A nurse in New York has come forward claiming a pediatric vaccine clinic administered improper mixtures of the Covid jab to children and never informed the public.
The whistleblower, who worked for the companies DocGo and Ambulnz contracted by the state, told Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe that employees weren’t trained to properly formulate the mixtures, which led to at least some patients, including children, being given doses with the wrong diluent.
[embedded content]Moreover, despite the possibility of the diluent cancelling out the vaccine, or inducing adverse reactions, the incidents went unreported to the public.
”It is also unclear if any affected patients were ever notified,” Veritas reports.
Undercover footage filmed by the whistleblower shows a DocGo/Ambulnz worker discussing an instance in which workers “improperly mixed the COVID-19 Vaccine with bacteriostatic water instead of saline solution.”
The video shows nurses were concerned the improper mixture “could cancel out [the protection of the vaccine] or have adverse effects.”
Veritas reached out to a Pfizer representative, who told them they’ve not studied a Covid-19 vaccine mixture with diluents other than sodium chloride [saline solution].
In another part of the video, DocGo/Ambulnz supervisor Guy Banks can be heard telling workers to mix the dosage properly, telling them, “Make sure it’s the right one [diluent]. Some people got the wrong one.”

The whistleblower claims she was told to “YouTube it” when attempting to figure out mixture ratios, and criticized the lack of training.
“On my first day there were no instructions about mixing the vaccine,” she said. “I called the supervisor and asked, ‘how do I dilute this vaccine?’ He told me to ‘YouTube it.’ We were never given an in-service.”
She also complained the vaccine vial boxes contained no inserts listing ingredients.
“There’s no ingredient insert in the box of the vaccinations, so I cannot educate a parent on the vaccine which bothers me because that is my job as a nurse,” the whistleblower told O’Keefe.
Veritas reports the whistleblower felt compelled to speak out because “The potential risk to children who received the botched mixture was so significant.”
Meanwhile, DocGo President Anthony Capone told Veritas the company had no documented instances of bacteriostatic water being used as a diluent.
Capone “added that the footage could be describing ‘wrong stuff pulled from the shelves’ but ultimately replaced before vaccines were administered,” Veritas reports.
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source https://www.infowars.com/posts/children-given-possibly-botched-doses-of-covid-vaccine-nurse-whistleblower-claims
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