By Theodore Shoebat
The Bundeswehr (or, the German Army) will be training thousands of Muslim refugees in a hundred skills that will enable them to fight, kill and take over Syria, and then sending them back to Syria where they will be fighting to establish their Islamic government. The skills that the soldiers will learn varies from explosives, bomb disposal, military logistics, etc. The Germans will also be training a team of Muslims to be “management experts,” or special officers who would parachuted into Syria to rule the country. Germany is also planning on participating in this transformation of Syria, to create what German defence minister Ursula von der Leyen called a“recognized, legitimate Syrian government”.
The end result of this scenario is so conspicuous that one can easily prognosticate its end: these very Muslims who are the Germans are training will use the training to advance an Islamic empire. How is this even different from how when the German Nazis trained Muslims to form the Islamic divisions of the Third Reich?
And how, then, does this differ from the times when Protestant Germany conspired with the Muslim Turks in the devastating Thirty Years War, or how they were allies with the Ottomans in WW1? Germany is lifting its veil of modernity and revealing a face of evil that has always been there, masquerading itself from the current masses.
The German government gave tens of thousands of weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition to Kurdish fighters, and those very weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS and other criminals. The very Kurdish fighters for whom the Germans supposedly provided the weapons, sold the arms illegally to terrorist criminals. In the cities of Erbil and Sulaimaniya, for example, German weapons have been found for sale in the black market, with the letters HK, signifying the famous German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch, and Bw, for the Bundeswehr, or German Army.
German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen (L) visits the Bnaslawa training camp for training Peshmerga fighters, in Erbil, Iraq, 27 October 2015.
One ex-Kurdish Peshmerga fighter stated that the standard rifle for the German Army, the G36, once costed $4,000, but now the weapon has been incredibly reduced in price — between $1,450 and $1,800 — because there are so many. The German government provided the Kurds with 12,000 G3 rifles, 8,000 G36 rifles, and 8,000 P1 pistols. These weapons are now being distributed amongst terrorists. One German report states:
“Isis fighters are equipped with numerous G3 battle rifles from German manufacturer Heckler & Koch, as well as German Walther KKJ rifles from the 1960s, according to the report.”
You may say that the German government is innocent of this because the weapons were specified for the Kurds and not Islamist terrorists. But tell me, how could a government as sophisticated as Germany not know that this would happen? If an average citizen like myself can predict that American arms given to “moderate” rebels would end up in the hands of terrorists, then how could the government — which superintends over the whole country and determines the state of lower nations — not know of this most obvious consequence?
Moreover, the German government’s ministry of defense admitted that it doesn’t even know to which Kurdish units received the weapons. If the government’s sole objective is to give weapons to one entity alone — the Kurds — then it should know to which exact units would receive the arms. But it did not. Because arming the Kurds was not the sole objective, and one may even question if it were the objective at all. The weapons were given chaotically, because they were given with the intention to create chaos, to fuel violence and bloodshed. They were given with the knowledge that the weapons would end up into the hands of terrorists, just as the German government is going to be training these Islamic refugees deliberately knowing that they will use their training for pernicious, anti-Christian goals.
Germany giving weapons into a military conflict was hailed by the media as the “the first time it will send weapons into an ongoing conflict since the end of World War II.” Angela Merkel, in regards to this giving of weapons, and in the attempt to sound like a protector for the defenseless, said “The immense suffering of many people cries out, and our own security interests are threatened”. And yet, even though your “security” is in such a critical dilemma, you send weapons without even knowing to which unit they would be going to. You may say that this is just a case of stupidity on the part of government, but secular governments do not do things without internal and calculative interests.
The Germans provided the Kurds with $90 million dollars worth of weaponry, which consisted of sophisticated weapons, such as anti-tank rocket launchers. With so much money spent, and given the severity and volatileness of the region to which they sent the weapons, I find it very difficult to believe the German government, that they would give so much for such a serious reason, without any serious precautions and measures to prevent weapons from going into terrorist hands. And I also am quite incredulous to the idea that Germany would send weapons without knowing that they would be given to Islamic criminals.
It would not surprise me, and nor would it be adventuresome to say, that Germany used the Kurds as a conduit by which to give weapons to criminals to further destabilize the region. Governments are infamous for creating chaos, to only make themselves the Don Quixote who will destroy the disarrayed windmills that they themselves erected. They construct the windmills and call them dragons, and then portray themselves to the people as the tough and heroic leaders who will slay these sensationalized and government funded enemies. State created enemies are what give politicians power. We already know, thanks to Putin, that there are G-20 nations who are financing and supporting ISIS, so I do not see why I must accept the excuses of the German government.
I am not open to the guile notion that we should see it as coincidence that weapons sent by Germany happen to fall into the hands of mass murdering criminals. Its not only to Muslim terrorists that German arms deals distribute their weapons, but to Mexican drug cartels as well. In 2007, the German government approved that its most powerful weapons manufacturer, Heckler & Koch (H&K), give 9,500 rifles to Mexico. Ostensibly, the German government agreed that no weapons would be sent to the Mexican states of Chiapas, Chihuahua, Guerrero and Jalisco. The supposed reason for this exception was the human rights abuses notorious in these states.
The making of this exception does not make much sense on account of the fact that human rights abuses have taken place in other states, even on major levels, especially in states like Tamaulipas where the Las Zetas have slaughtered countless lives. Regardless of this stipulation, the German weapons made their way into the hands of Mexican cartel terrorists who used them in their massacres. We know for a fact that 36 of these very German rifles were used by corrupt officers in Guerrero to open fire on a bus of students on their way to a demonstration against cartel violence. The officers, working for the cartels, took forty three of the students and handed them over to narco terrorists who then executed all of them. Two thousand Heckler & Koch rifles were found in the inventories of the Guerrero police, even though the Germans made an agreement that they would not go to Guerrero. In 2010, activist Jürgen Grässlin filed criminal charges against H&K in Stuttgart, stating:
“The consequences for Mexico will be fatal. In these first years, extremely corrupt Mexican police officers will shoot and kill demonstrators and other defenseless people with these illegally exported German assault rifles. In the years and decades to come the drug mafia there will use them after buying or taking them from the police.”
