There is a major conspiracy being conducted right now by very powerful people to cause war in Europe. There are using the Muslims, neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists to cause chaos and instability. The influx of Muslims has given influential leverage to Nazis and eugenicists, and thus power to tyrannical and racialist entities, making the societal instability even more severe. I spoke with Shane Williams of Our Eye on Islam, who is a former member of the EDL, to discuss this.
The influx of Muslims in Europe is being used by Nazis to take power. I wrote about this months ago, and I thought it would be appropriate if I repost it here:
Years ago I had thought that the notion of a Fourth Reich was a far-fetched idea shelved in the hauls of 'conspiracy theories' since no one in the right mind would fall for Nazism again. Today, after you journey with me on what I have explored, you, as I did, will be compelled to completely change your mind as you shall see, the new trap is of different design, yet leads to the same evil results.
If you think I am kidding, just watch this:
It is truly surreal to see history repeating itself in Germany. It is conventionally believed that Germany is a righteous country, that it is not going to return to its evil roots, and that it is being tormented by violent migrants. It is certainly true that Muslim migrants are detrimental to Europe, but there is another occurrence taking place, a far more sinister plan behind it, and very few are noticing it.
The Muslims did not just barge into Europe, they were encouraged and allowed in by European elites, in a conspiracy with Turkey, in order to cause enough chaos in the continent to provoke the masses to accept totalitarianism as the solution. With the rise of Islamic violence, comes the intensification of racial division in the society, and with this, people become prone to racialist theories, and thus comes the upsurge of Nazi politicians in Germany. The governmental officials responsible for allowing in the Muslim hordes knew very well what consequences would come about by allowing people from Islamic countries. It was all part of a plan: bring in waves of Muslims, knowing that they will cause violence, stir the people's emotions to accepting tyranny.
We see this with the rise of the Alternative for Germany Party (AfD), which consists of politicians in favor of Nazism, Social Darwinism and eugenics. The AfD has recently become the third largest party in Germany, it continues to increase in popularity, while the two establishment parties -- the Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party of Germany -- continue to decline in popularity. While the AfD grows, it is receiving substantial support from "conservative" groups and organizations in the United States. did an extensive investigation on the AfD, looking at German sources that little to no English speaking media outlets are reporting on.
Like in the US, Germany has been dominated by two parties: the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (CDP). They are referred to as "Volksparteien," or "people's parties," and between each other they divided up to 80% of the vote. But thanks to the inundation of refugees into Germany, this is now changing. With collective hatred for Merkel intensifying, the racialist political party, AfD (Alternative for Germany Party), is filling in the vacuum that was formed on account of angry conservatives dissenting from the traditional establishment of the CDU. As one German report states:
“Because Merkel has abandoned those on the right wing of the CDU, the AfD has filled the void and has been boosted by the refugee crisis. That, in turn, could spell the end to the CDU's firm grip on the conservative half of Germany's political spectrum.”
It was not until 2013, at the beginning of the refugee crises in Germany, that the AfD arose and that a party like it received nationwide attention. Now the AfD is the third largest party in Germany, and it is growing in popularity as both the CDP and the CDU are quickly losing support.
A major member of the AfD, Bjorn Hocke, has been very active teaching Social-Darwinist ideology. He was invited to the Philip Rushton Community Center to give a lecture on 'Race, Evolution and Behavior'. He is heavily influenced by the British-Canadian Social-Darwinist, J, Philippe Rushton. Rushton was very vocal and outspoken about his support for eugenics, and even went so far as to blame Holocaust survivors for making the study of eugenics taboo. The AfD official, Hocke, has openly referenced Rushton’s book, Race, Evolution and Behavior, in which it is written:
“Among the refugees who fled Nazi persecution and entered Britain and the United States in the 1930s and 1940s there were many who exerted a powerful influence on the Zeitgeist of the social sciences, helping to create an orthodoxy of egalitarianism and environmentalism (Degler, 1991).” (p. 14)
Rushton affirms in his book that he is following the legacy of Francis Galton, the nephew of Charles Darwin and the founder of eugenic studies, and his publication is littered with Galton’s name. He writes in his book:
“Many nineteenth-century scientists including Broca, Darwin, Galton, Lombroso, and Morton concluded that there were racial differences in brain size” (p. 238)
Francis Galton defined eugenics as “the science which deals with all influences that improve the inborn qualities of a race; also with those that develop them to the utmost advantage.” Galton was of course continuing the teaching of his uncle, Charles Darwin, who wrote:
“With savages, the weak in body and mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly exhibit a vigorous state of health. We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed and the sick; we institute poor laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of everyone to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands who, from a weak constitution, would formerly have succumbed to smallpox. Thus, the weak members of civilized society propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but, excepting in the case of man himself, hardly anyone is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.” (Darwin, The Descent of Man, 2nd ed., pp. 133-134, 1887)
In January of this year, it was reported in a German publication on how Stefan Moller, an official spokesman for the AfD, sent out an email in which was posted a photo of Hocke with six other AfD members, alongside Tommy Frenck, a neo-Nazi occultist from Hildburghausen. On Tommy’s neck is a tattoo that proudly says, “Aryan,” and on his shoulder is another tattoo of the occult image of the Black Sun, and on his arm is a tattoo of a skull with the Wehrmacht helmet.
