Institutions located in Switzerland have received US$13,1 billion from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (“BMGF”) since 1998. There are just seven institutions which received 96% of it, a combined US$12,6 billion.
A list of all institutions based in Switzerland and the amounts they have received, and/or has been committed, from BMGF is below. The institutions which make up 96% of the total funding are highlighted in grey.
In a previous article we commented on GAVI and in this article we will comment on the World Health Organisation and, a smaller grantee, The New Humanitarian.
World Health Organisation (“WHO”)
BMGF has paid or committed US$3,4 billion to the WHO based in Switzerland. Additional funds have been committed to WHO offices in other nations. In total BMGF has committed and/or paid US$4,1 billion to WHO worldwide since 1998.
Particularly large payments began in 2008.
To put BMGF’s funding into context we compared their contributions to other WHO contributors for the year 2019. The annex to the WHO’s financial statements, “Voluntary contributions by fund and contributor,” is available to download from their website HERE. We searched WHO’s list for contributions greater than US$100 million without taking into consideration contributors’ affiliates which may also be included on the list. There are seven contributors totalling US$1,4 billion, representing 57% of WHO’s total US$2,4 billion contributions received. BMGF is the third largest contributor after the United States and GAVI.
During the 41st session of the Corona Investigative Committee a whistle-blower, Dr. Astrid Stückelberger, revealed the inner workings of the WHO where she worked for 20 years. She said the international health regulations are embedded in the WHO’s constitution. As such, there is no requirement for member states to adopt it and members are legally bound by it. It enables the Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to solely decide and dictate health policies which member states are legally obliged to follow.
Dr. Stückelberger also said that in 2017 Gates requested, due to his contributions, that he be on WHO’s executive board – to be considered as if he were a member state or country. The board voted “no” but Gates unofficially holds the status as if he were.
Read more:
The New Humanitarian
The New Humanitarian was founded by the United Nations (“UN”) in 1995, in the wake of the Rwandan genocide, “out of the conviction that objective on-the-ground reporting of humanitarian crises could help mitigate or even prevent future disasters of that magnitude.” Their website also states: “Today, we are one of only a handful of newsrooms world-wide specialised in covering crises and disasters – and in holding the aid industry accountable.”
As their conviction is that “objective on-the-ground reporting” is vital we put them to the test. We entered “Covid genocide” into their website’s search function hoping to see reports regarding the use of midazolam, remdesivir and deadly hospital protocols. Or, possibly, reports on the Covid vaccine-induced illnesses, injuries and deaths. Instead, our search returned the results shown below.

The New Humanitarian changed its name from IRIN in 2019 to signal their “move from UN project to independent newsroom.” Although how “independent” they are is questionable. Their Annual Report for 2018 does not show details of their funders but the information is available for 2019, and BMGF was their largest.
From November 2017 BMGF has been committing on average US$348 million each year to The New Humanitarian which BMGF categorises as “Emergency Response.” Further details on the funds shows The New Humanitarian was being paid to produce and disseminate journalistic reports and “encourage conversations” within the media and humanitarian sector stakeholders.

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