Regardless of the criminal charges, Stuttgart prosecutors have failed to bring the investigation to court. And despite the fact that Stuttgart state prosecutors have been investigating the company for four years, criminal charges have not been filed. It was not until 2015 that the Customs Criminal Office in the German city of Cologne determined that the German arms manufacturer, Heckler and Koch, sent thousands of weapons to Mexico illegally.
The German government tried to cover up the situation. A senior German official wrote a letter to the military urging them to find out how the information about the illegal weapons distribution got leaked out. This senior official pushed for this information only after Heckler & Koch demanded him to do so. This shows that there was indeed a deliberate cooperation between the German government, Heckler & Koch, and the government of Mexico to distribute weapons to officers of whom it would be known — by the Mexican state — that they would be working with narco terrorists to kill peaceful protestors or any dissidents.
The German government hid behind the supposed deal that they made with Mexico, that weapons cannot go to the states known for human rights abuses. But this does not substantiate that any sort of serious precautions were made. Mexico is a narco state. Giving any weapons to Mexico will be used for the cause of the narco religion that has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the sexual enslavement of hundreds of thousands of women. Any normal citizen can study and comprehend this. The German government, with all of its intelligence, knows this reality, and did know of this reality when it gave weapons to Mexico. There is no such thing as a stupid government. There are careless governments, evil governments, desperate governments, righteous governments, but there are no stupid governments.
Heckler & Koch weapons made their way to Michoacan, which was not listed by Germany as a state that should not receive weapons. Last year it was reported that Mexican police officers in Michoacan, armed with German H&K rifles, killed sixteen members of a citizen police force while they were protesting against the government dissolving them without paying their salaries and without allowing them to fight the Templars, an evangelical terrorist cartel that has conducted its reign of terror for years in Michoacan. Over a hundred people gathered together for the assembly, but it ended in bloodshed. Mexican officers screamed “Kill them like dogs” as they opened fire on them.
Mexican journalist, Humbero Padgett, has done an investigative piece on Germany’s distribution of weapons into Mexico in which he states:
Germany no longer brings the war [into its] home, but spreads it around the world. …With the arms of Heckler and Koch — a rifle, a submachine gun and a pistol born in Germany and carried by Mexicans soldiers— they [Mexican officers] have carried out dozens of extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, rape, torture and illegal detention over the past four decades.
In the small Mexican town of Tlatlaya, Mexican soldiered butchered between 15 and 22 people; one of the victims was a 15 year old girl. They were killed with German Heckler and Koch firearms. The father of the young girl recounted:
“They left my daughter dying for an hour. Then they dragged her and her belly and legs were scraped. One of the soldiers turned. He had the gun in his waistband and he pulled it in front of her mother, the officer shot her eight or nine times on the chest.”
German weapons ended up in the hands of the Knights Templars, a major evangelical cult that is influenced by the American evangelical writer, John Eldredge, and their founder, Nazario Moreno, an ex-Catholic who converted to American evangelical Christianity while staying in the US.
The US government elusively used Turkey as a conduit by which to distribute weapons into Syria, and thus into terrorist hands, as a way to disguise their giving of arms to criminals. The Germans are no different in this case. Germany gives these weapons to the Kurds to supposedly combat ISIS. But yet when Russia began to bomb ISIS, Germany, instead of assisting Russia, joined Turkey to go against Russia. Merkel told Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey’s prime minister, that she was “not just appalled but horrified” of Russia’s bombing of Syria. I did not see Merkel say that she was “not just appalled but horrified” at the fact that her government sent weapons into Syria that are now being used for terrorist objectives.
I did not see Merkel, nor any of these hitleric parasites in the German government, express any sort of objection or moral indignation against the Turkish government when the Islamic terrorists they are supporting entered the Christian Armenian town of Kessab in 2014 and killed over eighty Christians and desecrated their churches. It was quickly found out, because of a leaked conversation, that the Turkish government armed the terrorists who killed these Christians and actually orchestrated the massacre.
Let history reveal the current reality. Turkey, a nation that orchestrated the holocaust of millions of Armenian, Assyrian and Syriac Christians, and other Christians, why would they change all of a sudden? Because they appear modern? An entire population may own iPhones and still be deranged and sadistic people.
Germany is a nation that, from the early Middle Ages onwards, has been pernicious to Christendom, a rebel against the Christian Faith. Germany right now is destabilizing Europe by absorbing all of these Islamic refugees. But this is not the first time that Germany has been chaotic to Europe. This is a continual theme and pattern of its history. Germany did not convert from paganism to Christianity, but from paganism to Arianism — the heresy that denies the divinity of Christ. So from its roots it is not a Christian based nation, but one whose foundations consist of the rotting wood of heresy and whose heart is that of antichrist. The Arian Germans would invade North Africa and slaughter orthodox Christians.
The ambition for domination, the insatiable desire for the gain of absolute power through chaos, is deeply rooted in the history of the Germans. Here is a brief history lesson.
In the fourth century, a civil war commenced amongst the German Goths, between two leaders, Fritigernes and Athanaric. When the latter was being overpowered by the former, he pleaded to the emperor Valens for help, and he complied. The emperor ordered that troops stationed in Thrace march to assist the weaker German army. They utterly routed the armies of Fritigernes, and brought victory. Athanaric desired to express his gratitude toward Valens, and so left paganism and converted to Arianism (the religion of the emperor). At this time there was a Goth named Wulfia, whose name literally means, “little wolf,” and surely this is what he was. For this little wolf was the one who preached Arianism to the Goths. He translated the Bible from Greek to Goth to misconstrue its passages in order to teach Arianism, and the Goths embraced the heresy whole heartedly. (See Procopius, 3.2; Socrates, 2.41; 4.32)
First page of the Codex Argenteus, the oldest surviving manuscript of Wulfila’s 4th century Bible translation.
