
The Burning Man Festival in Nevada has come to be known as a mecca for artist of all types, who come out to the desert once a year to express themselves in their own unique way. Thousands of dancers, painters, musicians and other creative people turned the desert into a massive art project for a week, and afterwards some of the most popular pieces were posted to social media and shared all over the world.

One art installation in particular, captured the hearts of millions because it touched on a very deep concept that everyone could relate to. The piece was called LOVE, by Ukraine artist Alexandr Milov, and showed a wire frame of two adults sitting back to back, with their heads in their hands in disagreement with one another, while their inner children lit up inside of them reaching out to connect with the other person.

The Free And Equal Facebook page was one of the first to share this piece before it went viral. They attached the following message to their post:

One of the most powerful art pieces at ‪#‎burningman‬ this year: the sculpture of two adults fighting, backs to one another…yet the inner child in them both just wants to connect and love one another. Age has so many beautiful gifts, but one that I could live without is the pride and resentment we hold onto when we are in conflict with others. The forgiving, open and free spirit of children IS OUR TRUE NATURE; and I know I’ll be remembering this next time I’m feeling stubborn.

In many cases, art can show us concepts that are hard to put into words, and this piece is a prime example of how very deep ideas can be conveyed without speaking.

h/t Collective Evolution

John Vibes writes for True Activist and is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter culture and the drug war.

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