during services, stealing, and dumping garbage in them and nobody cares.
By the way, "new clientele" is doublespeech for "Muslim":
Persons poop on the floor. Masturbating. Trying to take children from the priest or mother at the ongoing baptism. Serious incidents do to the Holy Trinity parish is forced to be the guardian of the church.
The events in recent years have become increasingly serious. During the ordinances of the Church so people can yell loudly and smashing liquor bottles on the floor. It happens that they both pee and poop in the church and outside. It has been climbed on the organ facade and reredos and they try to steal church silver. It has also happened that someone tried to take children from the priest or mother at the ongoing baptism, according Alvlands list.
It is found empty liquor bottles and used, bloody needles on the floor under the pews. Organs must be kept locked to the disturbing visitors do not play on them.
In addition, it has happened that people sat and masturbated in the pews.
- It was a lying and pulled his penis. He did not stop despite the fact that a female police officer asked him to do it, says Bengt Alvland.
In conjunction with the TV recording about a week ago (Saturday) drug addition, one of the people the power cord for power.
- There are no limits or inhibitions for these people. It makes the staff feel great concern.
It has gone so far now that the Assembly takes in Securitas officer at church services, christenings and marriages. The staff do not dare lock the church in the evenings. It makes Securitas, after they searched the church.
All staff have also received training on threats and violence, and a training on conflict management is being planned.
It's really strange that we have to train our staff in this stuff, but it is perhaps as the development looks like.
Which people is that disturbs know Bengt Alvland not. He says it is not the old homeless, which the staff feel, but a "new clientele".
- The fact that there are more security guards at the Town Hall and the railway station is the space for these people become less. Therefore, rather than using the church as a warming hut. The church has become the weakest link, says Bengt Alvland.
Therefore , Bengt Alvland now asked the police to the security guards patrolling the Galleria Boulevard, Town Hall Skåne and the railway station also get the church and the parish house as its operating range.
- Stewards have greater powers than the Securitas guards have and can intervene, explains Bengt Alvland. We do not want to discourage people from visiting the church. On the contrary. We want a peaceful and safe environment for our staff and get our visitors. (source)
If this happened to a mosque in any western nation, the Muslim world would pull their ambassadors and boycott all products from that nation, and that nation would veritably send their secret police to arrest and summarily try and dole out the harshest punishment possible to the offender. Yet when Muslims do it, the silence is deafening.
Western society has turned on itself and is allowing itself to be destroyed. This is just further proof of that.
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