The Islamic invasions of Europe should disturb anybody. Once a bastion and model for civilization, the nations of Europe have become little more than outposts of the Islamic world where violence, degeneracy, and brutality reign supreme and Sharia law is a way of life. The European people, who have watched their lands get destroyed right before their very eyes, are very upset and wondering how they got to this point and what to do.

Well, there are many things which happened to get to where things are today. Yes, there are politicians and bad laws, "liberals" who supported radical immigration policies, and Islamic terrorist activity. But could there be something more that is happening?

Several weeks ago, we reposted a slide from a presentation given by Bernard Connolly, a former economist for the European Commission and an European Union insider back in 2009. He noted that the European Union actually does not want peace in the world or within its borders, but is seeking to use 'global issues' in order to assert their dominance in the world:

This is a very telling statement. As we pointed out here, the European Union wants terrorism. They want disorder. They want the European Union itself to fall apart, and the reason they want this disorder is because from the perspective of power, it is another form of the divide and conquer strategy by creating a rift in society, sowing division, and then stepping in with 'the answer' so long as more power is given to them, and one of the answers which we have noted is being presented is National Socialism.

This situation is no more obvious today than with the manufactured 'refugee' crisis. As I pointed out before, the majority of these people who are coming to Europe have absolutely no financial, logistical, or even basic intellectual mean to get themselves from their native lands thousands of miles away an into Europe in such large numbers unless they were being guided by an outside source. As such, I did an entire piece exposing how the European Union and the United States were working with major NGOs, charities, and private companies through a series of lucrative contracts to literally round up and transport as many of these people as they could into Europe:

People in the West have known for years that their governments have betrayed their trust. But in a new scandal just uncovered in what is looking like one of the biggest betrayals of trust in Western history. Gefira, a company that specializes in European politicay analysis has outed a huge scandal- there is an active collusion between dozens of major companies, NGOs, and humanitarian organizations doing the European Union’s dirty work by providing direct transportation for the millions of Muslim invaders into Europe and they are all being funded by your tax dollars and charitable organizations.

The list of organizations is formidable. These are not just obscure entities, but major organizations such as Doctors Without Borders and Save The Children. A cadre of nations are involved including not just European nations such as Germany, Italy, and Holland, but also nations such as Belize, the Marshall Islands, and Panama, and there are even some boats who act as veritable pirates, providing no identifying information in direct violation of international laws of the sea. (source)

Europe is not being invaded from without. It is being overthrown from within by its own leaders who are using other people to create an illusion of an external invasion, after which these same people then say that to stop the invasion they need to get more power and they are doing so at the very long term expense of their societies and people.

Now it would seem in part asinine for Europe to support Islam so strongly, for as we have pointed out, Islam is easily manipulated but always turns on its manipulators and will try to destroy them. So why would Europe take such a risk?

It seems that, among other reasons such as arrogance and the corruption of the mind caused by extreme power or the prospects of having such power, the reason is because, truly speaking, Europe is in a massive state of decline. The European peoples right now are literally dying out because, simply put, they refuse to reproduce.

Many people in Europe express fear that the 'native Europeans' are disappearing from their own lands, and the demographic numbers show this to be taking place. But the next question then becomes, whose fault is this? One may criticize and Arab, African, or Indian for certain problems in society and rightly so, but is it their fault that they are having 3+ children and the European peoples have usually at most one? No, it is not their fault- it is the fault of the European people for being lazy and not wanting to do the most basic commandment that God gave to man- be fruitful and multiply.

The same nonsense in Europe is also here in America. You hear a lot about how "Mexicans" and "Guatemalans" are taking over the United States, and how they have so many children, and so on and so forth. But again, aside from the fact that they are being invited over because they do the dirty low paying jobs that far too many people simply will not do who live here, it is not their fault for having lots of children. If anything, the blame goes to the Americans who for the most part are too lazy or selfish to reproduce.

This selfishness- be it Europe or America- fundamentally comes from the denial of God's place in these formerly Christian societies. As Europe gave up on God, so they also lost their self-understood purpose in the world, and life's meaning now comes from the acquisition and concentration of power. However, the void in their society still remains, and explains the reason why the people will not have children- they are too selfish and see no point to it as life is essentially without meaning. Europe has been able to live this way for a long time, but the years of not reproducing and essentially living off of their civilization's past achievements has finally caught up with them, and so in order to maintain their relevancy they have to stir up problems in order to have a situation they can present a solution to so to maintain their power.

If Europe had a bank account, it has essentially squandered all of its life savings but still wants to maintain its lifestyle. As such, it is taking out credit cards and living off of credit. However, as with all credit cards and loans, they will eventually have to be paid, and Europe is trying to ignore this fact for as long as it can while ignoring the consequences. Ultimately, the only way that it will be able to become solvent is to declare its insolvency, go into bankruptcy, pay off its debts, and start again.

Yes, the Muslims are destroying European society, but Europe brought the Muslims into its society as a form of social credit to extend it current mode of operation instead of acknowledging that the problem is that Europe abandoned God and then returning to God, humbling itself, taking a smaller role in the world, and fixing its own problems. At the current rate, Europe will eventually run into bankruptcy, and when it cannot pay, as in the days of old, there will be a new debtor's prison, except this prison will be the loss of its societies to the Muslims they brought in. The loss will be permanent, and they will have only themselves to blame because they made this problem at their own hand.

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