
By Theodore Shoebat

A border patrol agent in Texas, named Omar Lucio, alongside several Mexican Gulf Cartel members, beheaded a man. While he was a border patrol agent, who was suppose to protect the border, he was helping the criminals, and participating in, their narcotic and violent crimes. According to one report:

A bizarre murder investigation into a headless body found in the Laguna Madre last March has led to the arrest of a U.S. Border Patrol agent who allegedly worked for the Gulf Cartel.

Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio said agent Joel Luna will be charged with capital murder in the March 2015 death of Jose Francisco Palacios Paz.
The decapitated body of the Honduran national was discovered by passing fishermen March 16 in the Laguna Madre.

Sheriff Lucio said investigators discovered a safe filled with cocaine, methamphetamine, $89,000 in cash, an antique pistol, a gun, and baggies at Luna’s mother-in-law’s house.
In June four men were arrested and charged in connection with the murder. Several of those suspects worked at a tire shop with Palacios Paz.

Those suspects – Fernando Luna Rodriguez, 35, Aaron Rodriguez Medellin, 22, Eduardo Luna Rodriguez, 24, and Nestor Manuel Leal, 18, each face one count of first degree murder, engaging in organized criminal activity, and two counts of tampering with physical evidence.

Here is the photo of Omar Luna:


Here are the photos of the other Mexican gangsters involved in the beheading:





Eduardo Rodriguez

Eduardo Rodriguez

Fernando Rodriguez

Fernando Rodriguez

The border agent, alongside all of his gangster friends, are believed to have been involved in the Gulf Cartel, a major cartel — believed to be the oldest in Mexico — that is centered in the Matamoros area, which lies right on the border between Mexico and Brownsville, TX. Several recent photos have been found by Blog de Narco, showing members of the Gulf Cartel. Notice their sinister faces and sinister eyes:

luna 8

luna 7

luna 6

One photo leaked by Blog de Narco really reveals the ideology of the cartels in Mexico:


Notice the idols behind these thugs: it is that of Santa Muerte, saint death, who is the main demon worshipped by the narcotics criminals in Mexico. Santa Muerte is not a Catholic saint, but one made by occultists in Mexico who wanted to take an image with a somewhat Catholic appearance with the objective of restoring pre-Christian paganism in Mexico. This demon is, in the words of professor R. Andrew Chestnut, “the personification of death itself”. These modern day heathens worship not Life — Who is Jesus Christ — but he who “was a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44).

The followers of this dangerous cult teach that Santa Muerte will never judge you, and such a deranged theology attracts the worst of society: thieves, homosexuals, murderers, cut throats, and cartels. Millions upon millions of people in Mexico are worshipping this demon, and such mass veneration only empowers the cartels. The Mexican people need to return back to their Catholic Faith and roots if they are going to fight and destroy this sick and violent cult. All of the cartels in Mexico are involved in the occult, and the most popular of the occultic beliefs is that of Santa Muerte.

In Mexico there was a sicario, or a hitman, who killed for a cartel. He murdered many people in very brutal ways. Guilt eventually came upon this hitman that he one day approached a priest, Fr. Ernesto Caro, and confessed to him his sins. He confessed how he would dismember his victims, and how he would burn people alive. He confessed that he even felt pleasure in hearing the screams of his victims. He told the priest that he was an avid worshipper of Santa Muerte. He was convinced that demons possessed him, and Fr. Ernesto conducted an exorcism over him. The same priest said:

Santa Muerte is being used by all our drug dealers and those linked to these brutal murders. We’ve found that most of them, if not all, follow Santa Muerte

Father Francisco Bautista, another priest combating this spiritual darkness, spoke of the connection between drug cartel violence and the Santa Muerte cult, and how the cartels murder people as human sacrifices for the demon:

From approximately eight years ago we have seen Santa Muerte having a big presence with drug cartel members, from the bosses all the way down. Why? Because these people say that Jesus or the Virgin Mary can’t provide what they ask for, which is to be protected from soldiers, police and their enemies… In exchange they offer human sacrifices. And this has increased the violence in Mexico.

