The Peoples Union of Britain (PUB) is about to lay charges against the Government for mass murder via the blanket use of the end-of-life pathway throughout the alleged Covid-19 pandemic, which involved overdosing the elderly and vulnerable with morphine and midazolam.
Evidence suggests that the Liverpool Care Pathway returned with a vengeance in April 2020 under the direction of the then Health Secretary Matt Hancock, Government Advisors and NHS Chiefs.
Whilst you stayed at home to protect the NHS, they were placing DNR’s on the elderly and vulnerable, withdrawing their medication, overdosing them with midazolam and morphine, then starving and rehydrating them until they passed away. Then then told you that they were Covid-19 deaths.
You only need to look at the data on national prescriptions for Midazolam Hydrochloride; a drug which caused the exact same symptoms as alleged complications due to Covid-19, to see what really took place throughout the country during this alleged pandemic.

Is it just a coincidence that every time there was a spike in prescriptions for midazolam, a spike in all cause mortality followed soon after?
Is it just a coincidence that every time prescriptions for midazolam fell, a fall in all cause mortality followed soon after?
We don’t believe in coincidences, and neither does lawyer Clare Wills Harrison who has been digging up evidence on the overuse of midazolam in care homes since the middle of 2020.
Clare says that the above graph was produced from interrogation data for out of hospital prescribing of Midazolam, from January 2020 through to March 2021.
“It is critically important to look at All-Cause Mortality, in line with the Midazolam prescribed in this 15 month period.
“This graph looks at all-cause mortality in the over 65’s, broken down into age brackets. The total all-cause mortality for the relevant period is shown by the thick blue line. The Midazolam prescribing has been overlaid onto this, shown in red.
“Is it not an unequivocal mind-blowing fact the prescribing of that drug seems to follow the same peaks and troughs as the deaths?
“What is the mathematical possibility of this happening by accident?
According to lawyer Clare Wills Harrison “there are serious questions which need to be answered about the use of Midazolam over the last 15 months,” and now she along with the PUB are going to attempt to ask them in court.
The PUB say they now have enough “incontrovertible prima facie evidence” to lay a case for mass murder of the very people the UK Governments health policies were supposed to protect. They also insist they have now established a comprehensive database of evidence exposing every individual in the supply chain of Midazolam and Morphine.
So that is exactly what they are going to do, and will be laying charges for mass murder alongside charges for “pandemic fraud” in a magistrate court within the next couple of weeks.
The PUB is also in the process of filing the charges with every Chief Police Officer in the country, and are demanding that the police commence investigations into the overwhelming evidence of democide committed by the UK Government in care homes since March 2020.
Here’s what you need to know about the evidence that is being used to lay charges against the Government –
- Midazolam is a commonly used drug in palliative care, think of it as diazepam on steroids.
- Midazolam is also a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA.
- UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.
- This is because Midazolam can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death.
- At the start of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic Matt Hancock ordered a two year supply of Midazolam and then went back to France for more.
- This was confirmed in a parliamentary committee meeting which included Hancock, Professor Van Tam, and Tory MP; Dr Luke Evans, who said a “good death” needs three things, one of those things being Midazolam.
- At the same time Hancock and the Government changed the law on the certification of deaths under the guise of the coronavirus act.
- And the law on cremations; removing the need for a confirmatory medical certificate.
- And the law on indemnity for health service activity.
- The final And the law on visiting loved ones in care homes; which was banned.
- April and May 2020 saw a huge spike in deaths occurring in care homes, many were attributed to Covid-19.
- In late 2020 the Care Quality Commission found 34% of Health and Social Care workers said they had felt pressured to place ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders on care home residents without informing the resident or their loved ones.
- An Amnesty report also found the blanket use of DNR orders in Care homes.
- The two-year supply of Midazolam purchased at the beginning of the alleged pandemic was gone by October.
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