By Walid Shoebat
Why are conservatives so fearful and sick of the polls as if a Hillary victory is the end of the world?
Here's where all this elections bid is boiling down to. Trump's campaign is betting on people who have not voted recently—especially the working-class men alienated by the whole system.
the traditional “likely voter” methodology.
“A voter can tell you he’s registered,” Nate Silver wrote in 2008, “tell you that he’s certain to vote, tell you that he’s very engaged by the election, tell you that he knows where his polling place is, etc., and still be excluded” from the results if he didn’t vote in the past.
the primaries, so many 'experts' said with great conviction that Trump couldn’t win. Their reasoning was also scientific. This was especially true since historically a candidate like Trump with no ground game, no field operation working to get his supporters to the polls on election day, no TV ads (which candidates all consider extremely essential); he wasn’t raising money, or spending it and had no real campaign organization and no experience in politics, yet and against all odds, he won the Republican Primary.
40 percent of Americans eligible to vote have not cast a ballot in the last two presidential elections. These, pollsters count as "unlikely voters" and they are out of the polling game.
Both democrats and republicans fear if a portion of this 40% will arise and vote for the other side. They know from the past Gallup in 2012 predicted Romney would beat Obama and erred by misidentification of likely voters. Pew Research study this year declared that “incorrect forecasts about who will vote . . . may be the most serious” problem facing pollsters. Gallup in 2012 missed Obama supporters because they were ranked “not likely” to vote; pollsters worry the same thing might happen this year with hidden Trump supporters who do not want to appear bigoted and racist.
Democrats also fear that supporters of Republican candidates tend to be more likely to vote than supporters of Democratic candidates.
Regardless of these polls, while this nation has a few good people, still, the one major factor the good forget is that we live in this decaying world and changing signs of the times.
It would be a lie to believe either Hillary or the Donald can fix all the problems. Trump is no saint, but Hillary Clinton needs no explanation; not only she is saintliness and is beyond evil to waste this article and explain Jezebel's heart, mind, soul and actions, but the fact that Hillary is gaining in the polls is simply an indicator, not of Trump's sins and failures, but of how fast the West is decaying from within. This will take much death and bloodshed to reverse.
In other words, there is a greater factor here at play: the absence of the love of God where "the love of many shall wax cold" (Matthew 24:12).
Today, unlike a few decades ago, we have “gay theology” which is infiltrating the Christian church at an alarming pace. Trivializing the threat by calling homosexuality “just another sin” is in itself a sign of decay and "falling away". From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible teaches that homosexuality is not “just another sin” but is a sign of decaying morality and hatred of God. To these, God gives them away to the demons of perversities. This includes both the theologically minded and morally corrupt.
We all heard the crap. Philip Pletcher, as Robert Morrison a gay man who has returned to the church and become a minister, shakes Dylan Harris's hand and welcomes him to the church, as Eric Hanson who is discovering his identity as a gay man bla bla bla
There was never a time like today in Christian history where the church viewed homosexuality as "just another sin".
What we see is a symbol of extreme rebellion against God and this is a harbinger of His wrath and not the stock market plummeting or the moon changing colors.
Even Trump praised the homosexual agenda weeks after he advocated punishing women who commit murder through abortion. While not much criticism was said about his compliments of the so-called homosexual rights, all hell broke loose from supposedly anti-abortion advocates. If one gets rid of abortion, then all these agencies fighting abortion will go belly up.
All this shows that we (and this includes the bulk of the so-called conservatives, churchgoers and Trump supporters) are a nation that worships mammon, not God. Trump's flip-flopping simply explains that Trump will become a politician and will cow-tow to the mammon worshipping crowds.
And you want to sing "God to bless America?" Sing. God will never listen to unrepentant hearts.
America no longer deals with Islam as they did the Communist threat or the Third Reich. Today the eighth reich of Islam sits behind Hillary carrying a constitution in hand and Shariah in pocket and the nation is too evil (not dumb) to see it.
Today America fights in the name of democracy while telling lies about why it has to go to war in Iraq and Libya, all pioneered by Hillary Clinton. Even worse, the ones who love war you find them always speaking of peace. Today it is much worse than any other time. Unlike yesteryears where soldiers fight a righteous cause get spat at, today the evil ones praise the serviceman in worship for fighting worthless wars.
To St. Paul in heaven I say, You also know this, that, we are in the days where we have come to dangerous times. Men are already lovers of themselves, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked, without affection, without peace, slanderers, incontinent, unmerciful, without kindness, traitors, stubborn, puffed up, and lovers of pleasures more than of God: having an appearance indeed of godliness, but denying the power thereof.
Now these I avoid. Today I open the headlines to only read of all sorts of men creeping into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, who are led away with divers desires: ever learning, and never attaining to the knowledge of the truth.
Never before we see knowledge increase that is void of the truth. Every one of these evil traits we see today in abundance. People love themselves, they are so selfish and do not even recognize their pride and their blasphemies of the Holy Spirit.
Today they evolve man from a monkey and devolve theology where the worthless lead other worthless to think they know God. They even dress up in holy attire. They use names like "Yeshua," "Messiah," "Adonai," while blaspheming the Holy Spirit by denying the God-Head Trinity: Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Today movements sprout arguing what has been ironed out two millennia ago acting as if they have discovered something new. With vigor they express hatred to Nicaea and even to You, St. Paul, while they get counted as "believers" reverting backwards to Arius and the very herseiarch Muhammad whom they supposedly fight and expose. Today we see devils supposedly fighting devils while passing out instructions of demons.
Today the very prophecy of St. Anthony the Great is fulfilled: “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad [since] you are not like us.'”
Never before have we witnessed where marriage is frowned upon, especially in churches, where marriage is delayed to a late stage in life where mothers hate the increase of God's blessings: children.
They want "blessings" while they hate the initial and earliest commandments of God to "be fruitful and multiply" while they complain of the Muslim devil for obeying such commandments, he is multiplying and sending his seed to go after the seed of the Woman, who keep the commandments of God as to ensure none of us remain on the earth.
Today they call evil good and good evil and then tell us to "get over it!".
Today they say that killing souls and killing babies should not be punishable, while calling for death penalty for pedophiles, rapists and corruptors has become the most unpardonable sin preached from pulpits and by the wicked who think they do God a service.
They choose Jezebel, not knowing that Jezebel will die, they will all die. A few decades in deceit is nothing more than a single spec of sand in a sea of history. Therefore, I choose Christ Who lives forever.
As you wrote "As it is written: For thy sake we are put to death all the day long. We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. But in all these things we overcome, because of him that hath loved us. For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor might, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:36-39)
I await the One Whom His eyes like to a flame of fire, and his feet like to fine brass to rid us of Jezebel and kill her children with death (Revelation 2:23). And while Christ sings to His Bride, the end isn't yet, so I too will sing to my beloved wife:
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