
If it was not bad enough that the Swedish government has allowed Muslim men to turn Sweden into the "rape capitol of Europe," now the Swedish government is paying children to spend time with these same Muslim would-be rapists:

Swedish authorities have started paying Swedish youths to spend time with migrants and “asylum seekers”, in a desperate attempt to show that integration and multiculturalism can work.

“It is sad that they have to pay as we’ve been doing fun things too, it has not been hard work,” participant Magdalena Hautala told SVT.

Around 50 Swedish-born youngsters, aged 14 to 15-years-old, are being paid 50 Swedish Krona ($6/£4.50) an hour to mingle with the new, mainly Muslim, arrivals.

In the first week of the trial, in the town Svenljunga, about an hour from Gothenburg, the teenagers are said to have learnt about democracy, equality, and prosperity.

You can’t just turn things on, but we see it as these young people are doing a very important job in teaching about their cultures and gaining a greater understanding of each other,” said project manager Kristina Sune Fire.

“Compensation is still a good enticement,” she added.


The vast majority were young men, and the unemployment rate among foreign-born men aged 18-24 years sits 41 per cent.

The young migrants participating in the scheme in Svenljunga do not have work permits and receive income support payments from the government.

In the first week, they were treated to a free trip to the Liseberg amusement park where they went canoeing on the water “learn to cooperate in and with nature” and stayed with a scout troop in a wooden cabin. (source)

If the language used sounds like prostitution, consider that the amount these children are being paid per hour is average price of a prostitute in Syria.

But even then, these "young men" between the ages of 18 and 24 are the group most likely to rape, and as the stories have continually shown, these Muslims will rape anybody, anywhere. They impulse-driven barbarians whose unpredictability and uncivility make them more dangerous than a wild dog.

Putting children intentionally among these people is like the government subsidizing a day-care center run by Michael Jackson. They are actively complicit in the worst form of child abuse.

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