In a horrible story coming out of Germany, a Muslim teen raped and murdered a German girl. If that was not bad enough, he had raped and attempted to murder a girl in Greece three years earlier. The Greek police not only knew about the entire story and the person who did it, but still allowed him to go to Germany in spite of his horrible crimes:
The suspect of Freiburg had already been sentenced to ten years of imprisonment and served jail time in Greece
But still, he was released as part of an amnesty, allegedly because of over crowded prisons.
An expert supposes that in fact it was about party-politics for the Syriza government.
Much has been said and written on the case of the alleged woman killer of Freiburg, an Afghan refugee who was already in prison for a similar crime in Greece. Ten years’ imprisonment was the verdict after he had thrown a young woman off a cliff.
However, after only one and a half years, he was released in October 2015 as part of an amnesty, with the requirement to report regularly to the police.Instead, he soon disappeared to Germany. The Greek authorities announced a manhunt, but only within the country – the European Ministries of the Interior therefore had no information about him.
The Greeks did not release an international Arrest warrant
The alleged murderer of Freiburg is convicted in Greece because of a killing offense, Federal Minister of the Interior de Maizière said. He was identified with no doubt. He holds the Greek authorities in part to blame.
“Incompetence,” suggests Dimitris Papadimitriou, a Greek researcher at the University of Manchester. The purpose of the amnesty was to create space in Greece’s overcrowded prisons, by freeing mainly prisoners whose offenses were not particularly severe.
In the case of such less serious cases, it is not customary to alert international authorities if the person released, breaches his reporting obligation and disappears.Rulebook slowdown? Or lack of attention?
Perhaps, according to Papadimitriou, the responsible authorities had just been “engaging in a rulebook slowdown”. As the perpetrator had been released in the context of an amnesty for less serious crimes, it was perhaps not deemed necessary to report to the partner authorities abroad. Or they just did not pay attention.
The man, however, had been sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment for attempted murder. Not a light offense, and Papadimitriou neither understands why the case was not reported to abroad, nor why the man was released at all.
The German Ministry of the Interior has announced that it would demand an explanation from the Greek authorities on their lack of activity.
The Ministry of Justice in Athens has justified its decision with “good conduct” of the prisoner. “Even with very good behavior, a release is normally only considered when at least half of the sentence has been served,” says Papadimitriou. In this case five years. (source)
Here is a 2013 story from Greece about the same Muslim:
Tell me, if this was a European man who did this in either country, would he be walking free right now? The answer is clearly no. The jails in Europe are full of Muslims- another indisputable fact- so why would somebody like him, who has a known criminal record for heinous crimes, be allowed to wander?
A careful reading of the news stories should give you a clue as to what is happening.
I did an article previously about how European governments working with major corporations, charities, and NGOs were facilitating the Islamic invasion of Europe, and that their involvement has become so obvious one can actually track the ships bringing people from North Africa to European shores. I likewise did another piece about this regarding Mexico, how there are over 100,000 Middle Eastern and African people on the Mexican border and in "camps" throughout the country waiting to cross over into the US. I noted how these people are so poor and the distance so great that it would be impossible for such a large number of people to get from Africa to Mexico unless they were being actively aided by an outside source.
What I am getting at is that this attack has two guilty parties- the Muslim and the European governments. European police knew who this man was. They had every reason to suspect he would do this again. However, they were likely told to release him with this knowledge in order that he would repeat the same crimes. The logic behind this is not the crime, or even the fact that he would do it- it is about the conclusion that people would make once he was arrested again and the sordid tale of his crimes was exposed.
I wrote in a recent article about the manipulation of the news. In it I noted that upon a general reading, one would barely notice it, but the righteous and understandable anger that a man would have against these Muslims and what they are doing as well as the governments who refuse to prosecute them could be easily manipulated into a call for anybody and any group to stand up and fight them. What I noted also was that the groups in Western Europe in particular that were standing up to fight Islam and that were receiving the most attention had nothing to do with Christianity, and if they did mention Christianity it was of secondary interest. The fact is that the groups which are "standing up" are volkisch types, combining ultra-nationalism, eugenics, and paganism with a socialized economic structure into one whole system of governance and life. This system is better known as National Socialism.
