
For years, Muslims have been attacking French and English truckers at the port city of Calais. Once a popular vacation spot, it has become the site of one of the largest Muslim ghettoes in Europe. Because the French government refuses to do anything, Calais is a veritable Islamic nation within France and is rife with the worst kinds of crimes that Muslim perpetrate. Muslims there are known to attack and rob truckers who pass through too slowly, and with each year it gets worse. For years, British and French truckers alike have complained incessantly that somebody is going to get killed there because neither government will enforce the basic laws of society there.

That anger reached a breaking point yesterday, when for the first time French farmers and truckers united, taking their vehicles and parking them at Calais effectively setting up a blockade of the port and demanding that the Muslim invaders who terrorize all who pass through must be forced to either integrate into society or return home and the Calais Muslim ghettoes destroyed:

French farmers, truckers and police have all united in a major protest in Calais, France calling on President Hollande to announce specific plans for the demolition of the "Jungle" camp which houses around 7,000-9,000 refugees primarily from Northern Africa and the Middle East.  Farmers and truckers have parked their trucks and tractors on major freeways effectively creating a blockade of the Calais port.

Accorded to RT, violent crime within the camp has been on the rise and presents an increased danger to Calais residents.  Reports have surfaced of some migrants attacking passing motorists, throwing various objects at windscreens and cutting trees in an attempt to hijack vehicles.  There have also been reports of migrants threatening drivers with chainsaws and machetes. (source)

Notice how the anger has been directed at the protesters, when in reality their grievances beyond legitimate. The men leading this protest are working men, many with families, who are actually attempting to do something beneficial for society, unlike the Muslims who, like parasites, attach themselves to society and suck as many benefits as possible out of it while contributing nothing but cultural and moral filth, degeneracy, and violence. These men put their lives in danger each time they pass through these camps, while the Muslims openly commit violence against them and nobody in government cares to help them.

Just over a thousand years ago, the Muslims had a similar city in France that was like Calais. It was the port city of Fraxinetum. Conquered by Muslim slave traders from North Africa, the Muslims used Fraxinetum to harass, attack, and commit highway robberies by land and sea against the native Europeans. None in the French government cared until the Muslims kidnapped St. Majolus, a very holy Benedictine Monk who was passing through the area. After paying the ransom for his release, the anger at the Muslims was so great that William I of Provence led a series of battles that routed the Muslims from Fraxinetum and permanently destroyed their pirate base.


St. Majolus

It is a thousand years later and things still have not changed. Calais will not be free from the Muslims until the French move on those camps and destroy them just like their ancestors did before them, and it will take good men and women of honor, like these farmers and truckers, who understand what is at stake to do something about it to stop them.

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