Tommy Frenck on the right. Notice occult Black Sun symbol on the shoulder, next to the Nazi skull, and the work "Aryan" on his neck
And while you may think, at the first glance, that this just a tattooed bar brawler, understand that he is part of a very organized movement, that is heavily supported and has huge numbers. The numerous members of the AfD belong to an obscure fraternity called Burschenschaft. It is an obscure, cult-like group, who wears old fashioned colored hats and conducts evening processions in which their members hold torches. Hocke is a very prominent figure within the fraternity and even said in a meeting that only people with German ancestors should be allowed to be members of the Deutschen Burschenschaft, that a German passport is not sufficient, and that they would need "proof of Aryan descent”. The fact that you have a high ranking German politician emphasizing on the importance of “German descent,” the Aryan race, and that this is being pushed by the third largest party in Germany, should signify to us that the nation is reverting back, very quickly, to the genocidal roots of its former generation. Here are some photos which found on their official Facebook page:
The evening procession is reminiscent with the night marches of recently formed Nazi organization, Die Unsterblichen, or the Immortals. Their marches can be seen online, and it is obvious that they have a substantial following:
And what does this remind us of? The Nazis of old:
What is disturbing is how no mainstream conservative publications -- not even the Zionists or the counter-jihad movement -- who love to speak on Iran, Israel and the Holocaust, are not saying a word on this dark reality in Germany. In the same meeting in which Hocke spoke about the Aryan race, another member of the AfD, Torben Braga, said: "If someone is committed to Germany and German descent, they can join us."
Torben Braga, with his traditional Deutschen Burschenschaft hat, showing his membership to the cultic fraternity
Philipp Runge, who is responsible to the department strategy and campaigns for the field organization and planning for the AfD, belongs to the Burschenschaft Gothia. Ulrich Wlecke, another AfD official, belongs to the fraternity. Numerous other AfD members, such as Ralf Splitzl, and Gordon Engler, all belong to the fraternity.
Rudolf Mueller, the AfD’s lead candidate for next year’s state election in Saarland, is said to have been caught selling actual Nazi swastika insignias and medals from the Third Reich in his antique shop. An undercover buyer, working for the publication, Stern, went into the shop and actually purchased some money used in concentration camps and a swastika medal. This was an illegal act, and now authorities in Saarland have launched an investigation on Mueller. In response to this, Mueller has said that he did not know that selling Nazi paraphernalia was against the law.
What we are seeing in Germany is not normal nationalism or counter-jihadism, as it is being portrayed by the right wing in America, but racialism breaking the barriers of taboos, and boldly expressing itself. For example, Andreas Scheuer, the general secretary for Bavaria’s governing Christian Social Union, just recently said:
“the worst is a football-playing altar-serving Senegalese… who has been here for three years – as an economic refugee – we can’t get rid of him”.
Here, Scheuer is not speaking of Muslims, but African Catholics, showing that the hatred is beyond Islam, and is now bent upon pursuing race and going against Catholics.
Catholic Cardinal Reinhard Marx, condemned the statement, saying that he was “horrified and incensed” by Scheuer’s remark. Cologne’s Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, accused the Christian Social Union of “promoting the work of the right-wing populist AfD”. The Christian Social Union is the sister organization of the CDU, or the Christian Democratic Union, the protestant political party that is currently headed by Angela Merkel, which may very well mean that the Cardinal’s words correspond with our suspicion: that the German political establishment is manipulating the German population into the same fascist goals of the AfD.