The Christian world was faced with hearty barbarians, strong in body and violently fueled by the wiles of heresy, and who were much crueler then the Arian heretics of the Middle East. St. Ambrose would later write of their barbarisms and how much it spread throughout the empire:
No desire have I to recount the deaths, tortures, and banishments of confessors, the offices of the faithful made into presents for traitors. Have we not heard, from all along the border,–from Thrace, and through Dacia by the river, Moesia, and all Valeria of the Pannonians,–a mingled tumult of blasphemers preaching and barbarians invading? What profit could neighbors so bloodthirsty bring us, or how could the Roman State be safe with such defenders. (St. Ambrose, On The Christian Faith, 2.16)
Some time after this, the Huns charged into the territory of the Goths, and drove them from their rugged abode. The current emperor at the time, Valens, having compassion for his fellow Arians, took the Goths and placed them in parts of Thrace. The emperor believed that these heretical Germanians would make great guards to protect the empire, and he showed much more favor for them than the veteran soldiers who struggled so long to defend the empire. He despised the veterans, and put his reliance on his fellow heretics. (Socrates, 4.34)
And what was the result of allowing Arianism to take such a hold of the empire? The result was war. Arian Goths turned against the empire that helped them, and devastated all of Thrace with pillage and slaughter. (Socrates, 4.35) They sacked the region, and now headed toward that most holy city of Christendom, Constantinople. What is quite profound in all this is that the city of Constantinople was always the target of Christendom’s enemies. The Persian Zoroastrians tried to conquer it; the German Arians wanted to take it, and eventually the Muslims, under the command of Muhammad, took it. Constantinople is one of the most holiest cities in Christianity, and thus it is of no surprise as to why Satan would want to take such a metropolis for his diabolical influence.
The people of the city expressed their rage at the emperor, for it was he who brought the heretical Germans into the empire. And so great was this frustration, that one could hear in the colosseum the people cry out, “Give us arms, and we ourselves will fight.”
Valens had no choice but to attack his fellow Arians. He marched against them with an army, vanquished them, and drove them out as far as Adrianople in Thrace. (Socrates, 4.38) But this did not discourage the heretics, for they gathered another army and returned to the very walls of Constantinople, ready for another fight. This invasion was not responded to by the government military, but by the people, who armed themselves with whatever weapons they could possess, formed an efficient militia, and prepared for a defensive crusade against the Arian Germans.
There was even an army of Arabs who joined the ranks of the Christians. The Arian Goths attacked, but the people defended Christendom with all their exertion, fighting and striking with as much force as they could gather. Their defense was effective, and the Goths retreated a great distance away from the glorious city. (Socrates, 5.1)
Before Valens helped the Goths enter the empire, he, filled with paranoia as to who would take his place in the throne, consulted with a demon through necromancy, or communicating with the dead. He asked the demon who would take the throne from him, and it presented him with four letters — Q, E, O, D,– and said that the name of his successor would have these letters, and that it was a compound name.
The answer was ambiguous and left Valens no actual conclusion, and so it drove him to madness, not knowing who exactly was to take his place. With the devils now influencing him, he concluded that the omen was speaking of someone named Theodore, or a name like it. With this, he massacred anyone with the names Theodore, Theodotus, Theodosius, Theodolus, and the like, and so much was the bloodshed that people began to change their names. (Socrates, 4.19)
But there was one man, who did not change his name, and that was Theodosius, and it was this man who took the throne after Valens died. Theodore means “Gift of God,” and surely did this man fit this title. Theodosius was a defender of Orthodoxy, protector of Christendom, and guard against the heretics. He, alongside Gratian, took up his sword, and his cross, and led an army into battle against the Arians, and made victory over them. (Socrates, 5.6)
Theodosius exemplified a true Christian leader. For he not only defeated the physical threat of the Arian Goths, but the spiritual threat from within the empire that brought about the actual invasion to begin with. He attacked the problem — heresy — as opposed to just dealing with the symptom to the problem — physical violence against the Church.
While it was noble, just and valorou that Theodosius defeated the Arians, he made a detrimental decision that would have ramifications lasting centuries later: he allowed the Arians to organize their own gatherings and services. (Socrates, 5.20) Because he did not obliterate and uproot the Arian heresy entirely, Arianism would, hundreds of years later, expand into Arabia, influence Muhammad, and spawn Islam.
Another disastrous consequence of Theodosius’ leniency on the Arians was the the Germanic Arians who lived within the empire were left untouched, and allowed to observe the pernicious and violent heresy.
There was a Goth within the Roman military named Gainas; he was a master warrior, and rose above the ranks, eventually becoming a general-in-chief of the Roman cavalry and infantry. (Socrates, 6.6) While he was allowed and enabled, with Roman freedom, to obtain such a prestigious position, there was one thing about Gainas that was very dangerous: he was an Arian.
The modern mind would ignore his religion, as though it was not relevant to his military accomplishments. It would be said, “He has risked his life to defend his country, keep his religion out of it!” But let us see the consequences of tolerating the Arian heresy, and we shall witness just how detrimental religious freedom was.
Gainas was not just a good soldier, but a very religious man, a fanatic for the Arian heresy. He sympathized with his fellow Arians, since they did not have an Arian church in Constantinople, and was determined to use his military position to obtain for them an edifice for their heretical worship. He requested from the emperor, Arcadius, that one of the churches in Constantinople be given to the Arians, but this was opposed by St. John Chrysostom, and thus it was denied. (Socrates, 6.5-6)
Gainas called for the Arian Goths of his own country, brought them into the empire, and gave his relatives high positions in the military. One of these relatives was Tribigildus, and he was given the command over the forces of Phrygia, and Gainas secretly ordered him to spark a violent revolt in this land.
When the emperor, Arcadius, heard of the revolt, he sent Gainus and the whole army of heretic Goths to stop the riots. This was all in accordance to the plan: create a disaster in the region, and then use the disaster as an opportunity to invade the region under the guise of bringing stability. It was a classic strategy.
Gainas charged into Phrygia, and instead of stopping the revolt, he joined it, intensifying the violence, and escalating the chaos and confusion that inflicted the Christian Greeks. (Socrates, 6.6) Now the heretics ruled Phrygia, and such was a result of religious toleration toward Arianism.
Gainas gathered his men and set his thirsty eyes on the holy city of Constantinople. When the evening came, he sent an immense body of Arian Goths to the palace within the city to set it to flames.
When the heretics arrived to wreak their havoc, they saw something that surpassed their carnal minds, and transcended all temporal existence: they saw men of a colossal stature, and of incredible height, taller than any men they had ever seen. These gigantic men pierced the hearts of the savage heretics with such fear, that they could no longer gaze upon their magnificent bodies, but fled. They returned to Gainas and told him everything their weary eyes had seen, and such news could not penetrate the mind of the barbarian.
