

In must-see reports from the UK Express and Russia Today, true Christian refugees to Europe fleeing Muslim terrorists and ISIS are terrified to see that the same terrorists which tortured and murdered their families are following them to Europe and harassing them:

The Assyrian Christians refugees who made the petrifying claim were granted asylum after being held hostage by Islamic State – also known as Daesh.

The group managed to flee Syria and make the dangerous journey to Germany, where they now live in the city of Saarlouis.

One of the refugees said he saw the jihadi who had terrorised his neighbourhood in Syria, living among the desperate migrants.

Speaking with anonymity, he said: “He stopped me many times at the checkpoint near our village in Syria. We were even able to find him on Facebook, I go to the web page and there’s this guy again.

“I was very scared that this terrorist is in a democratic state like Germany just living here.”

He claims that “this was not the first case” and a number of ISIS militants have been able to gain Syrian refugee status in Germany.

Many Assyrian refugees are now even considering fleeing Germany out of fear of an imminent attack.


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