
The very fact that the Muslim settlement is Calais is allowed to exist is a testament to how fallen Europe is from its roots. As we have reported before, this Muslim enclave is a center of violence, disease, and in traditional Muslim fashion, now highway robbery.

Dashcam footage shows branches had been pulled down to block a road leading to the port of Calais.

A group of men appeared holding the weapons, and one of them struck the lorry each time the driver revved his engine.

Trucker Marc Mombaerts told VTM News: 'If I give dared put our foot down, they immediately made it clear that they would strike the windshield.'

The footage came to light on the same day a UK-bound Sudanese migrant was murdered and 15 others seriously injured during a 'hugely violent' fight.

This was said to have taken place between rival gangs competing to get on board lorries.

Referring to the death in Marck, around four miles east of Calais, an investigating source said: 'As two gangs from Sudan and Afghanistan competed to get on to the motorway to stop the lorries, a fight broke out.' (source)

In the book White Gold, which discusses the Muslim slave raids against Europe, it notes that the base of many major North African cities for centuries- well up into the mid-19th century- was  on enslaving African and preferably (because they commanded a higher price) white European people. Algiers, Tunis, Rabat, Bejaa, Oran, and Tripoli were powerful because in traditional Islamic fashion, they generated little wealth but rather robbed it from others, in this case the form being human cargo. This follows in the example of Muhammad, who made his wealth through highway robbery.


Highway robbery is considered a land-based form of piracy, and traditionally in society it is punishable by death because it destroys the trust in a society through inhibiting the flow of goods and services. Since politics follows economy, the detrimental effects highway robbery has on a city's economic life also affects its political life, and can and does lead to problems such as revolution as well as making a society vulnerable to invasion. It is essentially a form of treason, which always carries the death penalty.

Yet this treason is what the Muslims are engaging in every day through their actions, and the reasons why highway robbery was punished so severely can be seen through the effects these Muslims have had on trade. Truckers are terrified going through Calais, trust is breaking down between people in the area, and the entire economic life of the region is being destroyed.

There was a saying in the medieval Church about law, and that saying was "the only good law is old law." We would be wise to heed the words of our ancestors in this matter once again.

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