He refused to believe it, knowing that the Roman army did not have such unimaginable warriors. Gainas sent another army, and when they arrived their minds were immediately staggered by the site of them, and it was obvious that these surely were not men, but angels, sent by God to protect His glorious city. They were soldiers of Heaven’s army, of whom David spoke when he wrote, “The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels” (Psalm 68:17) Their souls were struck by the blade of such a heavenly sight, and they retreated in utter freight. Gainas was most exasperated by this, and decided that he now would lead his troops himself into Constantinople, and take the sacred metropolis.
When he arrived, he saw the lofty men that his warriors were trepidatious over, and deemed them only as mere men. But he was baffled by them, and desisted from his first attempt and decided that another strategy would have to be utilized. Gainas pretended to be possessed by demonic spirits, and rushed into the Church of St. John the Apostle, where he acted as though he was praying.
This was done as a distraction from what his soldiers were doing. Several Goths went to the front of the city gates, pulled out some concealed swords and slew the guards. The Christians within the city were terrified at the news of this bloodshed, sudden doom seemed so near, and a tumult of horror spread across the populace. The emperor Arcadius had to make a decision in order to preserve the empire and save the city from the coming horde of heretics.
He declared Gainas an enemy of the state, and ordered that all of the Arian Goths in the city be exterminated. The next day, not soldiers, but regular Christian folk, took up their weapons and attacked the Goths, unleashing a proficient tempest of onslaughts, and slaughtering many of them. The Goths tried to hide in their church, but the people killed a numerous amount of them, and set their entire church on fire. Gainas, hearing what had happened, fled to Thrace where he was stopped by a body of Roman soldiers and put to death. (Socrates, 6.6)
Out of all the cities in the world, the Muslims target the most holiest: Jerusalem, Constantinople, and Rome. In the mind of every Muslim, Rome must be conquered and made into an Islamic city. This is because it is the center for Christianity in the West. Arianism, Islam’s parent, also wanted to conquer and destroy Rome, as did the German Nazis in the modern era.
Like the Muslims today and of antiquity, the Arians treated all of Christendom as enemy land, and in particular, wanted to destroy Rome, one of the holy cities of God. A black haze of sinister spirits permeated throughout the sacred land of the true Faith, and the eternal path of the Spirit, was sought out for destruction by the advancers of Antichrist. The German Arian named Alaric, pointed his sword upward as to defy Heaven, and aspired to shatter Orthodoxy for his love of heresy.
He marched with an army towards Rome, center of the Church Militant for the western saints. As he treaded upon the earth and came closer to the eternal city, a pious monk approached him, and encouraged him to throw away his fleshy ambition for bloodshed and dominance. Alaric’s response only evinced what demonic forces were involved in his envisage to destroy Rome:
I am not going in this course of my own will; but there is something that irresistibly impels me daily, saying, ‘Proceed to Rome, and desolate that city.’ (Socrates, 7.10)
His words reflected the diabolical influence that was in his mind. The devil wanted Rome, and still does, and he was using the Arians as a means to this end. As he marched he was ambushed by a mighty army of Thessalians, filled with apostolic fury and Christian zeal. They overtook the Arians, and slaughtered three thousand of Alaric’s men. But the Arian Goths managed to continued on, and struck Rome.
They pillaged without stopping; they saw some of the most magnificent Christian structures, and set them on fire, burning them to the ground; they seized many of the prestigious senators, accused them with all sorts of calumny, and put them to death. After much Christian blood was shed, there came the Christian army, headed toward the spiritual head of Christendom. Alaric heard of the approaching forces, and being filled with terror, retreated out of the city alongside his men. (Socrates, 7.10)
They destroyed the cities which they captured, and so much destruction did they cause south of the Ionian Gulf, that it was hard to believe that one could find a tower or gate remaining amidst the chaos. (Procopius, 3.2)
From the earliest history of Islam the Muslims invaded Christian lands, conquering Spain, North Africa, all of the Middle East and much of Eastern Europe, forging a major empire. The German Arians were no different. They overran Spain and wrested Libya from the Roman Empire. (Procopius, 3.2; 3.4)
After making alliances with the Moors, the leader of the Vandalic Arians, Gizeric, made several invasions over Sicily and Italy, enslaving entire cities and razing others to the ground. He plundered Illyricum and most of the Peloponnesus. His motivation had a religious basis, and as the Muslims believe that the countries they fight with are Allah’s enemies, Gizeric said that he wished to war “Plainly against those with whom God is angry.” (Procopius, Wars, 3.5)
Gizeric overtook the Greek island of Zacynthus, took five hundred people, and when he reached the Adriatic sea, he cut them all into small pieces and dumped them into the sea. (Procopius, Wars, 3.22)
Gizeric’s successor, Honoric, was most cruel to the Christians of Libya. Like the Muslims, he ordered them to deny the Trinity and accept the heresy of Arius. Those who refused he burnt alive, and upon others he cut their tongues from the very roots. They marched into Tunisia, seized the priests and beat them ruthlessly with many blows. The king of the Moors, Cabaon, was not a Christian, but he respected the Faith, and wished for God to help drive out the Arians. A clash eventually took place with the heretics fleeing for their lives and many of them being killed by the Moors. (Procopius, Wars, 3.8)
This history lesson shows that Germany — from the fourth century, to the Thirty Years War, to the World Wars — has been notorious for choosing the interest of heresy against Christendom. The current government of Germany is bringing in over a million Muslims who want to destroy Rome — the city the Goths once sacked —, and is working with the Muslim leaders in Turkey, the very people who control the former Christian city of Constantinople, the very city the the ancestors of Germany tried to vanquish. Lets not forget that Germany is the birthplace for the Protestant Reformation, a very violent movement that broke Europe apart and forced it into hundreds of years of war in which millions died.
Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, wrote that the Islamic refugees were a danger to the Christian identity of Europe, writing that “Those arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims… This is an important question, because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity. …Those arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims… This is an important question, because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity.” Who went against Hungary for blocking the entry of the Muslim refugees? Germany.
