The number 13 is viewed as unlucky by many, and after reading the UK Governments 13th update on adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines, we imagine there are hundreds of thousands of people who are feeling extremely unlucky right now.
The 13th update includes reports made to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme of adverse reactions to the Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna jabs up to the 21st April 2021. At this point the Moderna jab has only just begun to be administered in the UK after receiving emergency authorisation just like the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jab had previously.
The emergency authorisation means that the manufacturers of the vaccines, in this case Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca are not liable for any injuries that may occur after their vaccines have been administered. Why are they only under emergency use authorisation? Because they are still in phase three trials until 2023, which means they are currently experimental.
According to the MHRA, adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines are currently occurring in 1 in every 166 people. However this rate is most likely significantly higher due to only 1-10% of adverse reactions actually being reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme.
We took a dive into the UK Governments 13th update on adverse reactions to the Covid jabs and this is what we found…
(We used the data shown in the UK Governments Analysis Print of the Pfizer vaccine {which you can find here} + Analysis Print of the Oxford Vaccine {which you can find here}.)
The total number of blood disorders reported as adverse reactions to both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine now stands at 9723 as of the 21st April 2021. This includes ailments such as thrombocytopenia which is where your body has a low level of platelets in the blood. Severe forms of this ailment can lead to bleeding spontaneously from the eyes, gums, or bladder and can result in death. Which is exactly what has happened in the case of the Pfizer vaccine, with 53 cases of thrombocytopenia being reported which have resulted in 1 death thus far.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has caused 3 deaths due to thrombocytopenia, with 398 cases being reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as of the 21st April 2021. On the 21st March there had only been 44 reported cases, meaning the number has increased almost 10-fold in just a month.

The total number of cardiac disorders reported as adverse reactions to both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine now stands at 7,699 with a total of 133 people sadly passing away after suffering a cardiac disorder adverse reaction to one of the two jabs. This includes serious events such as cardiac arrest of which the Pfizer jab has caused 55 times so far, with 20 of these resulting in death.

The Oxford jab has caused 103 people to suffer cardiac arrest so far with 23 of these sadly resulting in death. What’s also interesting to note here is the difference in the number of cardiac disorders occurring between the two vaccines. The MHRA are constantly telling us that there is no cause for concern as the adverse reactions that are occurring are in line with what we would expect to see within the general population. However if this were the case shouldn’t we be seeing a similar rate of occurrence to number of vaccines administered for both jabs?
There have been roughly 18 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine administered and around 26 million doses of the AstraZeneca jab administered. So that’s 44% more AstraZeneca jabs administered than the Pfizer jab as of the 21st April 2021. However there have been 1901 cardiac disorders as a result of the Pfizer jab and 5798 cardiac disorders as a result of the AstraZeneca jab. That accounts to 204.9% more cardiac disorders occurring due to the AstraZeneca vaccine compared to the Pfizer vaccine. Shouldn’t it be around 44% more if we are to believe the MHRA that there is no cause for concern?

Next we come to eye disorders, due to both types of Covid vaccine there have been 10,633 eye disorders reported to the MHRA as adverse reactions as of the 21st April 2021. This includes people losing the ability to see all together, with the number of people now blind as a result of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine now standing at 31.

But the AstraZeneca jab fares much worse with 134 people now blind as a result of having the Oxford jab. But this is an increase of 332.5% compared to the Pfizer jab, this doesn’t sound like the statistical norm. to us. The same can be said when comparing the total number of eye disorders. There have been 2322 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab, but there’s been a whopping 8311 reported as adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca jab. That’s a 257.9% difference, not 44% which is surely what it should be if in line with the norm.?

Next up we have anaphylactic reactions. An anaphylactic reaction is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction to a trigger. The trigger here being either the Pfizer jab or Oxford jab. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include feeling faint, finding it hard to breathe, a fast heartbeat and feeling anxious, and the condition needs to be treated in hospital at soon as possible. The Pfizer vaccine has accounted for 240 anaphylactic reactions so far.

