1 Saksaywaman

This ancient stone structure found just outside of Peru uses nothing to hold the stones together, and they fit together like a game of Tetris.

2 An Unfinished Obelisk

This is an obelisk, which is essentially a decorative stone pillar, but the cracks in the granite signal that the project was ultimately abandoned.

3 The Gate Of The Sun

This intricate, Stonehenge-like structure resides in Bolivia and is possibly the spot of origin for all of mankind.

4 The Longyou Grottoes

hese caves are manmade, and likely are the remnants of the Qin dynasty, dating as far back as 212 BC.

5 L’Anse aux Meadows

This Canadian province is the result of Viking settlers, proving that Chris Columbus was not the first dude to touch land on the continent.

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