When the Covid-19 vaccines were given emergency use authorisation the authorities did not have a clue as to whether they would work. The limited trials carried out only measured whether or not a vaccinated person suffered serious disease if infected with Covid-19, but they were flawed as nobody was exposed to the virus during the study, they only measured what occurred when out in the general population.
Of course they wouldn’t be able to expose them to the live virus because we’re still awaiting the evidence it has been isolated, all we have to work with at the moment is a generated computer model of what the virus might look like.
The limited trials carried out did not measure whether a vaccinated person could still become infected with Covid-19, and they did not measure whether or not a vaccinated person could still spread the virus in line with the mainstream accepted germ theory.
This means that the millions upon millions of people who have “come forward to get the jab” as it is their “only route back to normal” according to the Health Secretary Matt Hancock, have been taking part in an experiment.
An experiment in which authorities have been judging whether the vaccines are actually working, and they have come to the conclusion that they are.

Just look at the decline in alleged Covid-19 deaths in the graph above and we can see why the authorities are telling us the vaccines are working. Alleged Covid-19 deaths within 28 days of a positive test have dropped from nearly 1,000 per day at the peak to virtually zero.
We’re afraid we left one tiny, miniscule detail out though. The above graph is actually the data for 2020, prior to the existence of a miraculous vaccine.

The above graph shows the whole story, and as you can see alleged Covid deaths per day as of the 1st May 2021 match alleged Covid deaths per day as of the 21st July 2020, the day face masks became law in England, except there was no miraculous vaccine to get that number down to close to zero last year.
Alleged Covid deaths peaked during what we’re told is the first wave on the 8th April 2020, this was 21 days after Matt Hancock and the Department of Health ordered hospitals to discharge patients into care homes who they deemed the least deserving of hospital care in order to free up beds. You know the ones that were in hospital because they just needed a lie down, because that is why you go to hospital, you don’t go because you need urgent medical attention and care. It’s just a coincidence there were so many “Covid” deaths in care homes at the same time of course.
Alleged Covid deaths peaked during what we’re told is the second wave on the 19th January 2021, 42 days after the miraculous vaccine was rolled out. First in the queue to receive the jab were residents in a care home for older adults and their carers. Who made up the majority of Covid deaths at the peak of the second wave, 42 days after the vaccine roll-out began? The elderly in care homes.
Approximately 1.1 million people made up the first priority group to receive the Covid-19 jab. By the 20th December 521,594 of these people had received the Covid-19 jab. By the 10th January 2021 2.2 million jabs had been administered, meaning all care home residents had received a dose of the Covid jab by this date. Yet by the 29th January 2021 alleged Covid deaths in care home residents had increased by 240% since the vaccine roll-out began on the 8th December 2021.

On the 10th December 2021 there were 736 alleged deaths due to Covid-19 in the week ending 10th December 2021. But by the week ending 29th January 2021, 8 weeks after the jab roll-out began there were 2,505 alleged deaths due to Covid-19 in care home residents.
You have to ask how on earth this happened considering care home residents were kept under lock and key, isolated in their rooms and not allowed visitors, and they had all been given the miraculous vaccine. It certainly isn’t evidence the Covid-19 vaccines were working, is it?
There were 104 days between the alleged peak of Covid deaths in the first wave on the 8th April 2020 to the fall to close to zero alleged Covid deaths on the 21st July 2020.
In the alleged second wave there were 102 days between the alleged peak of Covid deaths on the 19th January 2021 to the fall to close to zero alleged Covid deaths on the 1st May 2021. A difference of 2 days. If the miraculous vaccines are to thank for this fall in the second wave then they have bought the country a mere two days compared to 2020 when there wasn’t a vaccine, wow.
But of course, the authorities are insistent the experimental vaccines, under emergency use authorisation in which the manufacturers are not liable for any injury resulting from the vaccine, are to thank for the decline in alleged Covid deaths in 2021 that just happened to coincidentally drop at near enough the exact same rate as seen in 2020.
We wonder if these same authorities have ever heard of seasonality? The seasonal cycle of respiratory viral diseases has been widely recognised for thousands of years, as annual epidemics of the common cold and influenza disease hit the human population like clockwork in the winter season.
The two major contributing factors are the changes in environmental parameters and human behaviour. Studies have revealed the effect of temperature and humidity on respiratory virus stability and transmission rates. More recent research highlights the importance of the environmental factors, especially temperature and humidity, in modulating host intrinsic, innate, and adaptive immune responses to viral infections in the respiratory tract.
There is not anything in the data to suggest the fall in alleged Covid deaths in 2021 is not in line with what we would expect to say in the normal seasonal cycle of a respiratory viral disease. The anomaly is 2020. However, couple 2020 with turning the NHS into the ‘National Covid Service’, kicking patients out of hospital into care homes who required medical attention, and then putting them on end of life care and feeding them midazolam for breakfast, a drug which just so happens to cause the exact same symptoms as alleged serious complications due to Covid-19, it isn’t hard to see why 2020 was an anomaly for an alleged respiratory viral disease.
The authorities are desperate to prove to you that the vaccines are working, but the truth is they don’t have a clue, there are no trials or studies to prove it, and we’re in the middle of Summer, the season in which respiratory viral diseases are notoriously kept at bay.
Which begs the question of what horrors may await this country come winter now that the vast majority of adults in the UK have taken an experimental “vaccine” for which we have no long term data to show what could happen. But we do know that when they trialled the same technology of vaccines in animals prior to the alleged emergence of Covid-19 the trials were halted because they caused antibody dependent enhancement and cytokine storms.
Which protein was responsible for this? The S protein.
Which protein is being used in all of the Covid-19 vaccines? The S protein.
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source https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/06/20/the-government-and-its-scientists-dont-have-a-clue-if-the-covid-vaccines-are-actually-working-have-they-ever-heard-of-seasonality/
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