Radical leftists caused havoc during a lecture Wednesday at the University of North Texas, shutting down a speech by a distraught father who lost custody of his son over transgender issues.
In footage of the incident in Denton, where the Young Conservatives of Texas hosted an event for House candidate Jeff Younger, far-leftists can be seen disrupting the lecture by pounding on desks and shouting, “Fuck these fascists!” and, “Protect trans kids!”
After the lecture was shut down, footage outside the event shows leftists continuing to berate and physically assault the Young Conservatives, as police attempted to evacuate the group to safety.
“The evacuation didn’t work and [Young Conservative member Kelly Neidert] was hidden in a janitor’s closet in a nearby building until it was safe to leave,” the group tweeted.
Footage of @kelly_neidert of our chapter being evacuated from our event. The evacuation didn’t work and she was hidden in a janitor’s closet in a nearby building until it was safe to leave. More footage will be posted later. pic.twitter.com/lDv4GG1Vnr
— YCT UNT (@YctUnt) March 3, 2022
There was an even larger crowd of far-left activists outside the campus event in Denton, Texas advocating for the right of children to be transitioned. YouTuber @alexstein99 recorded video of the angry crowd & shouted at them: pic.twitter.com/VYLxDCVG9d
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) March 3, 2022
The lefty journo who documented the event’s abrupt cancellation later deleted the tweets and locked down their account, reported journalist Andy Ngo.
Breaking: @belkouraisma, the left-wing journalist who documented the far-left shutting down event at U of North Texas in Denton has deleted all the evidence. He scrubbed his tweets related to event after the far-left said they didn’t want videos getting out. https://t.co/TggGiNWwMu
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) March 3, 2022
Screenshots of tweets that left-wing journalist Ismael Belkoura tried to scrub from Twitter. He photographed the event that was shut down by far-left at U of North Texas. He removed the evidence after far-left accounts told him to delete footage. Archive:https://t.co/HHq30Kfhul pic.twitter.com/K8ZRC9WNTl
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) March 3, 2022
Younger made headlines after going through a years-long court battle fighting his ex-wife’s efforts to transition one of their sons into a girl, after which he lost custody of both of his twin sons.
The left’s war on children and parental rights isn’t isolated to America, as seen in recent footage of Australians protesting against new Covid measures affecting their children.
Perth, Australia… flash protest outside the federal family court against new covid mandates on kids.
RESIST 🔥❤️🔥 pic.twitter.com/S2vREv8mlQ
— Pelham (@Resist_05) March 3, 2022
At the same time, leftist LGBTQ+ indoctrination of children is rapidly getting out of hand.
The official New York State Education Dept., for instance, recently promoted a book for “gender-queer” children, despite it containing pornographic content. They later deleted the tweet.
.@NYSEDNews just deleted this tweet https://t.co/vXyETwg1Uk
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 2, 2022
As surmised by media commentator Tim Pool, the deranged left that’s targeting children is more accurately characterized as a “cult.”
this is what a cult looks like https://t.co/LJaHMIIHd7
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) March 3, 2022
Texas Father Has Son Taken From Him By Government To Have A Sex Transition As A Kid
source https://www.infowars.com/posts/this-is-what-a-cult-looks-like-radical-leftists-shut-down-event-for-father-who-lost-custody-of-trans-child
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