
Teenager Zeeshan Masih was visiting his uncle and went out to buy a soda but never came home. They found his raped and murdered body hanging from a tree, and when they reported it, the media covered up the story by said he died from eating fruit while drinking soda:

Zeeshan Masih had been visiting his uncle’s cattle farm at Shreejan Wala Dhera and gone out to buy a soft drink on the 23rd of August 2016, but never returned home. He was later found hanging dead from the branch of tree only a short distance from where his uncle’s buffaloes would go out to graze.

Despite medical evidence that Zeeshan had been sexually molested and some witnesses implicating two unknown Muslim men, local Police initially registered Zeeshan’s death as natural and not suspicious.

The Deputy Superintendent of Sadar Police constabulary, Saleem Warraich has stated that Zeeshan died of a heart attack, which he claims was induced by drinking a soft drink after eating fruit. The crass statement was made during a press conference with national media groups including Duniya News and Express News.

BPCA obtained a copy of the post-mortem examination. The part highlighted in yellow describes a dilated anus and other tell tale signs of sodomy. There is a belief that local Government Ministers and Police are in cahoots with a paedophile ring. Our officer met with the family and the local community and uncovered this more sinister plot. We now know that other children are complaining about sexual abuse and it is believed that Zeeshan was killed for threatening to tell his parents. (source)

As the article suggests, this boy was not merely a victim of Islamic violence, but homosexual violence as well.

We have documented from metaphysical to the practical connections between homosexuality and Islam. Metaphysically speaking, Islam is a form of advanced grave sin in the form of apostasy and heresy- it is a sign of rebellion against God. Homosexuality is, as the Bible teaches, an advanced for of sin and rebellion against God. As such, it would only be natural that a man who was exposed to Islam for a very long time and believed it sincerely would begin to develop homosexual tendencies.

The metaphysics of the matter is proven through the fact that homosexuality is rampant in Islam. While there are deviants in every religion and culture, how many times has it been that we have documented how the systematic rape of boys and men in many a Muslim nation is simply a common place occurrence accepted as a normal part of daily life?

This is not something new, but also historically proven. An excellent study of this came out in 2004 in the Journal of The History Of Sexuality called "The Sodomitic Lions Of Granada." This study chronicled the caliphate of the Spanish Caliph 'Abd Ar-Rahman III, who is also recognized as the ruler during the highest point and most central to the mythological "golden age of Islamic Spain." If you read the study (which you can do for free via ProQuest available from most university libraries) is that this so highly regarded ruler of Islamic Spain was also a complete sodomite pervert who was so obsessed with male-on-male copulation that he had statues, reliefs, and designs made showing homosexual activity between animals, men, and sometimes men with animals.

This Caliph was also an active homosexual himself, and he was directly responsible for the murder of St. Pelagius the Boy martyr. St. Pelagius' uncle, St. Hermogius, was the Catholic Bishop of the city of Tuy, and St. Pelagius was a teenager when his uncle was captured by the Caliph after the Battle of Valdejunquera. St. Pelagius offered to exchange himself as a captive in order to free his uncle. Immediately upon seeing the boy, this same Caliph burned with lust for him, and told him that he wanted him to be his personal homosexual sex slave and that if he said yes, he would receive whatever he wanted. Instead, the saint told the Caliph that he would never do such a vile thing because it would be an abomination to Christ, and what the caliph offered was nothing less than a kiss from a demon.


The martyrdom of St. Pelagius. The Caliph is in the background on the left.

The Caliph was enraged by this comment, and put St. Pelagius to a cruel death. While there are varying accounts, the most commonly accepted one is that he was slowly tortured to death with hot iron rods over the course of six hours. Hrotsvitha, a German nun and poet during Medieval times, wrote an entire poem about this incident, which you can read translated right here beginning on page 123.

This is but one example of many. What came of the many young men and boys who were sold into slavery from Muslim pirates? What about the bacha bazi boys of Central Asia? Why is it that the Turkish bathhouse, which developed in Muslim Turkey, was always synonymous with buggery yet still permitted? Why is transsexualism such a part of Islam to the point that man-on-man sodomy is OK so long as one man is wearing lipstick? This answer is clear- because Islam permits homosexuality, so long as certain procedural rules are followed. As Walid has described it, "for every sin in Islam, there is a loophole."

Is it therefore any surprise that as the West not only has as sin grown, but also sodomy at the same time as Muslims are invading? The three units are connected, as the West is dying on account of repeated sin without forgiveness, and two of the greatest sins- Islam, the greatest of all heresies that denies the Incarnation, and sodomy, which denies the very created nature of man- are rushing into these lesions caused by sin.

Homosexuality is a sickness of a soul exposed to repeated and grave sins. Because Islam is such an advanced form of sin, it is only natural that sodomy would be a fitting companion for Islam and has been throughout history. No, Islam is not a religion that "hates gays," but rather Islam is perhaps the gayest religion in world history. To deny the sodomite connection to Islam is to deny not just a common observation, but rather a fact of basic history.

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