
Poland and Hungary have been leading the fight along with the rest of Eastern Europe against the Muslim invaders. Now in another development as Germany and other Western European nations are calling for more Muslims and a "United States of Europe" with a "European Army," Poland, Hungary, and their neighbors are telling the EU no more control, no "European Army," and no more Muslims:

Members of the influential Visegrad group, which comprises of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, rejected migrant quotas and blasted the overbearing EU Commission with an incendiary ultimatum.

The group represents a faction of nations which have become increasingly concerned by authoritarian Brussels, with Poland and Hungary both locked in bitter legal battles with the EU.

Their demands come after a separate clique of Mediterranean states, including France, Spain and Italy, formed their own interest group to counter the power wielded by Angela Merkel.

The developments are a sign of the spiralling disintegration of the EU which is seeing the bloc fray into a series of powerful factions, each fighting to impose their own interest on bureaucrats in Brussels.

In their statement the Visegrad group said: "Our ambition is to reassert the vision and principles enshrined in the Treaties and win back the trust of our citizens."(source)

This is just the beginning, because the E.U. and specifically Germany is NOT going to back down. That is why they are pushing for right now the invasion of a quarter million more Muslims, because the more Muslims that come in, the more control will be necessary to keep order in society.

This Muslim invasion is about far more than Muslims. For as the historical record shows, Islam and Muslims are often used as a tool by power-hungry rulers because they correctly see Muslims as a dumbed-down mass that can be easily manipulated. This strategy always works very well until it doesn't, because the same violence that Islam brings against its enemies and the same stupidity of the Muslim masses which so enables them to be easily controlled inevitably turns against the ones who manipulate them, with the result being that the powerholders are ultimately deposed and a new and Islam dictatorship comes to power over the Muslims as the cycle repeats itself.

Germany is desperate to return to her old imperial ways, except in the past when she had Christianity as a sort of buffer against her violent behavior, that barrier is gone with her having fallen into complete and miserable apostasy. This situation is also ripe for Islamization, and Islam is merely the most advanced form of heresy. Finally, to make matters worse, Germany is closely allied to Turkey and has been since 1453, and given the Turkey is going through a return to its Ottoman past.


A map showing the territory of the 19th century Prussian Empire. As one example throughout her history, this map shows Germany's invasion of parts of Poland, Belarus, Russia, and Lithuania (the Austrians and the Russians had possession of the rest of Eastern Europe). Germany has always possessed an unnatural desire to control, dominate, and eliminate the Slavic peoples.

Make no mistake, Eastern Europe is speaking up because Germany's desire to re-assert its imperialism also directly affects them. Historically, Germany is obsessed with dominating, controlling, and ultimately destroying the Slavic race. In the days when the Slavic people were still tribal and barbarian, it was Germanic merchants who sold them to the harems in the Middle East and North Africa. After the Christianization of the Slavs and the Germans, Germany still fought and tried to conquer the Slavs- just not to mass murder them. After the Protestant Revolution, Germany turned once again towards genocide against the Slavs, and this has continued to increase in severity through the years to the point that Germany in WWII attempted to wipe out the Slavic race, so much that approximately 20 million Russians and 10 million Poles perished. Yet even then, amidst the Thulean paganism of the National Socialists, there still was a nominal Christian presence in Germany, a presence which is gone today.

Germany is returning to her old ways, and this time she has abandoned Christ and sold her soul to the Muslim Turk for power.

War is coming. Be ready.

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