A significant influence on the AfD, and on racialist movements in Germany in general, is Thilo Sarrazin. He wrote a book that was published in 2010, entitled Germany Abolishes Itself, in which he elaborated on the genetic differences between various races and how they impact inherited intelligence. Thilo affirmed that Jews are 15% more intelligent than Germans, and that Germans are more intelligent than other non-White races. By saying that Jews are genetically superior in intelligence, people may not be so quick to think of Nazism, and also many Jews may fancy such ideas. The trap is being redesigned, to cover up Nazism, and to not appear antisemitic. Perhaps this is why, as we shall see later, numerous Jewish elites, working for the American Renaissance organization, support the AfD and Thilo's type of work. Nonetheless, it is still racialism, no matter what race is being praised. Thilo also wrote: “more children of the clever, before its too late.”
The publication was not subscribed to by some fringe group; it sold 1.2 million copies in just six months, it became Germany’s biggest best seller since its reunification. As Barrie Levine wrote, it has “become one of the most widely read books in Germany since Mein Kampf (Fekete 2011).” (See Race, Racism and Social Work, p. 111) Wilfried Weber, a manager of the Felix Jud bookstore in Hamburg, said:
"There are diehards who show up every day, hoping that I might just have a copy left."
What makes Thilo even more significant is the fact that he is not part of “the right,” but of the Social Democrats, a left wing party that is quite in favor of immigration and is popular amongst immigrant voters. The Social Democrats never expelled Thilo for his darwinist statements, giving his affirmations more strength in the eyes of his supporters.
Why would a high ranking member of a left-wing party, popular amongst immigrants, be spouting eugenist views? It is possible that such racialist figures want immigration, in order to conduct manipulation on the populace to drive them to be penchant towards despotism? Thilo’s work has been praised and adulated by both the political elites and a very substantial part of the population of Germany.
When a powerful nation has economic problems, politicians — who would have been unpopular or obscure otherwise — rise up and will point the finger at the group that anyone can attack without any repercussion: immigrants. The immigrants are always the ones who receive much of the blame, and who get the brunt of societal anger. New parties go from having a small constituency, to gaining great popularity, and what spawns is fanatical populism. This explains the rise of the AfD in Germany, with Germans seeing economic difficulties and swarms of refugees from the Muslim world, their anger is becoming more and more severe, and they are increasingly in favor for racialist politics. As one German journalist, Tobian Lill, put it:
“If the government continues on its current path, it is in for a rude awakening sooner than later. Many employed as well as unemployed people are already voting for the AfD. The party has recently changed its position on numerous social and political issues. If the welfare state faction of the party succeeds against the economically-liberal faction, the AfD could remain in second place, even if the refugee crisis is resolved. In many places, it could even become a leading party.”
AfD members took several seats in Berlin’s parliament in the recent election, and one of the winners is a blatant Nazi, named Kay Nerstheimer. He defended SS captain Erich Priebke, who had been imprisoned in Italy in 1998 for his role in the 1944 massacre at the Ardeatine caves in Rome, in which German forces slaughtered 335 Italians — 75 of whom were Jews. On his Facebook page, Nerstheimer posted a photo of Nazi soldiers in Hitler’s army, with the caption: “Each of them is a fine example to the people”.
In July, Nerstheimer posted a video entitled: “It’s all a LIE! The true cause of the war of 1939”. The video presented a talk by German revisionist Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof, who lays doubt on Germany’s responsibility behind the Second World War, and puts the blame on Catholic Poland. One day before posting this, Nerstheimer posted an anti-Jewish conspiracy theory, that the Jews started WW2, saying:
“the forces that caused the First World War also caused the second one … Now they are on the edge of starting a third one and are always finding idiots that will obey them.”
Nerstheimer even goes so far as to say that the Nazis who slaughtered people were innocent, arguing that their victims were “guerrilla fighters” and thus not under the protections of the law.“Therefore the shootings were legal,” Nerstheimer wrote. Another words, it was open season on Catholics, Orthodox Slavs and Jews.
Another newly elected AfD member for Berlin’s parliament is Ronald Glaser. He does not just go against Muslims, he has directed rage against Winston Churchill himself, referring to him as a “war criminal”. “What would have happened if the English had not declared war on us Germans for no good reason in 1939?” he wrote in a 2010 article comparing Churchill with Hitler.