Josh Whittington documents a number of murders done in Mexico by cartels as sacrifices to Santa Muerte:

A powerful criminal figure in Tepito is said to have killed virgins and babies once a year and offered them as sacrifices to gain magical protection;

Gang members have taken rival cartel members to Santa Muerte shrines and executed them as offerings;

Police discovered a skeleton dressed as a bride at a Santa Muerte altar in a house used to hold kidnap victims; and

Authorities found 50 victims of a mass murder in the northern state of Sinaloa, all with tattoos and jewellery depicting Santa Muerte.

With all of this satanic violence, it is no wonder as to why Fr. Bautista says, “There is an infestation of demons in Mexico because we have opened our doors to death,” the violence is a result of satanic possession and influence. Violence is in reality a means to the demonic and a way by which people become possessed. Abortion was legalized in Mexico, and after this, a floodgate opened and a deluge of violence and cruelty inundated Mexico. When satanists commit a human sacrifice, they frequently murder children because Satan demands the blood of the innocent, because he hates innocence. Thus the Christ said:

Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 18:10)

God loves the innocent, and He hates those who prey on the innocent. This is why Herod’s killing of the infants is known as the slaughter of the innocent, because his massacre was an attack upon humanity. The murder of children, born and unborn, is a satanic ritual unto itself. Abortion is one massive sacrifice to Satan. As the exorcist, Fr. Gary Thomas, says,

Abortion is a doorway to the demonic because it involves the destruction of an innocent human being. The new law in California which legalizes assisted suicide is also a doorway for the same reason. This decline in morality is growing rapidly and provides the opportunity for Satan to have a foothold in a family’s life. I do not believe that most people who are believers in “choice” realize this. That is part of the seduction of Satan who will disguise his presence in these choices.

The violence being wrought by the cartels is not merely drug violent, rather it is a war against humanity. God became Humanity in the Hypostatic Union of Christ, and thus any attack on that which God became, is a rite rooted in the demons. As Father Carlos Triana says,

As much as we believe that the Devil was behind Adolf Hitler, possessing and directing him, we also believe that he (the Devil) is here behind the drug cartels.

Make no mistake about, the reign of terror being done by the cartels in Mexico is not based on some superficial thirst for money, it is the advancement of an ideology. It is the ideology of death, of destruction, of perdition; it is the ideology that builds altars from death, and erects them high, and makes them out of the bones of humanity. Its spirit is avarice, its idol is Mammon, its gods are the abysmal spirits, its incense is the chilling screams of mortals, its objective is an empire, above which is the hand of the devil, and under which is a mountain of corpses; its path is one of blood, and its thoughts are nothing but those of avarice and the never ending circle of delusion in which solely lies temporal and dismal desires; its end is hell, and its enemy is Heaven.

When ISIS murders the followers of Christ, we rightfully say that Christians are being killed. All of the Christians that ISIS has killed, are either Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholic. And while many Evangelicals differ with these theologically, they still — and rightfully so — consider them to be Christian martyrs. If, then, we are going to consider the martyred Catholics and Orthodox as Christians, then we are to as well consider those massacred by the occultic cartels as Christian martyrs. Because if we are to consider the Catholic martyrs in Iraq and Syria as Christians, then we should have no problem with calling the Roman Catholics slaughtered in Mexico, persecuted Christians.

ISIS has killed hundreds of Christians, but the cartels have literally slaughtered tens of thousands of Christians. They have even killed American missionaries. Who today speaks of the story of Nancy and Sam Davis? They were two missionaries driving on the highway of San Fernando, when a vehicle full of armed men slammed right into the Davis’ pickup truck. When the Davis tried to flee, the cartel thugs opened fire on them, shooting Nancy right in the head, killing her. Sam drove back to Texas where his martyred wife was pronounced dead. The Davis knew what dangers they were going to confront. Nancy Davis, before leaving to Mexico, told some friends that they “might not come back alive”. They told their friends:

We know when we go back in, we might not come back alive and if that’s the case, know that we died doing what we were supposed to do.

Nancy Davis told a friend, “If I don’t see you here, I’ll see you in heaven.” In fact, the Davis were attacked by cartels several times before, but they valorously kept returning to Mexico. The cartel kept sending them death threats; they did not want the missionaries to come because they saw them as a threat to their evil cause. But the Davis’ stood their ground and came anyway. It was obvious that the murder of Nancy was not done randomly, but with the intention of hindering Christian virtue from being taught in Mexico. It was a spiritual attack.

