Islamic terrorists in Syria, members of the Jabhat al-Nusra jihadist organization, crucified a Christian man and put a sign on the cross that said that the man was crucified because he believed in Jesus Christ. This is just one of numerous stories reported by Christians who survived the savage anti-Christian persecution in Syria:
The persecution against Christians will be more horrific in the future than it is how. A great dark cloud will flood the earth, and oceans of blood will form. We must be prepared for the greatest anti-persecution the world will ever see. We must prepare both our minds and our souls. This is why I spent over five years on a book on Christian holy war. The name of the book is Christianity is At War, and it is the most exhaustive study ever done in history on the reality of Christian holy war, with its history and spiritual beauties. Read the book and prepare your soul for the coming great war!
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