Ursula von der Leyen said that what Hungary is doing “is against the European rules,” and that “those who are war refugees and fleeing civil war and terror, and those who need political asylum — it is our principle that they have to get shelter, and … to get asylum here in Germany.”
Germany, a nation that has caused such division in Europe, is today causing division and chaos in Europe. Should this truly be a coincidence? Considering the history of Germany, not at all. Germany is still an evil nation. In December of 1989, after the Berlin Wall was taken down and East and West Germany established reunification, Margaret Thatcher stated: “We defeated the Germans twice – and now they’re back!” The economic restoration of Germany was very much thanks to Nazi industrialists who benefited from, and funded, the Third Reich. Paul Manning, who was a war correspondent in WW2 for CBS Radio, wrote an entire investigation showing how Martin Bormann, the head of the Nazi Party Chancellery, was already financially planning on how Germany was going to again be an economic superpower before the war even ended. Manning writes:
There are those who wish him [Bormann] dead and continue to claim he is; for were he to emerge, it would embarrass the governments that assisted in his escape, the industrial and financial leaders who benefited from his acumen and transferred their capital to neutral nations in the closing days of World War II, and the business of four continents who profited from the 750 corporations he established through-out the world as depositories of money, patents, bearer bonds, and shares in blue chip industries in the United States and Europe. (preface, p. 11)
Martin Bormann, through the voice of an emissary, told an assembly of Nazi industrialists in Strasbourg, on August 10th, 1944:
The war cannot be won by us; we must take steps in preparation for a postwar commercial campaign
Mr. Manning continues to say, based on his research and study, that this plan for Germany’s revival was made possible “by putting into action his new German state policy: the flight of capital— that is to say, money, patents, scientists, administrators— to neutral stations where this wealth would develop free of seizure by the Allies. This Bormann program of flight capital to safe havens, together with the endeavors of the German people, the grants of Marshall Plan money for reconstruction of factories, and the investment money that eventually found its way back home, moved the new West German Federal Republic forward to its present prosperity.” (preface, p. 18) This meeting was ordered by Martin Bormann, and the emissary that was there to represent and speak for him was SS Obergruppenfueherer Scheid, a lieutenant general in the Waffen SS Division. Through this emissary, Bormann stated: “The steps to be taken as a result of this meeting will determine the postwar future of Germany.” (ch. 1, p. 23) Bormann went on to say:
German industry must realize that the war cannot now be won, and must take steps to prepare for a postwar commercial campaign which will in time insure the economic resurgence of Germany.
Twelve Nazi industrialists were present to represent very powerful and wealthy German companies, in a meeting that was done to prepare for the coming Fourth Reich that would be forged through economic revival on the part of elite German industrialists and the wealth of their industries. The meeting was recorded in what is known as the Red House Report. Mr. Manning writes:
A transcript of that meeting is in my possession. It is a captured German document from the files of the U.S. Treasury Department, and states who was present and what was said, as the economy of the Third Reich was projected onto a postwar profit-seeking track.
He then lists the companies’ names and representatives as follows:
“Present were Dr. Kaspar representing Krupp, Dr. Tolle representing Rochling, Dr. Sinceren representing Messerschmitt, Drs. Kopp, Vier, and Beerwanger representing Rheinmetall, Captain Haberkorn and Dr. Ruhe representing Bussing, Drs. Ellenmayer and Kardos representing Volkswagenwerk, engineers Drose, Yanchew, and Koppshem representing various factories in Posen, Poland (Drose, Yanchew, & Co., Brown-Boveri, Herkulesweke, Bushwerke, and Stadtwerke); Dr. Meyer, an official of the German Naval Ministry in Paris; and Dr. Strossner of the Ministry of Armament, Paris.” (ch. 1, p. 24)
Scheid, reading from the script written by Bormann, spoke more of Germany’s plan to restore itself after the war through the flight money of these companies:
From now on, German industry must take steps in preparation for a post-war commercial campaign, with each industrial firm making new contacts and alliances with foreign firms. This must be done individually and without attracting any suspicion. However, the party and the Third Reich will stand behind every firm with permissive and financial support. (ch. 1, p. 25)
Bormann’s strategy was to work with American industrialists who had made pacts with German Nazi companies. In the same meeting Scheid pointed to the fact that “patents for stainless steel belonged to the Chemical Foundation, Inc., New York, and the Krupp Company of Germany, jointly, that of the United States Steel Corporation, Carnegie, Illinois, American Steel & Wire, National Tube, etc., where thereby under an obligation to work with the Krupp concern.” Scheid also made reference to the Zeiss Company, the Leica Company, and the Hamburg-Amerika Line as common firms that had been very proficient in protecting German Nazi interests abroad.
After the meeting, several of these representatives left for the Rhine and Germany where they would “spread the word among their peers in industry about the new industrial goals for the postwar years.” Another conference was conducted in the afternoon and was attended by one Dr. Boss of the German Armaments Ministry, and as well as the representatives of the German companies of Hecko, Krupp, and Rochling. Dr. Boss made it clear that, although “the war was all but lost,” “it would be continued by Germany until certain goals to insure the economic resurgence of Germany after the war had been achieved.” Dr. Bosse articulated his plan for a future German empire that would restore itself after the war through the financial support of major German companies:
From now on, the government in Berlin will allocate large sums to industrialists so that each can establish a secure post-war foundation in foreign countries. Existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the party in order that a strong German empire can be created after defeat. It is almost immediately required that the large factories in Germany establish small technical offices of research bureaus which will be absolutely independent and have no connection with the factory. These bureaus will receive plans and drawings of new weapons, as well as documents which they will need to continue their research. These special offices are to be established in large cities where security is better, although some might be formed in small villages near sources of hydroelectric power, where these party members can pretend to be studying the development of water resources for benefit of any Allied investigators. (ch. 1, p. 26)
The most powerful company that worked to fulfill the plan of the economic rebirth of Germany after the war, was the chemical industry conglomerate I.G. Farben, the largest single earner of foreign exchange operations in Germany during the years of the Third Reich. It controlled 380 companies with factories, mines, power installations, and chemical establishments. I.G. Farben also had a participation in over 500 firms outside of Germany, and it operated in 93 countries. The company grew as the Third Reich grew, and every country that Germany conquered, there was I.G. Farben erecting factories, expanding its investments to 7 billion Riechsmarks, and enslaving the local populations of the conquered to work in forced labor camps. I.G. Farben had a rubber factory right at Auschwitz. Today, I.G. Farben is known as its successor company, the German multinational chemical and pharmaceutical company, Bayer.