“The two warlords are not treated equally as war criminals, which they both were,” he wrote.
“Fifty million people dead. Half of Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, the Baltic States, the Czech and Slovak Republics under communist rule. This is the world that Churchill gave us. Of course not alone. But with his blindness to the real war aims of Stalin and his war against Germany he greatly contributed.”
Another very notable distinction of the “counter-jihadists” and racialists in the US and Europe is their acceptance of homosexuality. found in the German media that in the AfD there are many homosexuals, as is revealed in one recent interview of an AfD leader, Mirko Welsch, who heads the homosexual branch of the party. In the interview, the sodomite said:
“It is a typical stereotype that all homosexuals have to choose green, left or liberal. Indeed there are many homosexuals who think conservative. In a reader survey of "Men" magazine - a magazine that is aimed at homosexuals - the AFD has landed in third place. The AFD is not homophobic, even if they are always blamed as so.”
While being in support for homosexuality, Welsch said that the German people must “not lose sight of the traditional family.” What is happening today is really a return to the homosexuality of the Nazis, in which perversity is indulged in, while “family values” are touted and boasted of. As historian Gerhard Rempel wrote:
“Homosexuality, meanwhile, continued on into the war years when Hitler Jugend boys frequently became victims of molestations at the hands of their SS tutors; Himmler consistently took a hard line against it publicly but was quite willing to mitigate his penalties privately and keep every incident as secret as possible.” (Rempel: 51f)
In the immediate years after WW1 and the socialist revolution in 1918, thousands of veteran soldiers of the German army joined quasi-military units called Freikorps (Free Corps). It was this group that would eventually help give birth to national socialism in Germany. A great many of their leaders were, unsurprisingly, homosexual, as historian G.S. Graber writes:
“Many… [Freikorps] leaders were homosexual; indeed homosexuality appears to have been widespread in several volunteer units. Gerhard Rossbach… was an open homosexual. On his staff was Lieutenant Edmund Heines who was late to become the lover of Ernst Roehm” (Graber:33).
It is akin to the perspective observed in the Islamic world, where women are viewed for breeding while men and boys are taken for demonic and deranged pleasure. These perverts are like the SA, Nazi homosexuals who helped put Hitler in power. Amongst the leaders of Hitler’s SA was a homosexual named Edmund Heines, a very sadistic person, for as historian Frank Rector wrote: “He liked to shoot his victims in the face with his 7.65 Walter automatic or beat them to death with a club.” (Rector:89)
One of the organizers for the SA was Gerhard Rosbach, a homosexual sadist and and a prominent contributor for the pre-Hitler youth movement. As historian Robert G.L. Waite wrote:
With the exception of Ehrhardt, Gerhard Rossbach, sadist, murderer, and homosexual was the most admired hero of nationalistic German youth. “In Ehrhardt, but also Rossbach,” says a popular book on the youth movement, “we see the Fueherer of our youth. These men have become the Idolized Man, idolized… and honored as can only happen when the personality of an individual counts more than anything else” … the most important single contributor of the pre-Hitler youth movement [was] Gerhard Rossbach (Waite, 1969:210f).
Notice, a homosexual sadist is adulated and esteemed as “the Idolized Man,” the ideal male. It has become obvious that this evil is coming back, with the rise of racialist politics. When you have Alt-Right acolytes like Milo Yiannapolous of saying that “gay men are smarter: we test higher for IQ than our heterosexual counterparts”, and conservatives in both America and Europe fawning over him as some hero, it is not just a sign of utter moral decay, but a collective penchant towards political movements in which fanatic nationalism and homosexuality are conjoined into a hybrid ideology.
This salivation over homosexual "conservatives" is being done and promoted by major groups and activists like, Pamela Geller, Jihad Watch, Frontpage Magazine, American Renaissance, and David Horowitz's Freedom Center, and the entire mainstream counter-jihad movement. This promotion of homosexuality, in which perversity, violence and supremacist thinking, is encouraged, was heavy in the Nazi SA division, as historian Louis Snyder described it:
“[Roehm] projected a social order in which homosexuality would be regarded as a human behavior pattern of high repute …he flaunted his homosexuality in public and insisted that his cronies do the same. What was needed, Roehm believed, was a proud and arrogant lot who could brawl, carouse, smash windows, kill and slaughter for the hell of it. Straights, in his eyes, were not adept in such behavior as practicing homosexuals” (Snyder:55).