Now these groups have been around for a long time, and just like the communists of Russia, they are ambitious to support the overthrow of the current order for the purpose of putting themselves into the same places of power. Since Christ is not a part of their movement at all and given the pagan nature of the movement, it is entirely a Social Darwinian contest of wills for power in which might determines right from wrong and not objective truth. As both the Russians and the Germans discovered, these groups were far worse than the previous systems, but by masking themselves in attractive rhetoric they were able to conceal their true intentions in order to get power from people who otherwise would not give them power.
The obvious fact about this story is that the Muslims are violent and coming to destroy the West and they have no respect for life. That is clear. What is less obvious is the conclusions that people will draw- "Who is going to do something about this?"
Christianity is a religion in which militancy and mercy are perfectly balanced and that Christians of old fought against Muslims yet also at the same time showed mercy to their Muslim enemies in a way that even shocked the Muslims. That is the model for a response the Christian must turn to. This was the impetus for the Crusades, the Reconquista, and many of the battles fought against the Muslims in Europe.
But if you do not have Christianity, or you are a Christian and do not understand, or are not willing to understand, or just do not care, then the Soldiers of Odin have an answer for you. So does AfD, Generation Identitaire, Golden Dawn, or many other groups. You may not be a pagan, a socialist, or somebody who would shave your head and carry a torch through the moonlit streets. However, what they want is your consent to their actions, that they can do what they will and instead of you saying "this is wrong" or "something isn't right here," you simply do not care or give consent by your silence.
So going back to the above story, the violence is real and true, and this and other incidents of Muslim violence need to be reported on. But please keep in mind as you are reading these reports that the concern is not focused primarily on if the content is true or not, but rather what you conclude after reading the story and the solution you apply.
Here at, our goal of reporting these stories is twofold- to provide a news perspective that educates and informs the reader, and to support the Rescue Christians project by which Christians are literally rescued from slavery and oppression at the hands of Muslims. We are motivated by the Catholic Faith that, following in the tradition of ancient Christians who would buy slaves to free them, we might follow in their place.
Such visions are not per se shared by everybody who participates in the "counter-jihad" movement, as it is sometimes called- indeed, some have malicious intentions. If you do not believe me, notice that the second video report from Greece, which comes from a legitimate source, was reposted to YouTube by Golden Dawn (see the comment box). The news report itself is completely legitimate, but the end for which it is being used is the problem. As such, I intentionally chose that to make the point I have been emphasizing all along, which is that truth can be used to promote a lie. As far as this story is concerned, the horrific reality of this man's crimes is being used to lead people to conclude through suggestion the lie is that Europe needs to solve its problem with Islam and the Muslims by embracing eugenics, ultranationalism and ultimately paganism with the ultimate intention to physically purge "unfit" people from society, and that this is the only answer that "will work" because Christianity is secondary to the national identity.
Or, put a lot simpler and in the words of a priest friend of mind, 'Even the devil can quote sacred scripture.'
There are two solutions- there is Christ's solution, and then there is the Final Solution. The Final Solution at times can look a lot like Christ's solution, but the difference is that it is false and will lead you if not into death, into giving your consent to grave evil without even realizing it. Remember that in both Russia and Germany there were many good, decent, and honest people with good intentions who supported respectively the Bolsheviks and the National Socialists- people who would never accept the horrors of what happened in either country. However, these same people gave their support to an evil system not because they wanted evil or that the grievances they had were not legitimate, but that the conclusions they drew and the solutions they were presented with and accepted were not from Christ but from man who, as sacred scripture states, can do nothing good without God.
Islam is evil enough. Don't combat one evil by accepting another evil, because as the Bible says, "a little bit of yeast leavens the whole batch."
Choose wisely.
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