

In a landmark ruling, Swedish courts have decided that “migrants” may drive for up to two years without a driver’s license or other proper documentation. Native Swedes, however, face jail time for driving without a license. Via Breitbart:

Because of Sweden’s driving laws, any migrant who can claim they have lost their driving licence and can’t write home to get a new one sent will now have 12 months grace and legal driving without a licence. With the ‘refugee’ application process now taking upwards of one and a half years in practice individuals will be free to drive without passing a test for two and a half years.

Committing a similar offence, a native Swede could expect fines of thousands of Kronor, or jail time for repeat offenders.

The safety implications of the ruling are clear to police officers, with traffic cop Stefan Palm making an appeal to newly legal-unlicensed drivers to please “calm down before driving”. He was dissatisfied with the ruling, and said it should be up to migrants to prove they were able to drive.

Already the number of similar cases are building up, with just one criminal investigator reporting to have 30 similar cases awaiting prosecution, but with the legal precedent set they are unlikely to be successful for the Swedish police.


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