There are numerous figures in the realm of politics and even “counterjihad” who are promoting homosexuality, and not just as a perspective on "LGBT rights," but to foster animosity against Christians and to promote homosexuality as supreme. Take for example, Anne Marie Waters. While making herself out to be some bold speaker against Islam, she has described the Catholic Church as being “cruel, oppressive, and highly dangerous to gay individuals. … When the Vatican had political power in the world, it treated homosexuals just as Islamist states do today. In medieval Europe, which was dominated by political Catholicism, homosexual sex was punished by burning at the stake.” While she markets herself as being “against Islam,” and promotes homosexuality, she as well is pushing for victory for the Nazi AfD party:
What is both interesting and disturbing is how all of these so-called “counter jihadists” never stop talking about Israel, Hitler and the Nazism of the past, while they never say a word about the current Nazis ideology that is arising in present day Germany and the homosexual supremacist teaching being fostered by sodomite ideologues. It is always the case with the coward, speaking out against the dead Nazis while completely silent in regards to the living Nazi.
Pamela Geller ceaselessly talks about Islam, but never has she once condemned or exposed the homosexual supremacist worldview. Not only did she share a platform with sodomite supremacist, Milo Yiannopolous of Briebart, as Robert Spencer claimed, but expressed praise for the nazi AfD:
“The party [AfD] is just three years old, but their stunning success is a rebuke to the islamization of Germany and the Muslim invasion of Europe.”
Robert Spencer also praised the nazi AfD:
“The Alternative for Germany party wants to keep Muslims from immigrating so that jihadis won’t kill Germans. Those two stances couldn’t be less equivalent.”
The evidence accumulates when Spencer works publicly with homosexual atheist, Douglas Murray, from whom we hear the sprinkles of the word 'conservative.'
Douglas once boasted about how he argued for “the conservative case for gay marriage,” he also goes against, as he writes, “the opinions of certain homophobes who claim that gays are dangerous precisely because they are somehow going to ‘gay up’ wider society.” Douglas also chided Christians in Africa, saying that they have “a backward attitude towards homosexuality”. Thats right. If you do not accept homosexuality, think its evil and perverted, then you are “backwards,” according to the social darwinists of the “counter jihad movement.” And Robert Spencer, even though he claims to be Catholic, has no problem working and associating himself with such a degenerate nazi.
The deception becomes crystal clear how the masses are sold: 'Islam is bad,' therefore 'the AfD's fight with Islam is the solution,' when the reality is this: political parties, and other ideological groups, will use a situation in which a threat actually exists, make themselves to be the solution to it, and through this manipulate the emotions of the people and use them to advance their own tyrannical agenda. It is disturbing that Geller, being a Jew who is supposed to be weary of Nazism and Islam, supports such a group that is toxic and only benefits the evil intentions of pernicious organizations that are using the fears to open the doorway to racialism and eugenics. The AfD and their acolytes are using the Islamic problem to give leeway to a discussion on race, and to thus legitimize racialist ideologies, specifically, eugenics.
One of the masterminds behind this movement is Swedish millionaire Evangelical, Alan Ayling, of the Swedish Democrats party. Ayling supports figures such as Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Ayan Hirsi Ali, Jay Smith and others, saying:
We have got people out there who can win these arguments, people like Robert Spencer, Daniel Pipes, Brigitte Gabriel.
How many experts do you want? There's Robert Spencer, Daniel Pipes, Bill Warner, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brigitte Gabriel, Geert Wilders is an expert, fantastic, he can argue any of these, Pamela Geller, Jay Smith.
Jim Dawson recounted the meeting:
For some time I had been courted by ‘Tommy Robinson’ EX EDL re a new project that he was to be involved with when he came off licence. He and some others named as an, Anne Marie Waters, Lord Pearson and Barroness Cox where to set up and promote a ‘Sharia Watch’ organisation and were looking for me to provide the skills to enable successful fundraising, administration, merchandising and web presence similar to what I had done for the BNP and Britain First in the past. As a result of several conversations I was invited over to meet the interested parties and that was on the dates above.
“There was actually two meetings that took place on Thursday the 11th of June 2015 in the village of Great Offley . The first meeting was in the Green Man pub, beer garden at around 4pm where Mr Robinson arrived with a man I know to be called ‘Dave Allport’ who introduced himself as an expert on extremism and was very friendly with Mr Lennon. I had the impression they were both singing from the same hymn sheet.
