The state of Victoria in Australia will move from lockdowns to lockouts of the unvaccinated according to Premier Daniel Andrews, as residents who refuse to get the jab are shut out of sporting matches, restaurants, travel and cinemas.
Mr Andrews said he had given his commitment to Prime Minister Scott Morrison that Victoria would soon run what he called a “series of outdoor vaccinated economy pilots”.
The pilots are expected to involve regional pubs, as well as an examination of ridiculous outdoor learning for kids and a pilot for home quarantine to “allow” more Victorians back into the state.
He said if successful, the plan would be to roll-out the programs more widely once vaccination rates reached 80 per cent of eligible adults, a milestone expected by November 21st thanks to a siege of psychological warfare, coercion, and misery inflicted upon the general population.
“I had a lengthy and very good discussion with the Prime Minister on Wednesday evening about a number of different things. And one of the things that we obviously agree on – and I stressed with him – is that at 70 and more likely 80% double doses, we will have opportunities to open up parts of the Victorian economy to those who have been vaccinated,” Mr Andrews said.
“When we get to those vaccination double-dose thresholds, as part of the national plan, the notion of a lockdown of the whole community is far less relevant. But what I think will become a bigger part of the response is a lockout of many, many venues for those who are not vaccinated.”
Mr Andrews also said: “I’m not going to lock the whole state down to protect people who won’t protect themselves.”
While he did not use the term vaccine passport, he said: “The chances of you booking a ticket for a sporting event or going to a pub will be very, very limited.
“We will have a situation where the economy is operating for the vaccinated, not everywhere, not at full capacity. But the notion for instance, some outdoor drinking and dining, things like that will be absolutely possible,” Mr Andrews said.
“We will do some industry pilots quite soon … we can do some of those pilots safely in regional Victoria, potentially, hopefully, because they will not be in lockdown anymore.”
Australian Football League chief executive Gillon McLachlan said they were yet to reach a decision to mandate vaccinations for players and crowds but governments were “signalling that’s a possibility” and “clearly it has to be something that’s a plausible possibility”.
Business groups have shamefully backed the move to lock out the unvaccinated, and the Australian Industry Group has been conspiring with governments for some time on a plan it calls “health passes”.
“It’s important that it be seen as a health pass rather than vaccination passport because we don’t want to create any thought that we need a passport within Australia,” Victorian head of Ai Group, Tim Piper said in what was a clear demonstration on how they plan to psychologicially manipulate the public into accepting what is a vaccine passport.
“It has to be a carrot approach. It might be that I love eating out, going to a museum or the theatre, or perhaps the footy or the cricket. It could be that I want to go to church, the synagogue or a mosque,” he said.
The Victorian business chamber has also been pushing for health passes but said vaccination certificates must be integrated with the QR code check.
“It must be a single system to reduce the impost on business,” chief executive Paul Guerra said. “That technology should be rolled out as soon as such a scheme commences. It is crucial that there is no additional cost impost on business or the potential for reputational risk.”
The head of the Australian Hotels Association in Victoria, Paddy O’Sullivan, shamefully said he would love to see health passes rolled out across all regional pubs in Victoria to build on the AHA’s “no tick, no entry” campaign on QR codes.
“In the absence of any other viable solution this is worth a crack,” he said. “If you want to be an anti-vaxxer and complain, then you don’t have to come to the pub”. Mr O’Sullivan obviously doesn’t realise that those refusing the Covid-19 injection are not necessarily anti-vax, but instead anti-unsafe-unproven-experimental-gene-therapy.
Mr Andrews said that Victoria would also join New South Wales in running a pilot program for home-based quarantine with the use of technology coupled with testing, following a pilot program in Adelaide.
The Premier also said the programs showed “there was a power of work going on”, where “people are working as hard as they possibly can to make sure that not only do we have a comprehensive road map but detailed plans and policies, not of talk but action.”
His comments come after Victoria recorded just 208 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 on Friday September 3rd out of a population of 6.7 million people. The state currently has just 1,417 active cases; 0.02% of the entire population, and has recorded just 823 deaths since March 2020; 0.01% of the entire population.
As of the 5th September 2021 the entire state has just 89 people in hospital who have allegedly tested positive for Covid-19; 0.001% of the entire population.

According to federal health department figures, 58.1 per cent of the eligible Victorian population has received their first dose of a vaccine, while 36 per cent are fully vaccinated, you can expect that number to quickly rise if they are naive enough to surcumb to the threats made by Premier Dan Andrews to lock the unvaccinated out of society.
Australia has fallen.
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