Two state senators from Oregon have filed a formal petition for a federal grand jury investigation into the Centre for Disease Control’s and Food and Drug Administration’s reporting of Covid-19 deaths.

Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum have jointly filed a formal petition for a federal grand jury investigation into the two federal agencies, backed up with evidence that proves the FDA and CDC have been lying about Covid-19 death statistics.

Included in the official letter are eight exhibits and 20 references for evidentiary materials showing that a full formal investigation is needed to hold the CDC and the FDA accountable for willful misconduct throughout the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

Back in March 2020, for instance, the CDC abruptly changed how death certificates are recorded so that any death from any cause was able to be labelled as a “Covid-19 death.”

The above illustrates how death certificates were recorded prior to March 2020 and how they’re recorded now. The CDC’s data collection and reporting changes come after 17 years of use without incident and significantly alter COVID-19 mortality metrics.

In doing this, the CDC, a private corporation posing as a public health agency, circumvented federal laws and proceeded to hyper inflate the Covid death count. This paved the way for an avalanche of data degradation and destructive public health policies.

Thatcher and Linthicum have been working on their letter and petition for the past nine months with the help of scientific, legal and public policy experts. Their goal is to right all of the Draconian wrongs that has been unleashed on the general public in the name of fighting a “pandemic.”

“What we have learned is worthy of independent State and / or Special Federal Grand Jury Investigation from our vantage point as elected state policy makers,” their letter states.

“Pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 3332 – Powers and Duties and the case law cited within the Formal Grand Jury Petition, we respectfully request that the petition and preliminary supportive documentation be presented to the members of the grand jury we are petitioning for immediate deliberation.”

“The peoples’ trust in their ability to participate in their own governance and be heard by their elected officials is perhaps the most essential element for a thriving free and healthy society,” the letter goes on to state.

“As elected officials it is our sworn duty to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Oregon, the tenets of Informed Consent, and honor our legal obligation to comply with 18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony. We are fulfilling our duty by calling for a Special Federal Grand Jury Investigation, or at the very least an independent state district-led grand jury investigation convened by a judge, into the issues and evidentiary materials presented.”

The letter was sent exactly one month prior to public release to protect those involved, and was addressed to the Honorable Scott E. Asphaug, U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon.

The CDC’s apparent failure to follow established laws comes with great costs to society. Had the CDC not changed course and compromised COVID-19 data, state of emergency conditions and responses would have likely been vastly different — with considerably fewer negative consequences to the American public.

Over the past year, countless loved ones have been forced to die all alone, inflicting significant trauma on them and their family members. Pregnant women have been forced to birth all alone and subjected to other CDC policies that are not evidence-based.

Businesses that individuals spent their lifetime’s building have been forced to close. Children have been unable to attend school. Adults and children have been separated from their peers and their systems of support. Some individuals have been unable to get needed medical assistance; others are stuck at home with their abusers.

In short, the COVID-19 crisis has caused unprecedented upheaval across the globe, fuelling an increase in poverty, food insecurity, financial insecurity, depression, mental illness, suicides, child abuse, domestic violence, substance and alcohol abuse, and more.

Only time will tell whether the petition for a federal grand jury investigation into the Centre for Disease Control’s and Food and Drug Administration’s reporting of Covid-19 deaths is successful.

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source https://theexpose.uk/2021/09/26/us-state-senators-file-petition-for-grand-jury-investigation-into-the-cdc-fda-alleging-they-lied-by-inflating-covid-19-death-data/

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