Act Out! [29] - Occupy the Senate, TPP free zones & our plastic lives

Act Out! [29] - Occupy the Senate, TPP free zones & our plastic lives

Uncertainty still remains over whether the governor will ultimately approve the bill.

This week, Margaret Flowers thinks it's about fucking time we got some more activists into the halls of the mighty – from occupying the streets to occupying Congress.

Legal experts are very concerned that a new law in the state allowing law enforcement drones to be armed with so-called less-than-lethal weapons – including stun guns, beanbag rounds and tasers – could pose great risks.

Set to deliver record-breaking global temperatures in 2015 and 2016, the world’s climate has reached a major turning point according to a new report from the U.K. Met Office.

6 days 19 hours ago

The U.K. government this week is once again inviting tyrants and human rights abusers to buy weapons and torture equipment – and facing a loud coalition of activists.

6 days 21 min ago

If it wasn’t clear before, it seems quite evident that the tide is turning: big biotech companies are losing influence by the day, and the addition of two more European countries banning GMOs is evidence of that.

5 days 21 hours ago

The UC system has sold off its endowment and pension fund holdings in coal and oil sands companies, a $200-million move that officials said Wednesday was in response to both environmental concerns and rising financial risk in those industries.

4 days 23 hours ago

Buyer beware. And buyer, be aware – the same forces that led to the mass foreclosures and easy acquisition can also make life difficult for even the most earnest property owner.

6 days 19 hours ago

Our problems have nothing to do with what happens in bedrooms or whether women can end their pregnancies. They have have everything to do with what occurs in boardrooms and whether corporations and the wealthy get to undermine our democracy.

An indigenous community called the Ka'apor in northern Brazil is fighting to achieve what the government has long failed to do: halt illegal logging in their corner of the Amazon.

Braving cancelled trains, police truncheons and torrential rain, record numbers of refugees continued to struggle through Europe as the continent remained bitterly divided over how to respond to its biggest migration crisis since the second world war.

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