
Image Credit: chicago.cbslocal.com

Vandals struck in Chicago this week, decapitating a Ronald McDonald statue that sat outside the Museum of Broadcast Communications. The statue was found without its head on Tuesday morning when workers began arriving to start their day at the museum.

It was reported that the head was actually down the street somewhere, and was returned by neighbors later that morning.

Bruce DuMont, founder of the museum told CBS said that the statue is currently being repaired, and will likely return to the museum when it is restored.

According to DuMont, although he filed a police report, the building does not have security cameras, so there is really no way of telling who the vandals are or what their motives were.

Believe it or not, this is not the first time that something like this has happened, Ronald McDonald beheadings are actually somewhat of a global trend. There are Ronald McDonal statues all throughout the world, and since McDonalds is becoming such an unpopular company, these statues have become a target for vandals and activists.

In one elaborate case just a few years ago, food activists kidnapped one of the statues and released a video of them in hoods and jumpsuits threatening to behead the statue if the company did not reveal their ingredients. When McDonalds refused to respond to their video, they released another video where they had a different Ronald statue in a guillotine.

The video from the previous case can be seen below:

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John Vibes writes for True Activist and is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter culture and the drug war.

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