The UK Government / MHRA have released the 24th update on adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines which have been reported to the Yellow Card scheme, and this week we delved deeper into the report than ever before and discovered an extremely concerning set of reactions which have been overlooked – birth defects.
The Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) gave emergency approval to the Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA jab on the 8th December 2021. Since this date, the MHRA Yellow Card scheme has been open to the public, doctors, and nurses; allowing them to report any adverse reactions that may have occurred due to any of the Covid-19 vaccines.
The first report released by the UK Government / MHRA in early February covered adverse reactions which had been reported up to the 24th January 2021. This report included reactions such as blindness, stroke, miscarriage, sudden death, and many other fatalities.
Unfortunately in the weeks and months that have followed, the types of reactions, and number of reactions have grown more worrisome and severe by the week.
The twenty-fourth report released by the UK Government / MHRA on the 16th July 2021 covers adverse reactions which have been reported up to the 7th July 2021 to the Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna vaccines. It also includes reports made where the brand of Covid-19 vaccine was not specified.
The following tables shows every disorder grouping and the quantities reported as adverse reactions to each individual Covid-19 vaccine, as well as the overall totals. It has been taken from the analysis print published by the MHRA for each vaccine, they can all be viewed here.

As you can see from the tables above the AstraZeneca viral vector vaccine has caused hundreds of thousands more adverse reactions than any of the other vaccines. But this does not mean the others are safe.
The 245,394 adverse reactions and 456 deaths caused by the Pfizer mRNA jab are ten times the quantity that would have been enough to discontinue any other vaccine, and it looks as if the Moderna jab is starting to head in a similar direction.
The first doses of the Moderna mRNA vaccine were administered to people in the UK on the 7th April 2020, since then the MHRA state that 1.1 million doses have been administered up to the 7th July 2021. There have been 25,627 adverse reactions to the Moderna jab reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme as of the same date, this means that for every 42 doses administered an adverse reaction has been suffered.
The adverse reactions being suffered because of the Moderna jab are not just sore arms or fatigue either. They include things like thrombocytopenia; a condition in which you do not have enough platelets in your blood. If you have a severe form, you can bleed spontaneously in your eyes, gums, or bladder, or bleed too much when you’re injured. There have been 6 reports of thrombocytopenia and 2 reports of immune thrombocytopenia against the Moderna jab so far.

They also include things like cardiac arrest, of which there have been 2 reports, and myocarditis and pericarditis of which there have been 9 reports of each condition against the Moderna jab. These two conditions have quietly been added to the warning label of both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines by the MHRA.
Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, and it has been occurring regularly in young men after they have had their second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna jab.

But there’s another statistic which proves the Moderna jab is something to worry about. The MHRA state in their 24th update that there had been approximately 79.4 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccines administered as of the 7th July 2021. The Moderna jab accounted for just 1.3% of these with 1.1 million doses administered. However, the Moderna jab has caused 25,627 of the 1,059,307 adverse reactions reported for all jabs.
This equates to 2.4% of all reactions reported. Shouldn’t this be closer to 1.3% if we are to believe that the MHRA see no cause for concern with any of the jabs when comparing stats with what would be expected to occur in the general unvaccinated population?
But here’s where it gets extremely concerning with the AstraZeneca vaccine. As of the 7th July approximately 31.3 million doses of the Pfizer jab had been administered. This accounts for 39.4% of the 79.4 million Covid-19 jabs administered at this point. However, the 245,395 adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab only account for 23.16% of the 1,059,307 adverse reactions reported for all of the Covid-19 jabs.
This isn’t because the Pfizer vaccine is proving to be safe, the types of reactions being reported show that it is far from it. It’s because the AstraZeneca vaccine is clearly much more dangerous in the short term.
As of the 7th July approximately 47 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine had been administered. This accounts for 59% of the 79.4 million Covid-19 jabs administered as of this date. However, the 785,519 adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca jab account for a shocking 74.15% of the 1.05 million adverse reactions reported for all of the Covid-19 jabs.
Just like the Moderna jab, these are not just reactions such as a sore arm or bad head. The Pfizer jab has caused 80 cardiac arrests resulting in 30 deaths, whilst the AstraZeneca jab has caused 152 cardiac arrests resulting in 33 deaths.
The Pfizer jab has had 148 reports made against it for deafness. The AstraZeneca jab has had 327 reports made against it for deafness.
72 people have gone blind because of the Pfizer jab, whilst 260 people have gone blind because of the AstraZeneca jab – but these are only the numbers of reports made, the number could be significantly higher.
There have been 368 reports of seizure, 76 reports of paralysis, and 282 reports of ‘cerebrovascular accidents’ due to the Pfizer jab resulting in 12 deaths.
But there have been 1,194 reports of seizure, 280 reports of paralysis, and 1,053 reports of ‘cerebrovascular accidents’ due to the AstraZeneca jab resulting in 39 deaths. A cerebrovascular accident is a type of stroke.
But perhaps the most concerning disorder to have occurred due to the Covid-19 vaccines, is one that has evaded us for the past 23 weeks since the first report was published – Congenital disorders.
A congenital disorder is a medical condition that is present at or before birth. These conditions, also referred to as birth defects, can be acquired during the foetal stage of development or from the genetic makeup of the parents.
There have been 41 birth defects reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine, 75 birth defects reported as adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca vaccine, and 2 birth defects reported as adverse reactions to the Moderna vaccine.
Birth defects which include heart disease, cerebral palsy, foetal malformation, and congenital cystic lung –

As well as extreme pain disorder, limb reduction defect, cystic fibrosis, and Young’s syndrome.

Now you may be thinking 118 birth defects is an insignificant number considering approximately 45 million had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine as of the 7th July 2021. But these were not 45 million pregnant women. The Covid-19 vaccines were not even recommended for use in pregnant women until a couple of months ago – despite the fact there have been no trials to prove their safety.
So how many pregnant women had been vaccinated and given birth in the past two months? Who knows? – The MHRA refuse to tell us, but we imagine 118 reports of birth defects is a significantly high number in relation to that number which the MHRA and NHS most definitely hold but will not publish; especially when you consider the MHRA state just 1% – 10% of adverse reactions are reported.
Unfortunately it does not look like the MHRA will withdraw these dangerous and toxic “vaccines” from use any time soon. Instead they are now lining up everybody for booster jabs in the Autumn, coming for carers if they want to keep their jobs, and soon they will be coming for your children. Which is why it’s so important this information is shared everywhere.
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