
Ahmed, the "McDonalds Rapist" caught on security camera

You see it all the time at McDonalds or other fast food places in the inner cities. Some (usually) dirty stranger acting bizarrely will approach somebody eating at a table and start talking to them because they are trying to bum money off of them. This is what happened in Sweden, except a Muslim pervert tried to bum free sex from some random Swedish woman. When she said "No," he followed her home and tried to rape her, and when he was arrested he said he didn't remember anything:

He sat down at the woman's table and explained that he would have sex with her.

She clearly rejected the man, but when she walked away he followed her to Stadsgården, where he went on the attack.

According to the prosecution took the Arab presented its genitals and held the woman with his hands. He grabbed her body and arms and held her down "while he was trying to pull her down on the ground, whereupon he pushed his body and his erect penis against plaintiff's body and brought his hands under the aggrieved party dress and tried to pull off her pantyhose," says in the lawsuit.

"[The defendant] has also pressed his mouth against mouth plaintiff. The plaintiff has the [Arab's] actions suffered abrasions and bruises on the body," it says in the lawsuit.

The woman managed to escape before the rape could be completed and the following day the man was arrested. He had previously been arrested for other crimes, according to Expressen.

- He denies the crime. He claims to have no memory of the girl, says prosecutor Katarina Bergström to the left-liberal newspaper.

The man is also accused of larceny for stealing the woman's necklace in connection with the rape attempt. (source)

For many years, I worked with homeless people, and I have helped many homeless people. However, two things I can tell you are (a) never give a homeless person money (I would offer to buy them a meal instead), and (b) never ever trust anybody who tries to "strike up a conversation" when you are clearly occupied, like when eating, because they want something.

Good for the woman that she fought off the rapist and that the Muslim will be deported. However, aside from the fact that there needs to be more prosecutions for Muslim crimes, the biggest crime still remains that these people were let into society in the first place.

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