
This video was taken last week in northern Paris, which has seen a large Muslim influx, especially over the past year. It shows on-the-ground proof of how Paris, what was once one of the safest and cleanest cities in the world, has been turned into a filthy Muslim cesspool where dirty matresses line the sidewalks, garbage covers the streets, and Muslim gangs prowl the streets in broad daylight:

Notice in the video that these Muslims have turned their new home country into the sewer which they came from. This is the most solid proof that the problem is Islam, because the destruction that Islam does to individual men also manifests in how they treat their society.

It does not matter where they go or what they get, because this is not a problem that is related to a lack of material goods or services. Islam will bring rot and ruin wherever it goes because that is its nature and nothing can change this. This is also the reason why if the West or any society for that matter values its culture, heritage, and people, it will not tolerate Muslims within it because it is through the Muslims that Islam is able to establish itself and cause the destruction it naturally brings wherever it goes.

There can be no tolerance for any religion or ideology which poisons the people who come in contact with it. Islam has no place in the West or anywhere, and anybody who attempts to spread it or give excuses for its bad behavior is a direct accomplice to the crimes that will inevitably follow.

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