Also present were Paul Golding and Jayda Francen from the Political party Britain First and several security personnel also from Britain First and one other, an man who was there to observe at my request . This meeting was really one about Tommy and Paul and I was not really involved in any serious discussions.
As this meeting concluded Mr Robinson confirmed with me of our meeting later that evening and said that Anne Marie Waters would be present and Alan Ayling also would be there. This was arranged to be held down the road in the Red Lion Hotel at 7.30pm. No Britain First people were invited.
The second meeting in the red Lion was attended by myself, Ayling, Robinson and I had a person ‘observing’ from nearby. They initially explained what they desired from me regarding the new organisation, which Anne Marie described as “ EDL with membership”
I explained it would take at least £10,000 to start this project . Robinson suggested I get a cut of the profits, However, I pointed out the considerable costs involved and I would have to pay my people up front but after this initial investment a cut would be fine. Then Mr Ayling said that once this was up and running they had American ‘heavy hitters’ who would back the project, this was reiterated by Mr Robinson.”
...“As the meeting progressed I was interested in how they would attract a following given that the ‘right-wing’ anti Islam ‘market was rather crowded and Britain First had almost a monopoly on the scene. It was then the issue of cartoons was brought up.
Anne Marie Waters outlined her idea of a Mohammed Cartoon competition. It was also muted by the others that the displaying of cartoons should occur in towns and cities with large muslin communities both here in Britain and possibly in Europe. Robinson and Ayling both contributed to this discussion.
However, it seemed to me that Ms Waters was very much the driving force in this enterprise. As the conversation progressed it became apparent that this idea was, as far as I was concerned, extremely dangerous and ill conceived. I was becoming aware of the true intent of the whole operation and was seriously concerned at what I was hearing.
It became very obvious that the intent was to use the pretence of ‘freedom of speech’ to ferment a backlash from the Muslim community. This was not an opinion formulated by me but rather a conclusion based on statements from all three participants.
I pointed out that such a ‘stunt’ would definitely ignite the fires of a civil war and this had the potential to result in the deaths of thousands of innocent people. During the conversation I asked Ms Water directly if it was a fair thing to mock any religious figure, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Or the Virgin Mary as I, as a Christian found the deliberate mocking of my religion as a very annoying thing. She responded tersely that “she would do what she liked, whenever she wanted as it’s a fee country and it’s her right” I found this statement and the attitude to be at best rather juvenile and maybe even foolhardy.”
Alan Ayling and Tommy Robinson both stated that it was necessary to spark off a Northern Ireland style conflict with the Muslim community according to Downson
“At this stage in the conversation both Ayling and Mr Robinson interjected with comments regarding the necessity to ‘spark’ off a conflict as demographically it was better it happen now than in 20 years time when it would be too late.
Again I pressed as to whether they fully understood the implications of what they were saying and apparently they did. I explained the realities of the horrors that I lived through during the Ulster conflict and again this was seen as a sort of model for the overall plan as they were convinced that once the spark was ignited, that “there were enough Jihadists, gangsters and drug dealers with arms in the Muslim community to start a war”.
They believed that then in this scenario thousands of British people especially ex military folk would be drawn into an Northern Ireland like conflict and their organisation would be in a position to harness the people into some kind of structure and resistance movement.
Counter-jihadism is being used by eugenist elitists as a front to cover up their own motives of race war and mass slaughter and tyranny. The trap and the concoction is weaved so well, that anyone who goes against it will be accused of supporting Islam. This is exactly what happened to when David Horowitz's Freedom Center, Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller, declared that we have "joined the Jihad" for simply exposing Briebart's Milo Yiannopoulos' sodomite supremacist agenda within the counter-jihad. This conspiracy was further revealed by our colleague, Andrew Bieszad.
Similar to Jim Dawson's experience, Bieszad was invited to speak at an event for American Renaissance, the central organization for the Alt-Right, a supporter of the nazi AfD, eugenics and Social-Darwinism, whose membership is filled with Jewish eugenists. On their website they even say: "Galton was also correct in perceiving that eugenics is the solution to the problem." The same organization says:
"Eugenics is the obvious solution, but it is notoriously difficult to accomplish. If we in the West do not have the will to stop dysgenic reproduction or dysgenic immigration, Prof. Lynn predicts "the torch of civilization will pass from the Europeans to the Chinese."