Other major German elitists such as Alfried Krupp von Bohlen used slave labor and plundered businesses in France and the Netherlands, crimes that he would eventually be found guilty of after the war. Part of the plan was for the German government to distribute huge sums of money to these industrialists who would then save the money in foreign countries. The funds were to be channeled through two banks in Zurich, or by agencies in Switzerland which purchased property in Switzerland for German interests.
The Nazis had been secretly sending money through neutral countries for years. The Swiss banks, specifically the Swiss National Bank, happily took gold that was stolen by the Nazis in other countries they invaded. They also, without hesitation, received assets and property titles stolen by the Nazis from Jewish businessmen in Germany and Nazi occupied countries. The collaboration between the Swiss and the Nazis were closely monitored by Allied intelligence. All of the wealth accumulated by the Nazis was made through bloodshed, and they intended to resume Germany’s power after the war. The money that would be transferred to industrialists and distributed to neutral countries was to be kept for the restoration of a German empire.
In the winter of 1943, Otto Ohlendorf, an SS leader who was responsible for the murder of 90,000 people, was transferred to the Ministry of Economics where he would already begin preparing for a pan-European massive economic empire after the war.
Ohlendorf took a special interest in Ludwig Erhard, a German economist, on account of his manuscript on how Germany could transition to a post-war economy after its defeat. Although it is said that Erhard rejected Nazism, he did not have an issue with working with an SS leader and mass murderer such as Ohlendorf, to guarantee Germany being a superpower after the war. Both Ohlendorf and Erhard agreed that Germany would need “rapid monetary stabilization through a stable currency unit.” This “unit” would become the Deutschmark, introduced in 1948. This currency was very successful and it reinvigorated the German economy.
Despite the destruction that the war caused, by 1948 Germany had a capital stock of assets that were stronger than what it had in 1936. Erhard pontificated and wondered as to how the German economy could expand across a war torn Europe. The conclusion was that Europe needed supranationalism, or the giving up of national sovereignty to an international body. Such an idea would give birth to what is now known as the European Union. It first began with the E.U.’s precursor, the European Coal and Steel Community, established in 1951 by six European states. It established a common market for coal and steal over which it regulated and superintended. This began the gradual dissipation of national sovereignty across Europe, and the absorption of European nations into this collective body.
But before this common market was configured, the Nazis industrialists who were financially backing the Third Reich and their genocide, were pardoned. In 1957, the American High Commissioner for Germany, John J. McCloy, issued an amnesty for German industrialists convicted of war crimes. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting the Nazis, and their own government repaid them by pardoning wealthy elitists who were the financial backers of the very enemy that the US was suppose to be at war with.
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., pushed for a plan that would have eliminated Germany’s ability to wage war by destroying its armament industry and other key industrial entities necessary for military strength. But, John J. McCloy, alongside the US Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, convinced Truman to reject Morgenthau’s proposal and thus enable Germany to keep its industry and military capacity.
The two most powerful Nazi industrialists, Alfred Krupp of Krupp Industries, and Friedrich Flick, whose Flick Group would eventually own a 40% stake of the automobile company Daimler-Benz, were both released from prison after only 3 years behind bars for their crimes. After being released from prison, Flick would raise up a pan-European industrial empire, while remaining unrepentant for his war crimes. According to historian Dr Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, an adviser to Jewish former slave laborers:
For many leading industrial figures close to the Nazi regime, Europe became a cover for pursuing German national interests after the defeat of Hitler … The continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies of post-war Europe is striking. Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leading builders of the European Union.
Another company was Siemens, which provided electric parts for the Nazi death camps and had a plant at Auschwitz. While being powerful under the Third Reich, Siemens also still had enough influence and leverage to censure public criticism of its participation in Nazi genocide. The German satirist F.C. Delius wrote a satire about how Siemens helped establish crematories in the Nazi death camps. Siemens was furious over this and a legal battle ensued, ending in the enforced censuring of the parts of the book that wrote of the industry’s involvement in Nazi extermination. In the later 1995 edition, one can see the lines on the crematories and other atrocities, blacked out. Although it was written in the form of a satire, the book spoke truth in regards to the Nazi connection with the company. Historian S. Jonathan Wiesen wrote:
Siemens ran factories at Ravensbrück and in the Auschwitz subcamp of Bobrek, among others, and the company supplied electrical parts to other concentration and death camps. In the camp factories, abysmal living and working conditions were ubiquitous: malnutrition and death were not uncommon. Recent scholarship has established how, despite German industry’s repeated denials, these camp factories were created, run, and supplied by the SS in conjunction with company officials — sometimes high-level employees.
Hermann Josef Abs is another one of these German elitists who worked for Nazism only to prosper and rebuild Germany’s economy after the war. Abs was an extremely powerful Nazi banker, being the head of the Duetsche bank, and he was a very significant mover of Hitler’s economic strategy for Germany. A fanatic and devout advocate for Hitler, Abs partook in the German tyrant’s economic plan that “performed a planning, shaping, and guiding function in the Nazi economy.” William L. Shirer, an American journalist and war correspondent, reported that the Duetsche bank, under Abs’ direction, was amongst the establishments that played “a pivotal role in the final maneuver which hoisted Hitler to power” (The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 144)
After the war, this German heretic continued his evil and sought to perpetuate German supremacy through economic domination. According to John Loftus, who was part of the Office of Special Investigations, which was charged with prosecuting and deporting Nazi war criminals in the US, “Herman Abs, the president of the Deutsche Bank, used an ‘old school tie’ in Britain to arrange for Nazi money to continue to flow through American cut-outs during the war. Abs had many friends in Britain. One friend, Lord Hartley Shawcross, was Britain’s attorney general and in charge of the Nuremberg Nazi war crimes investigations. At this time U.S. intelligence had prepared a 300-page report on Abs’s alleged war crimes, including financing the construction of the I.G. Farben plan at Auschwitz.” (Lotus, The Secret War Against the Jews, p. 67)
Abs was a member of the European League for Economic Co-operation, a group of elitist intellectuals that was set up in 1946 and that would also be a precursor of the European Union. When Konrad Adenauer took power as West Germany’s first Chancellor in 1949, the Nazi Abs was his most significant advisor. Adenauer also made Ludwig Erhard Germany’s first post-war economics minister, and in 1963 Erhard — a man who worked with the SS — would become Germany’s Chancellor for three years.
