Police in Australia have opened fire on innocent women and children who were already leaving the area after peacefully protesting against Draconian restrictions enforced in Australia in the name of Covid-19.

Dan Andrews, the Premier of Victoria, Australia recently announced that all construction workers would be required to have had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine by 11:59pm on September 23rd, and have proven this to their employer before they are allowed to return to work.

The Premier claimed this policy was proportional due to significant case numbers of Covid-19, specifically among the construction sector. However, a quick search of the Victorian Governments Covid-19 Dashboard shows that there are currently just 6,000 alleged active cases of Covid-19 throughout the entire state, meaning 0.08% of the 6.7 million people living in Victoria are currently infected.

The dashboard also shows that just 603 case were recorded in the 24 hours prior to 12:00pm on the 21st September, 0.009% of the population.

This announcement prompted construction workers to take to the streets of Victoria in response to Dan Andrews ‘No jab, No job’ policy, and they turned out in their thousands on Monday September 20th to protest outside the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union offices with chants of “F*** the jab” and “You serve us”.

Construction workers again took to the streets on Tuesday 21st September to make their opposition to Dan Andrews Draconian restrictions and policies known. This time chants of “Every night, Every day” could be heard in an attempt to let the authorities know they will not stop protesting until the ‘No jab, No job’ policy is overturned.

Construction workers were not lying and again took to the streets on the 22nd September, this time joined by thousands of other Australians including nurses, care workers, and truckies. However, under the instructions of the Premier Dan Andrews, the Victorian police decided to make the peaceful protesters suffer and started to shoot the protesters with rubber bullets.

The police even opened fire on women and children who were already fleeing the area.

Even the armed forces were involved as they sat observing undercover in cars, with one unlucky protester feeling the full force of the military.

A woman out protesting with her child was also cornered by several police officers and arrested simply for daring to be on the street.

Whilst another unlucky protester lay in a pool of blood on a footpath after being shot by the police, with cries that they had cracked his skull.

Dan Andrews has enforced a curfew, restrictions on how far people can travel, a permit system to be allowed to work, mandatory mask wearing even in outdoor public spaces, and enforced a no jab – no job policy for construction workers because 0.003% of the population of Victoria are in hospital, and 0.0008% of the population are currently in intensive care after testing positive for the Covid-19 virus.

The Covid-19 Dashboard also reveals that just 0.01% of the entire population have lost their lives after testing positive for Covid-19. This is a grand total of 822 people in eighteen months.

Australia has fallen, and the same could be coming to a town near you this coming winter if the majority allow this charade to carry on.

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source https://theexpose.uk/2021/09/22/australia-police-open-fire-on-fleeing-peaceful-protesters-including-women-and-children/

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