It sounds as disgusting as it was disturbing, because as far as the reports are concerned, the attack was completely random.

According to the woman, she and her boss went to a coffee shop. He went inside, she waited outside. It was then that, a gang of nine Muslims ran up to her and sexually assaulted her. Some tried to grab at her, others were demanding her to perform sexual acts on them, and some were masturbating in her direction. Since the story has been veritably censored by the news, she posted about it on Twitter:


The message she wrote went as follows:

I just got molested by 9 Muslim mgrants in Nassjo center, aisle road on Avenue between Hotel Hogland and Thimons...:*(

One begged to have his dick sucked...another wanted to fuck, one just sat on the grass wit his hand inside his Pants masturbating...The others whistled and shouted after me various vulgar words...

This was so damn nasty also disgusting.

My boss saw what was happening, when he was inside Thimons, during lunch time, and came running to my rescue.

I intend to call Police, and talk about this situation, when I have calmed down. :*(

Fyyy, faaaa

My mind is spinning...what if it was night and I was all alone.

I would not have had a chance against nine guys alone.

What damn luck that I was not alone but I was joined by colleagues who were in the vicinity

Her ex-boyfriend made a video about it and posted it here.

I looked into the area, and here is where the crime happened based on her description. Note Thimons and Hotel Hogland. Thimons is a Swedish cafe chain, so it most likely happened on the avenue area closest to the coffee shop.


The circled area is where the attack most likely happened


This is the google street view of where the attack happened

I put these pictures up to illustrate a very important point: this is a beautiful area, and the Muslims are turning it into a cesspool, as I have repeatedly said. You can give them all the beautiful things in the world, put them in a beautiful place, but they will turn it to trash because they will make their environment fit who they are: garbage.

For the sake of the European people, it's long overdue for Europe to take out the trash.


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