Bieszad did not know the evils of American Renaissance, he simply thought it was an event to expose Islam. What he saw shocked him, as it revealed that the counter-jihad narrative was simply being used as a front by the organization to further advance Nazism and race war. I interviewed Andrew Bieszad about this experience:
What is dangerous is how evil people are venerated simply because they are “against Islam.” One can be for Nazism, infanticide, euthanasia and homosexuality, and still they will be praised because they are “fighting Islam.” I especially find it interesting how people will act as though a particular “counter-jihadist” is some “final hope” or “bulwark” for Western civilization. Its quite a weak position, and one that emanates from an absence of convictions.
You have entire peoples in Europe who say that Christianity is the solution to the West’s problems, but they will not accept such affirmations, they want to indulge and tolerate evil, they want abortion, homosexuality and degeneracy. It is not a war between “the west and Islam,” between “secularism and Islam,” between “modern society and Islam.” As Jospeh de Maistre wrote, “it is the fight to the death between Christianity and philosophism.” It is a war between good and evil. The holy Scriptures do not say that Christ came to destroy Islam, but “that he might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8)
These types of people think its edgy or courageous to come out and say, “Islam is not a religion of peace!” The era of it requiring some fortitude to declare that Islam is not a religion of peace is over; it began dying on 9/11, and has since finally perished with the huge media attention on ISIS’ videos of blood, gore and carnage. It really means nothing in regards to one’s moral fortitude if they say that Islam is not peaceful. Such words are being used to tout sacrilege, in the face of the masses who are angered at Islam and Muslim immigration. The anger against Muslims is growing so much, that the passions and emotions of the people are being enthralled and leveraged towards the ideological objectives of tyrants and debauched reprobates.
The immigration crises in Germany is not an invasion, it is an invitation for societal manipulation, to push the country to accept despotism. Political elites wanted the refugees, to cause enough chaos to push the people to be in favor for totalitarianism. Europe should have never brought the refugees. Yes. But, they did. And the question is why? As I have said before, when Merkel became chancellor of Germany, she had always played the anti-multiculturalism card, affirming that German multiculturalism has “utterly failed.” All of a sudden, she became for multiculturalism, being in support for the absorption of a million or so Muslim refugees, to the words of "wir shaffen das" ("we will manage”).
Put her words against multiculturalism against her own actions, and it becomes obvious that the woman knew very well that the repercussions were going to be disastrous. The whole of the German government knew what destructive consequences were going to transpire. It is very conspicuous that the reasoning behind the absorption of refugees was not compassion, but a political agenda.
The agenda is societal manipulation: to cause anger, mass rage and frustration, to the point that the people will throw out all historical and political taboos, and look to up to people of supremacist and fascist ideology as the solution. Now Angela Merkel is saying that the refugee situation became out of her control:
"For some time, we didn't have enough control… No one wants a repeat of last year's situation, including me."
Once Germany had enough of its quota of refugees necessary -- in accordance to the agreement with Neo-Ottoman Turkey -- for the second phase of transforming the country, now she is against the immigration plan. She knew what was going to happen. Its as if the powers that be wanted this to happen, so that they could create the problem and then make themselves to be the solution.
This is part of a conspiracy done between Germany and Turkey. The Germans made an agreement with Turkey to take in the refugees, knowing full well that it would change the political conditions of their nation, in order to pave the way to a totalitarian fourth reich, and for a future nazi alliance with a revived Ottoman Empire.
It is not really against Islam that these people have their fight, but rather, it is against Europe itself. What made civilization in Europe, what made it go beyond savagery and enter the realm of virtue, was Christianity. And the calculative and sinister forces amongst us, who claim to be for “Western values,” are advancing disorder, are warring against the Faith that made Europe beautiful. They actually want to take us to a dark age, one reminiscent to pre-Christian times, where homosexuality, violence and sadism are an intricate part of society.
If the AfD, or some other people like it, ever take power over Germany, they will make alliances with the very people they are claiming to be against — the Muslims, specifically the Ottomans, and Eastern European Muslims like the Albanians (as they did against the Serbs in the 90s) — and they will make war with the very people they claim to defend: Europeans. This can be done through a peace treaty after turmoil and also through argumentation that there are "white Muslims" like those in Turkey and Eastern Europeans. Hitler did this with the Japanese; while seeing them as inferior, the Nazis nonetheless called them honorary Aryans. They also did this with the Grand Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, with whom they made the Muslims SS Handjar Division. The Germans did this before, when they trained Muslim Albanians and Bosnians for their SS divisions, why would they not do this again?