In Tamaulipas, a cartel called Las Zetas butchered hundreds in the most brutal ways. The women were raped, the elderly were all slaughtered, and the men were forced to kill one another in gladiator games for the purpose of entertaining the drug lords. According to one report:

“The elderly are killed. Young women are raped. And able-bodied men are given hammers, machetes and sticks and forced to fight to the death.”

One member of the cartel, who calls himself “Juan,” said “They cut guys to pieces,” and Peter Hanna, a retired FBI agent who built his career focusing on Mexico’s cartels, described the gladiatorial games as being done “more for amusement”. These people were not involved in the cartels; these were simply regular people, kidnapped at random and subjected to horrors many of us would only imagine happening in a horror movie. Whats happening just right across the border is worse than ISIS. If its too difficult for you to believe that the level of violence in Mexico is that severe, then read the account of a survivor of the massacre in Tamaulipas, published by the newspaper, El Informador:

“A transportation bus of the company Autobuses de Oriente made its obligatory stop at San Fernando, Tamaulipas before reaching its destination in Reynosa. At the terminal, two people got off the bus, and a couple of others got on board, making a total of 15 passengers. The bus then left the terminal at around 8:30 p.m. on 25 March 2011 as quickly as possible, fearing that they may be victims of the cartels that operated in the city.

While the bus was leaving San Fernando, the bus driver saw at a distance that there were several trucks blocking the highway up ahead, and that there were several men wearing ski-masks and holding AR-15s. The gunmen ordered the bus to stop, and the bus driver obeyed. The cartel members approached the bus pointing their guns and yelling, “Open the door, asshole! Move, you son of a bitch, unless you want me to shoot you dead.” The chauffeur, trembling, opened the door for the gunmen, who quickly stormed the bus as soon as the door was opened. “You are all fucked,” yelled one of the gunmen to the people on board; the passengers were frightened, and some of them cried, thinking it was simply a regular armed robbery. But that was not the case this time. The cartel members then ordered the bus driver to drive the bus deep into a dirt road for about ten kilometers before reaching a plain area, “in the middle of nowhere.” In the area there were about twenty luxurious trucks and three passenger buses, some of them with bullet holes, flat tires, and broken windows. The driver was then ordered to stop the bus, and all the men were then told to descend from the vehicle. They were asked to form a line, and the cartel members began to organize them from youngest to oldest and from strongest to weakest. Those who looked old or weak were separated from the group, tied from their feet, and then taken elsewhere. Those who were left were ordered to take off their shirts and remain where they were. A man wearing black military uniform, a bulletproof vest, and a kit belt was called from the trucks that were parked nearby. All of the triggermen referred to him as Commander 40, better known as Miguel Treviño Morales, one of the top leaders of Los Zetas. The man approached the passengers that were lined up in front of him, and said in an energetic voice: “Let’s see, assholes. Who wants to live?” But no one answered. One teenager accidentally wet himself out of nervousness, and Commander 40 killed him with a shot to the head. Treviño Morales then yelled: “I will ask all of you one more time. Who the fuck wants to live?” All of the men raised their hands. “Good. We will test your abilities to see how capable you are. If you make it, you’ll survive; if you do not, you’re fucked.” Commander 40 then asked his henchmen to bring the bats and clubs, and each of the passengers was given one. He then said, “Look, each of you will get in pairs and beat the shit out of each other. Those who survive will work for Los Zetas, those who don’t, well, they’re fucked.” All of the passengers were shocked, and could not believe that the orders the individual in front of them gave sounded more like those of a Nazi than those of a drug lord. Everyone got their bats and clubs, joined up as a pair, and stared at their partners nervously. Treviño Morales then said: “Now beat the shit out of each other.”

