france copy

By Theodore Shoebat

Everyone is putting up the flag of France on their profiles on Facebook, and this is just but another trend that people are picking up. It is another trend that will come and die, like a dry leaf in the fall season; it will come, and it will perish, just like the modish minds that are under the sway of their masters, those who fabricate fads and who command them through the television, through the internet, and through their superficial magazines. You see them all the time in the ads, with their multicolored presentations, under the background of effeminate music, with the face of some evil feminist, telling them to support some cause. They will say, “Support gay marriage!” or “Gay rights are human rights!” Another good example of this was the “Kony 2012” scandal.

One video was released about some warlord in Uganda named Joseph Kony, who hadn’t been seen for years by the Ugandan authorities, and all of a sudden people started to care about this guy. The video got tens of millions of views in a matter of days, and people out of nowhere began to express concern about a warlord who had disappeared for years before the video ever came out. Comments to the likes of “Stop Kony” and “We need to stop Kony now!” filled Facebook and every other social media outlet. In the midst of all this media hype and empty popularity, the video’s director, Jason Russell, was found in the street, completely naked, screaming and slamming his hands on the pavement. If such a film, and such a cause against Kony, was so righteous, tell me how could a noble cause ever be directed by such a deranged individual?

The answer is that such a cause was not righteous. It was not even really a cause. It was a trend. Trends come, and they always die. This is because they are not of the eternal, but of the temporal. Now lets come to the topic of France.

Everyone is flaunting the French flag, as if France was just some innocent nation that was all of a sudden ambushed by outside barbarians. Let us make a number of observations on this. The Syrian refugee invasion that is currently inundating Europe, is a result of Western powers entering the Middle East and supporting terrorists. These terrorists coming from Syria, how do you think they cultivated their violent sensibilities, how do you think they were enabled to cause such damage and wrought such destruction? The Syrian revolution, which commenced back in 2011. It was not just the US that began to support the rebels in Syria. We must remember that it was France that began to push the Americans to support the Islamic rebellion in Syria. In 2012, the night after Obama’s re-election, I wrote this:

“Obama’s re-election has caused a major boost in confidence for countries like Britain and France in their wanting to topple Assad. … Now with Obama re-elected, the Turks, England and France, will be pushing the U.S. more than ever to push for the ousting of Assad, with the help of NATO forces.”     

It was France who pushed the US to support the rebellion, and even in 2014 the French were still pushing the US to assist terrorists who are going against the Assad regime. Well now the French are getting a taste of all of the violence that they fueled in Syria. Perhaps France will change its policies and no longer support the terrorists.

France assisted greatly the Islamic terrorists in Syria. France helped create the jihadist monster in Syria; the monster that has slaughtered tens of thousands, and now they are complaining that the terrorists they helped are doing to them what they helped them do to Syria? They are sad now that some people in their country were killed by the very same groups they helped, to do that which they are now doing to their own countrymen?  This is the epitome of hypocrisy. I really don’t know why we have made a trend of such an event.

In 2013, the socialist leader of France, Francois Hollande, declared was going to be delivering weapons to the Islamic terrorist organization, the Free Syrian Army, who was slaughtering people years before ISIS even existed. In the statement Hollande said:

“On delivering weapons we have always said that we want to control these supplies so that they do indeed go to the Free Syrian Army … because they represent the Syrian National Coalition that we recognize as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people and today they are caught between a hammer and an anvil. The hammer is the air strikes and actions of the Syrian regime and the anvil is radical Islam.”

The US was not the biggest supporter of the rebels in Syria, it was the French. The French were backing all of this darkness in Syria, providing weapons and money to help the terrorists fight Assad and his loyalist forces, in order to destroy the Assad dynasty. What would be the result of getting rid of Assad? Death, destruction, chaos; the slaughter of countless people, the massacre of Christians. Does France care? Do the French liberals care how many people die as a result of their support of this rebellion? No. They couldn’t give a fig. The French government is a terrorist, and yet they are shocked and disturbed when the terrorists they help turns against them?

Its not as though the terrorists just came to France and started killing people. It never works this way. Terrorists need to be enabled, they need to be empowered by some major supporters. The French supported these terrorists, they helped these killers in their evil cause, and now they are seeing the consequences of their pernicious decisions.

In 2012 it was reported that France has emerged as the biggest supporter for Islamic rebels, some of whom are even open Islamist terrorists. Substantial loads of cash were transferred from the French government into Turkey, from where it was transitioned to the terrorists who used the money to purchase their weapons, the very weapons used to commit terrorism, and the very same type of weapons that would be used to slaughter people in France. Amongst the terrorist groups that received the money is Liwa al-Tawhid, which consists of 8,000 terrorists. Liwa al-Tawhid even revealed that they were able to purchase ammunition for the first time, thanks to none other but the French.

