Muslims always claim they love Jesus so much, and to prove that love there is a new video online of a Muslim violently attacking a statue of Christ at a Church with rocks and a bat:
‼️ #Austria: Apparently the first Sharia-compliant stoning & beating for #Jesus in St. Marein (near Graz). Gratitude knows no boundaries!
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) May 9, 2017
Now this is an open example of Islam's hatred for Christianity. Let's not mince words about this.
This is also a good time to remember the words of St. John of Damascus, one of the earliest scholars of Islam and what he said about the religion:
And there is also the up until now strong and people-deceiving superstition of the Ishmaelites, being the forerunner of Antichrist. And it is born from Ishmael, who was born from Hagar to Abraham, from which they are called Hagarenes and Ishmaelites. And they call them Saracens, as from Σαρρας κενοι (those empty of Sarah), because of what was said by Hagar to the angel: “Sarah has sent me away empty.” So then, these were idolaters and reverenced the morning star and Aphrodite, who they indeed named Khabar in their own language, which means great. Therefore, until the time of Heraclius, they were plainly idolaters. From that time and until now came up among them a false prophet called Mamed, who, having encountered the Old and New Testament, as it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, he put together his own heresy. And under the pretext of seeming pious, attracting (?) people, he reported that a book was sent down to him from heaven by God. Therefore some of the compositions written by him in a book, worthy of laughter, which he handed down to them as an object of reverence. (source)
His words were echoed centuries later by Bl. Peter the Venerable of Montbossier, founder of Islamic Studies in the West, and in the 20th century by the Catholic writer Hilaire Belloc, who noted:
There is thus a very great deal in common between the enthusiasm with which Mohammed's teaching attacked the priesthood, the Mass and the sacraments, and the enthusiasm with which Calvinism, the central motive force of the Reformation, did the same. As we all know, the new teaching relaxed the marriage laws_but in practice this did not affect the mass of his followers who still remained monogamous. It made divorce as easy as possible, for the sacramental idea of marriage disappeared. It insisted upon the equality of men, and it necessarily had that further factor in which it resembled Calvinism- the sense of predestination, the sense of fate; of what the followers of John Knox were always calling "the immutable decrees of God."
It was the combination of all these things, the attractive simplicity of the doctrine, the sweeping away of clerical and imperial discipline, the huge immediate practical advantage of freedom for the slave and riddance of anxiety for the debtor, the crowning advantage of free justice under few and simple new laws easily understood_that formed the driving force behind the astonishing Mohammedan social victory. The courts were everywhere accessible to all without payment and giving verdicts which all could understand. The Mohammedan movement was essentially a "Reformation," and we can discover numerous affinities between Islam and the Protestant Reformers_on Images, on the Mass, on Celibacy, etc. (source)
The great Catholic saints and great Catholic men have consistently recognized that Islam is simply the culmination of Christian heresy but in its final form. In other words, when heresy is allowed to metastize, having been allowed to grow without any sort of hindrance or obstruction, it will eventually turn into Islam.
It is terrible what this Muslim did, but one only needs to remember that many of the great works of art made to honor God were destroyed in Europe not by Muslims, but at the hands of so-called "Christians" who, in the name of following what they wanted to believe and using the Bible divorced from Sacred Tradition as a weapon against other Christians, they went on one of the most horrific rampages against Christ and His Church:
Protestants- the first "Bible Christians"- desecrating a church.
Ask yourself, would these same people destroy a picture of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, or any other heretic- and say they were doing it "IN THE NAME OF JESUS?" Of course not.
The Protestant Revolution and its supporters- the first "BIBLE CHRISTIANS"- were doing then exactly what Muslims are doing in the photo. Actually, they are still doing the same things now:
Tell me, what is the difference between the "pastor" above and the terrorist below? Philosophically, there is no difference between the two except the Muslim is at a more advanced stage.
Iconoclasm is a heresy that has been condemned throughout Christian history and well before the Revolution. Because it was so prevalent in the East, it is why there is often such a positive emphasis placed on icons there. Not surprisingly, the arguments that the heretical Iconoclasts used against sacred images are the same arguments that the Protestants and Muslims both use.
But I should add that the outrage is directed specifically against images and pictures that are Christian- not so much against others. Remember the outcry from American when the Taliban destroyed the Bamiyan Buddhas?" Or how about the destruction of ancient Assyrian statues- pagan statues, I should add- and the anger from that? Yet when many of these same folk see one of their own acting in the same way that the Muslims do, they justify it by saying "STATUES ARE BLASPHEMY".
If you are not already surprise, is it a surprise now that Islam is rising in the West? Indeed, the West is not so much being "taken over" by Islam as it is becoming through its own choices, for if Islam is the final form of heresy, then naturally as heresy precedes apostasy, then following apostasy there is fertile ground for the spread of Islam that began with the preparations made starting with the Protestant Revolution.
A good gardener first tills the land, during which he removes the rocks loosens the soil. He then adds fertilizer, waters the soil, and mixes it again. Finally he prepares the places in the tilled land where he will sow his seeds. The Protestant Revolution and her sister heretics before them began the process of tilling Christendom, ripping up the good earth and gardens with fruit-bearing plants which Christ and His Church planted. Then they removed the obstacles to stopping the growth of weeds, added the right fertilizer, determined where to plant the weeds, and when the time was right, finally sowed the seed and watered them.
The West is beyond ripe for Islam- it is a fully prepared and planted garden that is blossoming through the fact that the Muslims today are for the most part just in the process of finishing off what is left of a once great Christendom that has been destroyed by choice through the decisions of the people choosing heresy and apostasy over orthodoxy. Barring a move of God and a return of Europe by the people to the Church which created and sustained Europe (which can still happen), the future of Europe is war and destruction.
Indeed, heresy is just Islam in its nascent stages.
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