But the Oxford jab accounts for 462 cases of anaphylactic reaction, resulting in 1 death as of the 21st April 2021, according to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme report.

Let’s rewind back to the eighth report released by the UK Government which covered adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme up to the 14th March 2021. Within that report we found that there had been an increase in the number of central nervous system haemmorrhages and cerebrovascular accidents. All different types of stroke – which happen due to the rupture of an artery or… blood clots.
In the eighth report we found that there had been 10 cases of cerebral haemorrhage resulting in 3 deaths, 4 cases of cerebral infarction resulting in 1 death, 4 cases of haemorrhagic stroke resulting in 1 death and 12 cases of ischaemic stroke among many others. As well as 85 cerebrovascular accidents resulting in 7 deaths. All reported as adverse reactions to the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine.

Well just one month later, as of the 21st April 2021 the 10 cases of cerebral haemorrhage resulting in 3 deaths has increased to 93 cases of cerebral haemorrhage resulting in 25 deaths. That’s a 830% increase in the number of cases in just one month, and a 733.33% increase in the resultant deaths.
The 4 cases of cerebral infarction resulting in 1 death has increased to 37 cases of cerebral infarction resulting in 2 deaths. That’s a 825% increase in cases in just one month.
The 4 cases of haemorrhagic stroke resulting in 1 death has increased to 19 cases of haemorrhagic stroke in just one month resulting in 4 deaths. That’s a 125% increase in the number of cases, and a 375% increase in the number of resultant deaths.
The 12 cases of ischaemic stroke with 0 deaths has increased to 62 cases of ischaemic stroke resulting in 3 deaths. Thats a 416.6% increase in the number of cases in just one month.
The reason this is so shocking is that the previous numbers up to the 14th March were accounted for over a period of 10 weeks.
But the most shocking increase of all is in the number of cerebrovascular accidents. The 85 reported cerebrovascular accidents resulting in 7 deaths as of the 14th march 2021 has increased to 556 cases in just one month and the number of deaths has more than quadrupled to a total of 31. That is an astounding increase.

All the more shocking due to the fact the numbers occurring due to the Pfizer vaccine are nowhere near, yet only 44% more AstraZeneca jabs have been administered. The number of cerebrovascular accidents as of the 14th March 2021 due to the Pfizer vaccine stood at 71, with 3 of these resulting in death.

Fast forward one month to the 21st April and that number increased to 176, another 105 too many, with the deaths increasing to 10. However the number to have occurred due to the Oxford jab is still 215.9% more than what has occurred due to the Pfizer jab. If this was in line with the norm. it should only be 44%. We are seeing an extremely serious issue unfold here.

The same pattern can also be seen in the number of cases of paralysis reported as adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. With 39 reported cases being due to the Pfizer vaccine, but a whopping 192 reported cases being due to the AstraZeenca vaccine. That’s a 392% difference, not the 44% we should be seeing.
There have been 149,082 reported adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine as of the 21st April 2021, with 347 of these sadly resulting in death.

On the 21st march there had been 377,487 reported adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca vaccine with 421 of these sadly resulting in death. Even one month earlier the number of deaths and adverse events outnumbers the Pfizer jab significantly.

But fast forward one month and there have been another 264 deaths as a result of the AstraZeneca vaccine with the total now standing at 685 as of the 21st April 2021. But the number of adverse reactions has increased by 196,163, now standing at a total of 573,650. That’s 284.7% more adverse reactions occurring due to the Oxford jab compared to the Pfizer jab when it should only be 44% if it was in line with the statistical norm.

The overall number of deaths due to both jabs now stands at 1103. But there have also been 2 deaths recorded as adverse reactions to the Moderna vaccine and 13 deaths where the brand of vaccine was not specified, meaning the grand total of unnecessary deaths now stands at 1118. None of these vaccines are proving to be safe but the data clearly shows there is a frightening problem with the AstraZeneca vaccine and it’s roll-out in the United Kingdom must be ceased immediately.
Please share this information everywhere, the only way to stop more deaths and serious debilitating conditions from occurring is by making a noise. We’ve done the hard work for you, it’s now on you to do something about it.
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