Bashar al-Assad and his military are one of the main forces — next to Russia — that is keeping Syria from becoming a pure Islamic state, where Christianity would be outlawed and the terrorists would reign. What does France do? Instead of fighting the terrorists it supports the terrorists and goes against Assad. And what was the result? The terrorists get empowered and now want to invade Europe through left-wing immigration policies in Europe. The very terrorist cause that Europe supported, led to the mass immigration invasion, and the left-wing policies are what got the terrorists in, and these very terrorists are now killing the people who helped them. In fact, Bashar al-Assad said that the Paris attacks were merely a result of France’s support for the rebels, saying:

“Wrong polices adopted by western states, particularly France, towards events in the region, and its ignorance of the support of a number of its allies to terrorists are reasons behind the expansion of terrorism”

The terrorist is attacking the terrorist supporter. The very terrorism that France supported led to the slaughter of 250,000 people in Syria, and now they are complaining when some liberals are killed in a rock concert, by the very terrorism that they helped? When France supports terrorism in France, its not terrorism, but simply helping a revolution. But when the very violence comes to the French, then its terrorism? I guess the lives of Syrians mean less than those of the French?

Now a trend must be made because the attack was in France, while violence that has butchered hundreds of thousands of people in other countries are not worthy of attention? This is the sickness of trends. Human life means nothing for these trends, rather only which nation the violence occurs in, and how much media attention its getting.

We speak of the terrorists who killed French people, but I will tell you this, France is a terrorist nation. The French were bombing and killing Christians, and no one flinched. The French bombed the Serbs in the 90s; the French killed Christians! The French President Jacques Chirac proudly spoke of how France bombed Christian Serbs who were defending themselves against Muslim Albanians. “I know that the French people will understand that we had to act,” Chirac said. “Before the unjustified and incomprehensible obstinacy of President Milosevic, the allies unanimously agreed that there was no other choice than to intervene militarily against targeted Serbian objectives. This in order to contain a tragedy which endangers the stability of the Balkans more and more.” 

Never mind the fact that the Albanians were kidnapping Christian Serbs and dissecting them alive, the French didn’t care about this evil reality, but continued to kill Serbs.     

Muslim Albanians in Kosovo are capturing Christians, dissecting them alive, tearing out their organs, killing the victims, and then selling the organs to Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the two major nations of the Antichrist. We learned this from a local Serbian Christian and veteran Special Forces officer in Serbia’s military, named Lazar. We interviewed him and this is the information he conveyed to us. He said “They also kill people and sell their organs in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.” He then said,

They abduct people in Kosovo, Serbian people — in some cases Albanian people — and they take their organs… they torture the people and take their organs while they are still live.

He added that the victims are mostly “Christian serbs, young women, and men, and also children.” Here is the interview in which he explained this us this

Many will consider it difficult to believe one man’s account. As I questioned Lazar on the issue, he sent me a video of a European documentary by Deutsche Welle which is part of Germany’s International Broadcaster   researched and confirmed how Albanian terrorists were taking organs from Christian Serbs and selling their organs:

The French committed a terrorist attack against Christian Serbs, suffering under the Muslims, and now the liberals in France are suffering under the very people they helped. They need the suffering, God is allowing it to happen to get France to realize that the ways of their ancestors are superior to the secular trash that they have sucked up; the ways of Charles Martel, the ways of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, the ways of Godfrey of Bouillon, the ways of Tancred, the ways of Bohemond, the ways of Hugh I, the ways of St. Louis, the ways of all of those who fought for the supremacy of the Cross and the Christian Faith. These are the men who France should model themselves after, and not feminist garbage or the evil reprobates of Charlie Hebdo. Let France be again a flower and crown of Christendom; let it beam with the light of Christ, let its government put the modernists and sodomites to death and reward the righteous!

I see a lot of people are putting the flag of France on their profile pics. Is this going to be another little trend that everyone starts doing? Lets get one thing straight, Planned Parenthood slaughters more people in a day than what those terrorists ever did.

The Muslims have slaughtered thousands in Nigeria. The cartels in Mexico have butchered tens of thousands. In the San Fernando area in Tamaulipas a cartel slaughtered over 200 people, raping all of the women and cooking people in giant vats of acid, and laughing as they heard human beings scream in agony.
Yet when people in France die, all of a sudden a trend is formed out of it. I guess French people are esteemed more worthy of our consideration than Africans, Mexicans, and unborn children. In the despotism of trends, human beings are a currency. In the exchange rate, one French is worth a thousand Mexicans.

The people who were killed in the rock concert, what were their last words? They were singing a song, “Kiss the devil”. They died, not as martyrs for Christ, but as worshippers of the devil. They were worshipping Satan, and we are suppose to feel sorry for them? The kissed the devil, and the devil came to them and slaughtered them. I say, to hell with them.

The attacks in Paris is part of God’s Providence. Suffering is needed, in order to bring people to the One Who suffered for them.

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