These very industries who were the financial foundation for the Third Reich, and in whose work camps 2,700,000 people died, were the same industries that would restore Germany to be an economic superpower, and partake in the creation the EU. British journalist, Adam Lebor, wrote:
Nazi Germany did export massive amounts of capital through neutral countries. German businesses did set up a network of front companies abroad. The German economy did soon recover after 1945.
The Third Reich was defeated militarily, but powerful Nazi-era bankers, industrialists and civil servants, reborn as democrats, soon prospered in the new West Germany. There they worked for a new cause: European economic and political integration.
Is it possible that the Fourth Reich those Nazi industrialists foresaw has, in some part at least, come to pass?
The Germans — just like their ancestors — want to control the European nations, like Catholic Poland, through the EU and through their financial domination, a domination conspired by elitist Nazi financiers. There are very powerful people in Poland who do not believe that Germany has all of a sudden changed from its ways and realized that their Nazi ideology was evil. Germany still wants to control Catholic Poland.
A German EU commissioner, Gunther Oettinger, stated that Poland should be put under supervision because of its plans to put public TV and radio broadcasters under government control.
Poland’s justice minister, Zbigniew Ziobro, responded against Germany, evoking the memory of Poland’s resistance against the Nazis, and how his grandfather took part in the resistance:
I am not in the habit of replying to silly comments on Poland made by foreign politicians … Such words, said by a German politician, cause the worst of connotations among Poles. Also in me. I’m a grandson of a Polish officer, who during World War II fought in the underground National Army with “German supervision”
Moreover, the Polish magazine, Wprost, posted this cover with the headline: “They want to supervise Poland again.”
Even in the year 1995, the German government supported a convicted neo-Nazi leader, Manfred Roeder, who was convicted as an accomplice to a bomb attack that murdered two Vietnamese refugees. An elite German military academy in Hamburg invited Roeder to give a lecture to German military personal “about the need to provide support for people of German ancestry living in East Prussia.”
East Prussia today consists of Poland, Russia and Lithuania. That the German military had this man speak on such an issue coincides with current day German animosity towards Poland and Russia, and leads one to affirm a connection between this and Merkel’s attack against Russia and her pushing Poland to absorb Islamic refugees. In addition to this, German government officials admitted that their military supplied to Roeder’s neo-Nazi organization with old trucks and jeeps.
People in Greece also are aware of how much of an enemy Germany is. On May 30, 1941, the Greek freedom fighter, Manolis Glezos, alongside a comrade, ripped down the Nazi flag that the Germany ecstatically erected after they conquered Greece. Today, Glezos is now the oldest member of the Greek parliament, and still sees Germany as an enemy of Greece. Speaking of his days fighting the Nazis, he says, “That era is still very alive in me,” and continuing on: “German capital dominates Europe and it profits from the misery in Greece… But we don’t need your money.”
He went on to affirm that Germany’s “relationship with Greece is comparable to that between a tyrant and his slaves.”
It is quite amazing how when the war with Germany in WW2 was coming to an end, and the Nazis’ were coming to their defeat, the Nazi elite were already pondering as to what their country was going to be by the year 2000. Joseph Goebbels, the propagandist for the Nazis, on February 25th, 1945, wrote this prediction for the year 2000:
Germany will not be occupied by its enemies in the year 2000. The German nation will be the intellectual leader of civilized humanity. We are earning that right in this war.
Goebbels’ prediction was not utterly off, for by the year 2010, it is said, Germany dominated Europe financially. “Goebbels was only wrong by 10 years,” Glezos says. People in Italy are also very weary of Germany and see its economic domination in light of its Nazi past. Respected Italian journalists, Indro Montanelli and Vittorio Feltri, have said that the euro is a means to a German end, viewing the currency as being reminiscent of the “tank divisions of yore.” Germany expert Luigi Reitani mentioned at a conference in 2014 that some in Italy have begun drawing “a line from the barbarian invasions via Bismarck and Hitler to Merkel.”
France’s former economics minister, Arnaud Montebourg, connected the former German empire of Otto von Bismarck to the government of Angela Merkel, stating, “Bismarck united the German principalities to rule over Europe and, in particular, France. In a shockingly similar way, Angela Merkel seeks to solve her domestic problems by foisting the economic and financial order adhered to by German conservatives onto the rest of Europe.” The French sociologist and political scientist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies in Paris, Emmanuel Todd, warns that Germany is “increasingly pursuing politics of power and of hidden expansion.”
Todd admits that the euro is a French idea that the Germans adopted only to use it to dominate the rest of the continent. Todd said in one conference:
The German dominance of Europe is possible only because of French acceptance. You must realize what the euro is from the point of view of French politicians, whether right wing or left wing. They had the idea, they imposed it on Germany, which accepted it and turned it into a very efficient, German economic instrument. For France, getting out of the euro would mean admitting that our entire political class was hapless. It would be the beginning of a social revolution.
In the same conference the German political thinker Ulrike Guérot called for a push for European countries to renounce political sovereignty:
The nation is an artificial construct, created in a time and place because of the needs it served. The question is whether we want to hold on to this construct. We can’t have globalization, national sovereignty, and democracy. We have to decide what to skip. I don’t want to skip democracy, and I don’t want to skip trade. That means skipping this outdated notion of national sovereignty.
The Frenchman, Todd, reading between the lines of such a statement, responded:
Let me just close by saying that in France we aren’t so keen on Germans telling us it’s time to lose our sovereignty.
Todd, in another interview, has stated that Europe right now is in the midst of a conflict between Germany and Greece, and that this conflict is going to eventually implode into a splitting of the continent:
For me, the striking thing is how the Europe we are dealing with today is no longer the Europe of yesterday. We now have a Europe under the control of Germany and its Baltic and European sidekicks. Under German supervision Europe has been transformed into a system of hierarchies, authoritarian and ‘austeritarian.’ Tsipiras polarizes this northern Europe against southern Europe; the confrontation comes down to Tsipras and Schauble [the German finance minister]. Europe is in the process of splitting down the middle. Regardless of what their governments are saying, I am willing to bet that the Italian people, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, even the English are feeling enormous closeness to Tsipras.
