Islam is inherently supremacist but is also very weak. It only reveals its true intentions once it feels that its target is unable to defend itself and only then, like a pack of wild hyenas on a wounded gazelle, it strikes.

Recently, a caller on popular UK politician Nigel Farage's radio show called in and bragged that the future of the UK was Islam, that Allah has given the UK to Islam, and that the British must convert or be destroyed:

Now there are many issues with this story, including with Mr. Farage that I will not address because we have been discussing them here in other ways, particularly with regard to the rise of nationalism. However, I want to focus on one point- that the Muslim speaking here actually has a point.

Look, I do not support Islam at all, but the fact is (and something I have continually emphasized for years) is that Islam is a Christian heresy- in fills a void where Christianity once was. Britain is a self-professed "post Christian society"- they were once Christian, they abandoned the Faith, and now they look at it as little more than an antiquated relic good for history books but not for the truth which it teaches.

Christianity was always the soul of Europe- all the good the Europe or indeed any people does in the world comes from God, and as the True Faith was once a part of Europe all her good came from that. Europe has since rejected the True Faith, and thinking she is wise has become a fool.

It is not just mere politics and bickering that has allowed the rise of Islam in the UK- it is the wholesale license to sin that has overtaken that once great nation and which is tearing it apart. Certainly there will always be problems, but the fact is that the UK is not dying, but committing suicide because it has been blinded by its own sins that it refuses to address because they don't want the truth since it would mean having to stop doing things which are evil and destructive.

The UK can still be saved- but that salvation will come from a return to the Faith which it rejected long ago and has now pushed out of its society. Just as there is only one name under Heaven that man can be saved, the same applies to nations as well.

Muslims so often like this caller love to say "convert or die," and I happen to agree but in a different context. The UK must convert back to the Faith which bore it into existence, or else as the Muslim caller has eerily stated, she will die on her kneels in giving her soul over to the Muslims.

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