This attack at Notre Dame Cathedral, Or The Cathedral Of Our Lady, is a strike at the heart of France itself.

The country of France has a rich history, and for centuries upon centuries was known as the "eldest daughter of the Church." The first crusade against the Muslims by Charles Martel took place in France in 732. The Crusades themselves began in France with Bl. Pope Urban II's speech in Clermont in 1095. France was also always regarded as a place of high culture and religion throughout Europe's history. Indeed, the history of Christianity, the Church, and Europe cannot be told without France, and the Cathedral of Notre Dame symbolizes the Catholic, European history that until the revolution of 1789 was what defined France as France.

Regardless of what religion one believes, the fact is that the Cathedral of Notre Dame is a physical representation of the best of France, and to attack the Church is to attack the nation at her very heart, which is what these Muslims did by trying to blow it up then stab the police officers on the scene:

The minister said one of the women had stabbed a police officer during the arrest before being shot and wounded.

The discovery on Saturday night of the Peugeot 607 loaded with seven gas cylinders, six of them full, prompted a counter-terrorism investigation in a country where militants have killed more than 230 people in attacks since January, 2015.

Police sources said no detonator had been found, though the vehicle also contained three jerry cans of diesel fuel, adding to concerns that there had been a plan to explode the car.

"These three women aged 39, 23 and 19 had been radicalised, were fanatics and were in all likelihood preparing an imminent, violent act," Cazeneuve said in a televised statement.

Police have been searching for the 19-year-old daughter of the car's owner, but it was not immediately clear if she was the teenager detained in Thursday's swoop. Seven people have now been detained since Tuesday in connection with the investigation. (source)

The Cathedral was famously attacked and stripped during the 1789 pagan, anti-clerical French Revolution, where the church was desecrated and turned into the center for the short-lived "cult of reason," and was not restored to use until Napoleon's Concordat of 1801 which grudgingly permitted the existence of the Catholic Faith in France. Tension between the French Government and the Church continued to exist and even still does to this day, as the calls of the French Revolution for "egalitarianism, liberty, and fraternity" are a direct attack on the Church and God Himself as they are on European society. Now with the rise of Islam in Europe, enabled by these French and other European socialists, they see their culture, history, and even very race being swallowed up, caused by self-inflicted wounds sustained for many centuries and refusing to allow the Church, which birthed and sustained them, to be restored to her rightful place.

But this attack, as I see it, was more than just the typical Muslim use of attacking Christian places as a sign. Rather, it is a prophecy of the evils coming upon Europe in the same fashion as they did of old for her apostasy.


The Signing of the Tennis Court Oath

For those who read my articles, you may remember how I have pointed out that the French Revolution was prophesized 100 years earlier by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. On June 17th, 1689 she began receiving revelations of Jesus about His Sacred Heart. In one of the messages, He told her to tell the King of France that the Kings had 100 years to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and if they did not, dire consequences would ensue. Each subesquent king laughed this off, and as God is true to His word, on June 17th, 1789- exactly 100 years to the date of the first apparitions- a group of Frenchmen met in secret and signed the Tennis Court Oath which proclaimed themselves the National Assembly, stripped the French King of his power, and for historians marks the beginning of the French Revolution.


How interesting it is that this same example was told to a little Portuguese girl, Lucia dos Santos, who with two other children had visions of St. Mary in which she said that if men do not repent of their sins very grave consequences worldwide would follow. The first vision happened on May 13th, 1917, and right now there are less than eight months to the 100th anniversary, and Fatima still has not been consecrated. It only becomes more ominous when one of NATO's top commanders said war would likely begin in May 2017.


How interesting it also is that the revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is directly connected to the Divine Mercy. Simply put, Divine Mercy is the natural and logical fruit of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The vision of Divine Mercy began shortly after the visions of Fatima with St. Faustina Kowalska, and among the many things that Jesus told her was that as God is both merciful and just, He would send His mercy before bringing His justice, and He said is clearly "You will prepare the way for My final coming." I have written extensively about this here.

The Muslims are attacking Notre Dame Cathedral because they hate Christ and His Church, but this is more than just France. This is the precursor to a far greater conflict- a global conflict- that is building up all around us right now and lest the consecration take place, what happened in France will happen but worldwide.

Please prepare accordingly.

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