Germany has historically looked down upon the Slavic races as inferior peoples they feel they have a right to control and dominate. Beginning in the years before they became Christians, Slavic people were often captured and sold into the slave markets of the Mediterranean and North Africa, even to Moslems. When the Slavs converted to the Faith it helped ease tensions with the Germans, but nevertheless they still remained and Germany looked for opportunities to overtake and dominate them when possible.
A map showing possessions of the Hanseatic League in 1400. The Hanseatic League was established due to the efforts of the Teutonic Knights with northern German businessmen.
In a previous article I wrote about this domination through the Teutonic Knights beginning in the year 1200. Originally invited by Poland to help with the wars against the aggressive and unrelenting pagan peoples of the Baltic States, the Teutonic Knights were successful in pacifying the Baltic States but after helping Poland refused to leave, and even claimed all of Poland's northern coastline as their own territory. After the Protestant movement, (northern) Germany's anger against the Catholic Faith was taken out of Poland and her Slavic neighbors in the form of wars and raids, eventually culminating in the conquest, annexation, and annihilation of Poland as a nation under the Prussian Empire.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
The years up to World War I saw extensive German interference in the Slavic nations, such that precipitated the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by the Serb terrorist Gavrilo Princip. The Second World War saw German atrocities leveled against the Slavic people as a part of the "master plan" to eliminate "inferior races" that was hardly different from what a decade earlier were Stalin's horrible massacres against Ukrainian farmers that resulted in the great starvation (Holodomor) which murdered up to 12 million Ukrainians in 3 years.
People dying from starvation in Kharkiv, Ukraine during the Holodomor
History shows a pattern between German foreign policy and the treatment of its Slavic neighbors. When Germany is friendly towards the Slavs, then things are OK. However, when Germany starts acting unfriendly or worse, aggressively towards the Slavs, then watch out.
I bring this up because of what we have been discussing here on about the rise of the new National Socialist movement in Europe and America under the guise of ultraconservatism and nationalism leading to racialism. Given that the basis is in Germany as the center of the E.U., that we see and open diplomatic confrontation growing between Germany and Russia, and the hatred that Germany displays towards its Slavic neighbors, I asked myself if there were anything I could find about the "alt-right" and the Slavs that people have been saying.
I took a visit over to 4Chan, which if you are not already aware of, has been veritably taken over in many parts by National Socialists due to its anonymous nature, free flow of conversation style, and minimal censorship. 4Chan has become to the 21st century what Stormfront was to the 20th century. This is what I found with a simple search:
And from the same thread:
Notice the use of the term "slavsh*t"- a phrase used against Slavic people. But wait, it gets better, such as in response to a posting about "racists":
Or how about this one commenting on a person from Macedonia's comment:
And from a thread talking about Russia defending her neighbors:
Then there is this discussion which says 'If Slavs are the niggers of Europe who are the biggest niggers of them'?:
Then there is this discussion with a dose of serious self-hatred:
A greeting from Canada:
Then there is this discussion from earlier this year:
By the way, it isn't any better on the "pro-Soviet" side either:
I could go on and on with examples, but I think the point is clear. 4Chan gives a great view into the heart of what many of the most private thoughts are of people, particularly with the new National Socialism, and what should be clear is there is a trend moving towards the hatred of the Slavic peoples that is tied up with this "new nationalism" in what is merely history repeating itself again as it did during World War II.
As I wrote before, keep an eye on Germany's former "territories" in the Slavic and Baltic nations because she has her eye on them as part of the plans for empire. As I wrote about earlier this year from a former major NATO officer, Germany will attack them eventually and this will precipitate World War III, as there will be no turning back from that point.
History is repeating itself again
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