On June 26, 2015, the United States became the 21st country to legalize same-sex marriage. While the US Supreme Court ruled that the denial of marriage licenses and recognition to same-sex couples violates the Due Process and the Equal Protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, we saw many knee-jerk reactions from Americans on the judgement.
THIS is liberal fascist evil at work. As abhorrent as it gets. Christians beware. #WakeUpAmerica #LGBT #SCOTUS https://t.co/Hkf1jMgtBs
— Jake Harrison (@RedStateJake) June 29, 2015
June 26, 2015: the day the twin towers of truth and righteousness were blown up by moral jihadists. — Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) June 26, 2015
Our country is literally going to Hell in a #SCOTUS #LGBT handbasket. Will we fret or fight a good Gospel fight? 
— Chuck O’Neal (@ChuckONeal_) June 26, 2015
Gay love? Say no to the biological absurdity. #lgbt #catholic #trcot #LoveWins #share #SCOTUS #MarriageEquaility http://pic.twitter.com/pIbVomPoR5 — Sacerdotus (@Sacerdotus) June 26, 2015
We must resist and reject judicial tyranny, not retreat. http://t.co/mlzIBw4VoZ
— Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) June 26, 2015
Here’s looking at the 20 countries which legalized same-sex marriage before America, the impact on the first 10, and how their citizens reacted to the landmark ruling:
The Netherlands (2001)
The Netherlands, world’s first country to legalize same-sex marriage, is among the 10 happiest countries in the world.
When the Netherlands opened up marriage for same sex couples Facebook, Instagram and Twitter didn’t exist yet. Just let that sink in. — Evert Groot (@absoluut) June 27, 2015
Belgium (2003)
In 2007, a UNICEF report ranked Belgium the best country for children’s educational well-being.
Belgium legalized same-sex marriage in 2003. In 2011, we elected our first openly gay Prime Minister 
#LoveWins http://t.co/UiTho8zuN1
— The OSINT (@theosint) June 27, 2015
Canada (2005)
Canada did it ten years ago and nothing went to hell. The country was ranked 5th among world’s top 20 happiest countries.
Thank you #SCOTUS for bringing #MarriageEquaility to the #USA. But you haven’t caught up to us in #Canada! http://pic.twitter.com/X9mUgzF8EV — Digital Salon (@Digital_Salon) June 26, 2015
CONGRATS AMERICANS!! We hope you can hear the cheers of your allies all the way from Canada!

— {Jord} (@realjordslife) June 26, 2015
Spain (2005)
In 2009, a survey carried out by OnePoll.com found that Spain has the best lovers in the world.
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