Look to Germany’s history and you will see how it has been the cause for so much war and bloodshed: The German Arians’ invasion of the Roman Empire, all of the violence that came as a result of the German Protestant Reformation, WW1 and WW2. History is a mirror that stares at the face of the future. Looking to Germany’s history, there is no sign that it will suddenly change into a nation of peace. As Todd explains:
The tragic reality of the situation is that Europe is a continent which, during the twentieth century, periodically committed suicide under the supervision of Germany. First there was the Great War, and then there was World War Two. Now it is a much wealthier continent, more peaceable, demilitarized, aging, arthritic. And in a context where things are slowing down, we are witnessing, like a replay, Europe’s third self-destruction, once again under the supervision of Germany.
Todd makes a fascinating observation: the conflict between Germany and Southern Europe transcends economics, and is rooted in the historical clash between Protestant Europe and Catholic Europe:
The political strongholds of the German Social Democrats are in the Protestant regions of Germany. They are even further to the north, even more antagonistic toward the “merry-go-round Catholics” of the continent’s south.
In the end, what it comes down to is not at all a left-right conflict, it is a cultural conflict as ancient as Europe itself.
I have no doubt that if the ghost of [prominent French historian]Fernand Braudel were to emerge from his grave, he would say that we are seeing once again the appearance of the frontiers of the Roman empire.Countries that are really influenced by Roman universalism find themselves instinctively siding with a reasonable Europe, meaning a Europe whose natural inclinations are not toward authoritarianism and masochism, but a Europe that understands that austerity plans are self destructive, suicidal.
On the other side there is the Europe that is more inclined toward the Lutheran world; which is the world of two-thirds of Germany, most of the Baltic and Scandinavian countries, and you might add to it the Polish sidekick; even though Poland is Catholic, it never belonged to the Roman Empire. Really, what is surfacing is something extraordinarily deep.”
During the Thirty Years’ War, that most violent war between German Protestants and European Catholics, the Germans wanted to invade Catholic Poland with 400,000 troops, and made an agreement with the Turkish Ottoman Muslim Empire in which the Islamics agreed to give 60,000 troops for the exchange of an annual tribute to the Sultan. Today, we have the Germans working with the same Turkey, supporting countless Muslim refugees in their invasion, and pushing Poland to open its borders for these invaders.
In September of 2012, there was a conference in Turkey in which Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that the year 2071 would be the target year in which Turkey would again become a great and powerful superpower. Why 2071? Because 2071 would be the thousand year anniversary for the Battle of Manzikert of 1071, in which the Muslim Seljuk Turks defeated the Byzantine Empire, a victory that would transform the Seljuks from being a just a mere body of bandits into an empire. It would be the beginning of the decline of Christendom, and this is the aim of Turkey. In this same meeting, there was not a single representative for a European country, except for one: Germany.
The German present was the former Chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schroder, a long time friend of Erdogan. Schroder attacked former slaves for suing Nazi supporting companies for their enslavement of them, describing the lawsuits as “a campaign being led against German industry and our country.” The Nazi supporting companies that brought Germany back to the top, are still protected by government officials, regardless of their supposed “repentance” of the Holocaust. Erdogan happily receives the support from the Nazi sympathizing Schroeder.
In the wars between Catholics and Protestants, German Protestants sided with the Muslims for the cause of destroying Christendom. This was the case in the Thirty Years War, and it was also this way in WW2, in which the Nazis wanted to kill Pope Pius XII. Now we see Germany with a rising Protestantism in politics, alongside its absorption of Islamic refugees and its attempted leveraging of the rest of Europe to receive them. In 1990, the General Secretary for the Christian Democratic Union (Angela Merkel’s party), Volker Rühe, stated that the party would soon become “more northern, more eastern, and more Protestant”. This has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Merkel is an Evangelical Lutheran whose father was a pastor; the president of Germany, Joachim Gauck, is an Evangelical pastor. Merkel has advocated for what has been called “political Protestantism.” Her party is also under the umbrella of the Evangelical Task Force.
What are the odds? In the fourth century the German Arian heretics sacked Rome and tried to destroy Constantinople. When the Turks were heading for Belgrade in 1521, Pope Leo X sent money to Hungary to assist their defenses. Charles V of Spain was urged to help the cause, but he was prevented by the insurrection caused by the followers of Luther. Luther himself said that “to fight against the Turks is to resist the Lord, who visits our sins with such rods.” The Lutheran members of the Diet of Worms in 1521, refused to give any help to Hungary. Because of this lack of unity, Belgrade fell that same year. To the Protestants, the word “crusade” was associated with “Catholic”, and therefore deserved nothing but contempt. The Peasants’ War–which was ignited by Luther’s teachings–prevented Charles V from sending troops, and when they finally did arrive they were two days late because the Protestant members of the Diet of Speyer would not dispatch them in time.
In the Thirty Years’ War, in the 17th century, German Protestants conspired with the Turks to fight the Catholics, and this led to the Muslims attacking and defeating Catholic Poland. In WW1, the Germans and the Ottomans were allies against the very Catholic friendly Christian, General Allenby, who took party in a beautifully animate and large Catholic procession in Jerusalem before defending the Holy City.
In WW2, the Germans invaded Catholic Poland while working with the Muslim Albanians and Bosnians. And now, here we are, with modern day Germany collaborating with Turkey to bring in multitudes of Muslims into the whole of Europe. Is this a coincidence? History tells us no. On May 4th, 1945, Albert Speer, Hitler’s architect, announced in his radio broadcast that “the destruction that has been inflicted on Germany can only be compared to that of the Thirty Years War.” (See Wilson, The Thirty Years War)
History is a continual record, playing the same song with the same morbid tune, and in between the song of a pernicious nation is the soliloquy of either despair or savagery. With Germany, it is the same song, playing over and over again: to conquer, only to lose with devastation in the end. Will Germany be yet again another enemy of humanity? Conventional assumptions tell us no. History tell us yes.
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