One of the passengers of the bus approached Treviño Morales weeping and saying: “Please, sir. I do not want to do this. I will give you all the money I have and my own house, but please let us go.” Treviño Morales stared at him firmly, took away his club and then said, “Okay, stupid asshole. Leave,” and while the crying man was walking away, Treviño Morales swung his bat and hit him in the back of the head—and then struck him more than 20 times until his head was completely destroyed.He then turned around and said to the kidnapped victims: “This is what you have to do. Have some balls (courage). Anyone who does not want to can tell me and I will beat the hell out of you.” All of the men started fighting. Several other Zeta members, who were still on a bus with other passengers, ordered the women whom they considered the most beautiful to descend the vehicle so they could rape them.Then they took away the children from their mothers, and shot the rest of the bus passengers. The women were taken to a warehouse where many other women were held captive. Inside a dark room, the women were reportedly raped and beaten, while the one heard the screams of the women and of the kids being put in acid. A driver of one of the buses was then asked to turn on the bus engine, and then ordered to move the bus to where the kidnapped victims were handcuffed and laid down on the dirt floor. “Drive on top of them,” one of the killers told the bus driver, who stood there motionless. “Drive on top of them or I will put you there too, asshole,” the killer repeated. As the driver rode over his passengers with the bus, he felt like the vehicle was passing over speed bumps, but the only difference was that the bus driver and the passengers could actually hear the cries of the people as they were being run over. The gunmen, once the driver was finished, shot him in the head and shot the rest on board. The bus was then set on fire by the Zetas. Treviño Morales then gathered all the Zetas and said, “We have had enough fun for tonight. Bring the winners.” His men brought all of those who had passed the gladiator-like competitions, and they were gathered in front of Treviño Morales.

Commander 40 then said to everyone, “Welcome to Los Zetas special forces, the ‘other’ military.”

This is the evil that so few are talking about! Where is all of the Christian media that keep talking about Christian persecution, talking about this? Why don’t they ever speak a word on this? The cartels were doing these evils to Christians years before ISIS ever came about, and yet there is silence. I’ve heard so many times that the world is silent in regards to ISIS and Islamic persecution. But this isn’t entirely true. There are plenty of people talking about Islamic persecution. But who in major media is speaking on the massacres of poor helpless Christian people in Mexico? They are being butchered in ways reminiscent to what horrors the Aztecs were doing.

Catholic media is saying nothing about this. Where is EWTN? Why aren’t they speaking about this? Catholic media keeps making presentations praising this bishop and that bishop. But why aren’t they talking about the martyrs being slaughtered by the thousands in Mexico? These are modern day martyrs, and yet their cries land on careless ears. And look, there are tens of thousands of Christian men who have taken up arms, as part of the militia called Las Autodefensas. They carry their crosses, wearing crucifixes around their necks, and they pray to God for their defense and their victory. Catholic media keeps talking about reinvigorated the Church. Tell me, what better way is there to inspire the Church, than to speak of these modern day Cristeros who fight for justice, and the liberty for their people and their Faith.

This is the evil that so few are talking about! Where is all of the Christian media that keeps talking about Christian persecution? Why don’t they ever speak a word on this? The cartels were doing these evils to Christians years before ISIS ever came about, and yet there is silence. I’ve heard so many times that the world is silent in regards to ISIS and Islamic persecution. But this isn’t entirely true. There are plenty of people talking about Islamic persecution. But who in major media is speaking on the massacres of poor helpless Christian people in Mexico? They are being butchered in ways reminiscent to what horrors the Aztecs were doing.

Catholic media is saying nothing about this. Where is EWTN? Why aren’t they speaking about this? Catholic media keeps making presentations praising this bishop and that bishop. But why aren’t they talking about the martyrs being slaughtered by the thousands in Mexico? These are modern day martyrs, and yet their cries land on careless ears. And look, there are tens of thousands of Christian men who have taken up arms, as part of the militia called Las Autodefensas. They carry their crosses, wearing crucifixes around their necks, and they pray to God for their defense and their victory. Catholic media keeps talking about reinvigorating the Church. Tell me, what better way is there to inspire the Church, than to speak of these modern day Cristeros who fight for justice, and the liberty for their people and their Faith? (You can read about the Autodefensas here).

Christians in America, I ask you from the deepest roots of my heart, to focus on the most horrific persecutions taking place in Mexico. Thousands of Christians have been butchered by these evil and diabolical cartels. Shoebat.com has been helping numerous victims of the cartels in Mexico, and we ask you, with all of our hearts, to give what you can to help these persecuted people. We cannot help them without your generosity.


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