Like the Nazis before them, the AfD is already expressing hatred against Catholic and Orthodox, Southern Europeans. The AfD's federal spokesman and co-leader, Joerg Meuthen, said:
“We [Germany] can have a common currency with the Netherlands, Austria, Finland or Baltic states. They have similar cultures of stability like ours, but the French have a different one, not to mention the Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and Greeks. They don’t want austerity at all.”
I thought it was about Islam? Why the attack all of a sudden on Southern European countries? I believe that this organization, and this way of thinking, when it takes power, will eventually turn against Catholics and Orthodox Christians. It is not surprising, that already the bulk of the voters in favor of AfD are Protestants and the irreligious, while the number of Catholics in support for this political party are very small, as we read in one German report.
They are first starting incrementally, slowly introducing terms that are known to be National Socialist in nature, while claiming that there is nothing wrong with doing this. For example, the AfD leader, Frauke Petry, loves to use the Nazi term, “voelkisch,” a phrase utilized by the Nazis when referring to the “people’s” or “national.” It was used by the Nazis to distinguish the German people from the Jews and anyone else deemed “racially inferior.”
The Nazi propaganda newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter (“People’s Observer”), heavily promoted the concept. In 2009, German authorities began confiscating copies of the Nazi newspaper after the the publication, Zeitungszuegen (“Newspaper Witnesses”), began making reprints of it. Frauke Petry defended the term, saying that “voelkisch” does not signify any racism, and that "we should work to restore a positive connotation to this concept”.
German journalist Kai Biermann wrote this warning in regards to this issue:
“'Voelkisch' is not just any adjective … Voelkischer Beobachter was the strongest Nazi daily in terms of circulation, it was the Nazis' campaign sheet … The term 'voelkisch' is a synonym for extreme nationalism and even for racism. To this day it is a symbol of Nazism and its ideology of eradicating and killing anything non-German”
Nazism is going to retake Germany, and it will be thanks to refugees -- absorbed in by European elitists -- stirring anger amongst the populace to the point that they will accept despotism as the solution. This acceptance of totalitarianism will further divide Europe and spark major fragmentation and division that will be filled with violence and bloodshed, under the hands of the Germans and their allies -- the Muslims and others (I believe Croatia will side with Germany) -- and who will be watching? The Ne0-Ottoman Empire. The revived Ottoman Empire will ally with Germany in its war with Christendom, but I believe that it will first wait for this massive division and breaking down of Europe before it strikes. In a prophecy made by St. Francis of Paula in 1508, it says:
In Germany begins a dance
Which passeth through Italy
Spain and France
The war will begin in Germany, the evil will start there and it will cause a cataclysmic torrent of violence that will spread throughout Europe. The French may ally with Germany initially, but it will eventually side with its Catholic brothers, especially with the nations of the South -- Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc. -- and it will prevail. This is in accordance with the prophecy of St. Paula in which she spoke of France as "the nation between the Rhine and the North Sea,"
“The people of the peninsula of Europe will suffer by needless wars until the Holy Man comes. The Lion will come from a high mountain in the enlightened nation. Then will the people of the half-moon of the tribe of Agar overrun many nations towards midnight and commit many atrocities. They will stay three years destroying everything. Yet, in the third year, will one of the unconquerable Eagles who reigns over the enlightened nation between the Rhine and the North sea, with a great army meet them by the mouth of the River Rhine and, in a fearful battle, almost entirely annihilate them.” (Click here to read further interpretation on this)
Notice what she says: at first war will devastate Europe, and then will the Muslims make their attack. The Germans divided Europe through the Protestant Reformation, and the Muslims struck. The conflict of Protestantism would have easily been taken care of, "had it not been that political authority over the Germans," writes Belloc, "already badly weakened and divided, suffered sudden menace in the very quick of the business from the great Mohammadan victory on Mohacs Field." The German Luther, and the other reformers, caused the division, the Muslims capitalized on the chaos, and the factionalism in Europe was perpetuated. Germany today is causing another reformation, with the help of the proto-protestants -- the Muslims -- alongside German Lutherans, and this will divide Europe, foster back German tyranny, and the bloodbath will be perpetuated from an attack by the Ottomans.
*Special thanks to Rudy for helping with German translation.
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