One of the top animated comedy shows in history, “Family Guy,” is going all-in for the establishment after releasing a propaganda promo pushing experimental mRNA Covid vaccines.

Released Tuesday, the “Family Guy” PSA put together in tandem with the Ad Council urges people to get vaccinated for the good of the masses.

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In the clip, Stewie and Brian are transported inside Peter’s body where they explain to viewers how vaccines work.

In the first instance of BS, Stewie claims vaccinations eliminated smallpox and are well on their way to doing the same with polio.

However, even AP News admits polio vaccines are responsible for more polio cases than the wild virus itself.

Both polio and smallpox were on downward trends when the respective vaccines came out.

Stewie also explained how mRNA spike proteins work, claiming, “You don’t get sick with the vaccine,” and that the vaccine “drastically reduces the chances you’ll get sick.”

“The vaccine also results in the creation of memory cells that will fight the virus in years to come,” Stewie alleges.

Once again, this is simply misleading at best and totally untrue at worst.

Many people who have taken the experimental vaccines have gone on to contract Covid, and even with “memory cells,” the vaccines have been proven to be ineffective at fighting variants.

Stewie told viewers the vaccination has been administered safely to “billions of people around the world,” despite hundreds of thousands of individuals suffering adverse reactions.

“The common side-effects from the Covid vaccines are generally mild and last a few days, but you know what can have serious long-term side effects? Covid!” the talking baby fearmongered.

Of course, the experimental jabs can and frequently do result in serious, long-lasting side effects, just ask any of these healthy young people!

Continuing, Stewie asserted getting vaccinated not only protects the individual, but also the people around them.

“But even more importantly,” Stewie added. “If the virus is allowed to spread through an unvaccinated population, it could mutate into a variant that the vaccines might not protect against.”

Once again spreading disinformation, the notion that the unvaccinated are creating variants is false.

As seen in Mareck’s disease in chickens, when vaccines reduce symptoms but don’t prevent transmission, which is exactly what Covid vaccines do, the shots can become “leaky” and actually create more lethal variants.

The “Family Guy” vaccine plug was yet another brazen attempt at shaming the unvaccinated by the Hollywood elite.

source https://www.infowars.com/posts/cartoon-cringe-family-guy-drops-covid-vaccine-propaganda-psa

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