A CNN poll that will surely enrage the establishment has found that a whopping 70% of Republicans don’t think Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.
CNN correspondent Donie O’Sullivan lamented the poll results in a segment on Sunday, calling it “quite remarkable.”
“Seventy percent. Seventy percent of Republicans do not believe that Joe Biden had enough votes to win the presidency, that he didn’t legitimately win the election.” O’Sullivan said.
“I mean, it’s really quite remarkable when you see that number.”
O’Sullivan went on to slam the Arizona election audit as “farcical” that only gives Trump supporters a “false sense of hope.”
“In Arizona right now, the numbers have been checked and checked and checked again,” he continued. “This so-called audit, which has been described as farcical essentially, even by Republican election officials in that state, is still giving some Trump supporter online and offline the false sense of hope that the election could still be overturned.”
CNN’s poll was conducted last week among a random national sample of 1,004 adults, with a margin of sampling error of ± 3.6%.
“I was disappointed in the lack of truth and the election fraud that took place within it,” a Trump supporter told CNN. “It’s coming out right now in Arizona, and it’s gonna be a domino effect to the truth. What happens after that, I don’t know, but I know that the truth is there’s only so many voters in one county that can vote, and the numbers far exceed that. It’s common sense mathematics.”
It’s not difficult to see why Republicans don’t see him as legitimate, especially when the Democrats claim he won 81 million votes, the most of any U.S. president in history.
The gaffe-prone 78-year-old Democrat can barely get any viewers to watch his speeches, and when he does, the videos are always downvoted to oblivion.
Here is a series of clips during the 2020 campaign and after his deep state installation showing Joe Biden being handled by staff, asking what to do, and stumbling and bumbling through press events.
source https://www.infowars.com/posts/cnn-poll-finds-70-of-republicans-dont-think-biden-legitimately-won-election
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