
Watch this video carefully and note the responses of the Muslims in this “focus group” that CBS assembled to talk about the Republican debates. Notice the Muslim around 2:00 who makes the comments highlighted below. Look into his eyes and watch his reaction:

Luntz: “What percent of the Muslim community could potentially be a physical threat to the country?”

Muslim: “In America, maybe less that one percent.”

Another Muslim: “But if Trump keeps doing what he is doing and is elected president, that number will skyrocket.”

Luntz: “So you’re saying that Trump could actually…”

Same Muslim: “Yes. Let me explain. He’s being irresponsible. The American people need to understand that…He’s driving and fueling anger against Americans and abroad.”

No sir, that is not the reason, and you know that as well as everybody else on that panel. The reason why people do not want Islam in America is because of what was happening that same time this interview was taking place, but in the tiny European nation of Macedonia:

Trump 2016.


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