
The Police arrived and shot him to death on site, but the damage had already been done. This 17-year-old Muslim took and axe and started hacking random people to death on a train while screaming 'Allah Akbar.' At least four people are fighting for their lives and over a dozen more have been injured:

An axe-man who stormed a passenger train and hacked at terrified passengers while shouting "Allahu Akbar" has been identified as a 17-year-old Afghan who entered Germany as a lone refugee.

The attacker was identified by stunned government officials after a huge investigation was launched just hours after the bloody attack exploded.

The horror began at around 9mpm local time when the teenager stormed a train that was travelling close to Wurzburg in southern Germany.

He then shouted "Allahu Akbar" - which means God is greatest - before launching into the terrifying attack on innocent passengers and then attempted to flee.


The attacker has been identified as a 17-year-old Afghan man who was a refugee to Germany, according to reports in Germany.

Bavarian Interior Ministry Joachim Hermann confirmed the news in an interview in which he added the teen had been staying in Ochsenfurt where he boarded the train.

Police have confirmed that at least four people, three of who feared to be fighting for their lives, have been injured in the horrifying attack - which began this evening. Another 14 are being treated for shock. (source)

This incident illustrates the absolute futility of so many of the debates we have about violence in society today.

There is a popular saying in some circles today that has been around for a while- "haters gonna hate"- meaning that people who hate you will hate you because they hate you and because you cannot make them like you, you have to live your life and conduct yourself in a manner that is becoming to you and not conforming to them. Well, in the case of Islam, it is "Muslims gonna be Muslims"- and by that meaning no matter what the West or anybody else anywhere else tries, Muslims are going to act at they do which means supporting and doing violent things for the cause of Allah and the spread of Islam. For the non-Muslim, it means recognizing this behavior, acknowledging it for what it is, and instead of trying to fuss about what it "should" or "should not" be, just respond to it in the most effective way.

As the attacks in Nice and now this incident have shown, Islamic terrorism does NOT need a gun or a bomb to be effective. Trucks, axes, or just anything that can be used to hurt somebody- which is really anything if you want it to be- is suitable for imposing the will of Islam on a non-Muslims. It has nothing to do with what kind of object is used- and indeed, the Muslims do not care what they have to  use because they will use what is available to them- all that matters is the end, which is hurting you for the sake of Islam.

It is not about the means, used, but all about the end, because as Muhammad said, the ends justify the means.

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