Mike Pence is absolutely evil, he hates Christians and supports Muslims who actually murder Christians. He supports the Muslim Turks and refuses to have America recognize the Islamic Armenian Genocide done by the Ottoman Empire. I did a whole video on this:

Here is an excerpt from my father's article on this societal problem: 

It is difficult to tell Americans anything right after an election hangover. Christians slumber and since they expect the new president to be like god believing that he will solve all their woes, they go into hibernation just as when Christ left His disciples at the Garden of Gethsemane. With republicans, when their god Reagan told the Russian god, Gorbachev “tear down that wall” they all clapped. And now their new god (Trump) tells the Mayan god “we will build a wall and you will pay for it” and they all clapped.

I avoid opinions from the jeering crowd that loves to clap after every sentence their god proclaims. They clapped during Reagan, when a wall was torn down that was meant to keep Nazism locked up and they will clap when another wall is erected.

Mesmerized crowds are not a good source of wisdom.

Trump will intend well. No doubt. But will he fully comprehend the real cunningness of the enemy?

Here is a simple challenge to the jeering crowds. Americans clapped when their idol, Ronald Reagan, sent weapons to Muslims in Afghanistan to fight the very Russian communists whom they rightly hated. But at the time they did not comprehend the cunning religion of Islam which we warned about will arise as a result. They were void of any wisdom. So they armed the Islamists to fight the Russians and now we have as a result, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS and an Islamist revolution in the Middle East. Was Reagan “smart’? Yes, but obviously he was naive when it came to facing the devil of Islam.

Trump now says: “I am a really smart guy” and “I will destroy ISIS”. Okay, but to combat the devil, one has to be as wise as Daniel, not just “smart” as Reagan was and as Trump is. This unwisdom will not cease in this new presidency as you will see Trump cozy up to Erdogan. Take Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a vice chair of the Trump transition running for a top national security post. Some on the left accuses him of being an Islamophobe. This is false. Flynn runs a consulting firm that is lobbying for Turkish interests. The Daily Sabah, which is an Erdogan mouthpiece denies such allegations. Why? Because they love Flynn’s love of the Turks. So which media do you want to believe; the conservative, the liberal or the Islamist Turks? It is here were wisdom is needed.

An article written by Flynn himself reveals the typical pro-Turkey view that caused the same mess we dealt with in the past during Reagan’s era. Flynn writes:

We must begin with understanding that Turkey is vital to U.S. interests. Turkey is really our strongest ally against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), as well as a source of stability in the region. It provides badly needed cooperation with U.S. military operations. But the Obama administration is keeping ErdoÄŸan’s government at arm’s length — an unwise policy that threatens our long-standing alliance.

Flynn’s argument begs the question: if Islamism is the obstacle to peace, Erdogan is a global Islamist. And if Obama was the “obstacle” to the world’s greatest Islamist, this would mean that we should praise Obama for “keeping ErdoÄŸan’s government at arm’s length”. This senseless thinking will not change under Trump when it comes to Turkey. I remind, it was Mike Pence’s hypocrisy that sold out the Christian Armenian Genocide to please Turkey.

Exposing this under Obama was fine, but now, with Trump, it will only gains us a “pro-Obama” label. Under Trump, the slander from the jeering untrustworthy crowds will not minimize and in fact will increase. These were the same crowds who said that Reagan was smart in 1983. I believe that he was a great president like Trump will become, but Reagan made serious errors. May I remind the jeering crowd, that when Muslim Hezbollah blew up the marine barracks in Lebanon on October 23rd 1983, where nearly 300 of their best and finest marines were slaughtered; did Reagan dare arise to confront Islam? No. Their favorite idol simply tucked-tail, pulled out the troops from Lebanon and ran. Yet they still clapped because exactly two days later, Reagan diverted attention by invading Grenada. Reagan did not want to mess with Islam. Hezbollah got away. And now we hope, pray and clap, that our new idol, Trump, says he will kill some prostitute goddess named ISIS? He will give the mission to Turkey. Guaranteed.

May I remind, today, as a result of their other dead god, Reagan, with his war on Russia, we still have the Taliban, and the jeering crowd still worshiped the dead idol Reagan and they still clap while they hang any critique for blasphemy.

Trump is aware of this and is now mending with Russia. This, as many hate it, will be a good decision by President Trump.

I, many times, said on Radio and in my speeches “do not touch Iraq” and the jeering crowd looked at us Middle Eastern Christians with scorn. Trump (whom we predicted will win when he only had 4% approval) was right on this one and he had the sense to denounce it at the time. Americans at the time worshipped Bush, the Father, who invaded Iraq and then they worshipped Bush the Son who completely destroyed Iraq while the jeering crowd clapped with shouts of hip-hip-hurray.

As it turned out, it was all based on a manufactured lie about some chemical weapons that the Babylonian god, Saddam, supposedly stockpiled so that someday this god rains fire and brimstone on the U.S. It took decades for the clapping mesmerized crowd to wake up and smell the coffee while they all cursed us, the ones who correctly predicted the outcome of things to come.

Then a strange Cushite African god, Obama, (who mesmerized the same foolish crowd), this one springboard from the Bushes catastrophe in Iraq, he moved on the same path of destruction towards Libya and Syria while causing havoc in Tunisia and all the way to Egypt. It sent an Islamist shockwave devastating the entire Middle East where Islam re-arose by the neo-Ottoman Turks, exactly as we predicted will happen in our books. The Cushite god was hated, along with the two burning Bushes, but  Reagan was the god who got away to be praised and worshipped till Kingdom comes and reveal he too was a false god.

So here is my honest to goodness detailed opinion in an essay on what will happen during the era of this new god while this new cunning religion arises upon the earth: the new Islam.

The findings will shock you to a place of no return. It will reveal the true reality at hand and what Trump will face. You will finally understand what cunning is like from an x-cunning devil who was himself a wolf in sheep clothing. Decades from now you will re-read this to realize it will all happen just as we projected. As you read, you will run into arguments saying “so what” and “this is no major deal”, but continue, the devil wins when he succeeds in planting a kernel of leaven which Christ warned will “spoil the whole batch”.

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