
Note- This article is probably going to get "blocked" on Facebook. Share it around as much as you can.

Earlier this year, we reported on Shoebat.com about a plan by Merkel's government and Facebook to work together to ban and block content critical of her and her destructive, suicidal, war-mongering, pro-Muslim, pro-Turkish policies. Unfortunately, we at Shoebat.com not only had the displeasure of reporting this, but also being the recipient of her harassment. In many cases, our articles mysteriously "disappear" from Facebook, or we receive "community standards violations," or our share count disappears for these articles (such as with this article here). We know that it is only a matter of time until Shoebat.com is banned permanently from Facebook.

While much of this work has come, admittedly so, from agents of the German government, in a fascinating report from Die Welt, it is now revealed that TURKISH Intelligence is operating extensively in Germany and as such has developed the largest spy network in that nation, one so large that it is ever larger than the STASI at its height:

The practices of the Turkish secret service MIT in the Federal Republic of Germany are preoccupying German politicians. The parliamentary control committee of the federal parliament is asking the federal government for information about it. The topic is on the parliamentary agenda immediately after the summer break, said the Green MP Hans-Christian Ströbele to the "Welt am Sonntag" newspaper.

The MIT is involved in "unbelievable secret activities", he said. The Agency for Protection of the Constitution, the BND [German intelligence agency] and the police must urgently examine their cooperation with Turkey. "Otherwise there is a risk that they will make themselves complicit in criminal actions," said Ströbele.

The chairman of the control committee, Clemens Binninger (CDU), also wants to place cooperation with the MIT quickly on to the agenda: "The recent events in Turkey have had effects not only on the security situation, but possibly also on the cooperation of the intelligence services."

Actually the activities of the MIT in Germany are much more extensive than previously known. A politician involved with security matters said that in addition to a large number of full-time agents across the country the MIT has a network of 6000 informants. An informant indicated 500 citizens of Turkish origin.

"This is no longer about an agency acquiring intelligence, but increasing performing repression," said the intelligence expert Erich Schmidt-Eenboom. The monitoring intensity is enormous: "Even the Stasi did not succeed in building up such a large army of agents in the federal republic." (source)

This raises some interesting points.

1) If the spy network is truly, as the report claims, larger than the STASI at its height, then not only must the German government be aware of it, but they must be actively colluding with Turkish intelligence to enable this.

2) If this is true, then it means also that there is a reason why Erdogan flew the Turkish flag behind Merkel, because it means that the German government has made itself the willing slave of the Turk. In other words, the government has submitted itself to the Islamic agenda without telling the people and is now working with the Turkish Menace to see its people Islamized over time without still telling them.

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3) It means that now the Turk has been able to accomplish something it never has and without a single blow of the sword- it has managed to, like a virus, take over Germany by infecting its mind and is controlling it against its own people like a zombie.

4) If the influence of the Turk is so extensive, then Germany's moves against Russia must also mean they are also TURKEY'S moves too. This is critical, because just like the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, the so-called "negotiations" Turkey is having with Russia are just that, a feigned move in order to establish a temporary peace with the goal of waging a later and more powerful war (or to use the proper Islamic term based on Muhammad's example with the Treaty of Hudaybiyya, a hudna).

5) It also means that the massive invasions of millions of Muslims into Germany is not just Germany's choice, but coming from Turkish commands as well, in addition to all of the race-mixing propaganda intended to try to get Germans to race-mix with these Muslims (which is a traditional way that Muslims have conquered other peoples in the past).


6) If history serves as any guide, than this alliance between Turkey and Germany may also see a soon alliance with Japan as well, for these nations are not only united by their militancy, dreams of world domination, ethnocentrist visions, persistence in heresy and error (Germany has always been a breeding ground for heresy and apostasy), but also historically during World Wars I and II, as Ted has written about extensively.


7) It finally, and most significantly, means that the German preparations for building itself up and consolidating a new European army are all about waging an aggressive war against her neighbors, and particularly the Christian Slavic nations. This in itself is nothing new, as Germany has always been hostile towards her neighbors, particularly those in the East. However, this war now takes on a new dimension, because in the past Germany was a Christian nation which, due to her persistence in apostasy, became more or less pagan. Given that as we have explained before, Islam is the culimination of all Christian heresies, by Germany making itself the slave of the Turk it is perfecting its apostasy and now turning to wage war on the Christian peoples of Europe, especially since Merkel wants an army of Muslims.

In other words, history is repeating itself but with bigger weapons, more people, and higher stakes, but with one difference, and that is the Ottoman strike at the heart of Christianity itself as foretold by the saints of old.

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