By Theodore Shoebat
Kim Davis, the woman who defied the homosexual agenda, is being released.
The judge who sent her to jail, David L. Bunning of Federal District Court, said he is releasing Davis because now the people at her office are giving licenses to sodomites, “fulfilling its obligation to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.”
The Carter County jailer, R. W. Boggs, said “She’s a free woman,” as he walked outside the jail, though Ms. Davis had not been seen. According to reports Davis was meeting with Mike Huckabee. Judge Bunning ordered that Ms. Davis “shall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.”
Some of the deputy clerks who are supposed Christians are selling their own souls by doing this. As long as the sodomites are getting their evil desires fulfilled, the fight has not ended, and this cannot be considered a victory. Every time the conservatives get a little table scrap from the tables of the satanist controlled state, they consume it like ants before winter and call it a “victory.” A victory is when the enemy is utterly vanquished and at the mercy of the victor. Until the sodomites run back and beg for mercy as they slowly walk back to their closets, then there is no victory.
We have to prepare our minds and intellect for this spiritual war that we are in. This is why I made a 2-disk DVD series on teaching the warring spirit of the Christian Faith.
Today, many love to say that if people are indulging in what they want to do, “and as long as they are not hurting anyone and doing it in the privacy of their own homes,” then they are completely fine with it, no matter how evil or deviant. This is especially true when it comes to any debate over homosexuality, or disordered beliefs. They hold that no law should be made against the acts, even though they are a danger to society, because they consider it a private pleasure.
Many claiming Christians will express their support for the sodomites, and they many times will bring up the “love of Christ” to vindicate their support for them. Let us remind such people that no where in Scripture is evil tolerated simply because it does not physically or directly harm someone, or because it is private. In fact, Christianity is so much against allowing private deviancy, that it says that those who “approve of those who practice them” are “worthy of death” (Romans 1:32).
This means that opinions expressed in favor for homosexuality and other deviancies (such as cannibalism), are worthy of capital punishment. This purely illustrates that Christianity is so much against the license to do evil — even if it is done in private — that it prohibits any approval of it. For those who disapprove, let them read the words of St. Isidore where he said that law “is composed of no private advantage, but for the common benefit of the citizens.” (Isidore, Etymologiae, 5.21, in Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 90, article 2) Let them read St. Thomas where he says that “Law must therefore attend especially to the ordering of things toward blessedness.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 90, article 2)
Does homosexuality bring blessedness, does the tolerance of such a deviant act bring any blessed fruition to a people? Does it honor the sacrament of marriage from which children, “a blessing and a gift from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3), come to this world? St. Thomas also says that “every law is directed to the common good.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 90, article 2)
What good has ever come from the act of homosexuality? No offspring, no sacrament, nothing. St. Thomas also says that the natural affections between man and woman “is directed to a common good: namely, to the preservation of nature in the species or in the individual.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae, 92, article 6)
And later this same Doctor of the Church affirms that “sexual intercourse between men is especially said to be a vice against nature.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 94, article 3)
And so the natural affections are to be upheld, protected, and honored by the state, and anything that comes against it, let it be uprooted and cut off like cancer, for such is against the common good. Let the woman who “exchanged the natural use for what is against nature” and the man who left “the natural use of the woman,” (Romans 1:26-27) “be put to death.” (Leviticus 20:13)
Homosexuality needs to be treated as sedition against the people. What is a people? A people, as St. Augustine defines one, is not to mean “any indiscriminate multitude, but an assembly of those united by agreement as to what is right and by a common interest.” Therefore, sedition is not just against the government itself, but against the collective and common morals and precepts by which a community is united. As St. Thomas says, “sedition is opposed to justice and the common good.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae 64, article 2)
Since homosexuality is against the sacrament of marriage, which is the building block of society, then it is against the common good, and the very Faith of our civilization, and thus is an enemy to the Christian people and should be treated as sedition. Let the heretics who believe in such license read where St. Paul refers to these sodomites as “deserving of death,” and also those who “approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:32), and let them dare say that homosexuality should be allowed in a Christian society. The first principle of law is that good must be rewarded and strived for, and evil punished, (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae, 94, article 2) and this is why we say with St. Peter that rulers are sent by God “for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good.” (1 Peter 2:14)
It is the job of the ruler to cut off those who are a danger to the spiritual and moral health of the community, (See Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae 64, article 3) and to help bring that community to good behavior. How can good behavior be expected when the state allows the people to believe and practice whatever demonic ideology they want to follow? Anarchy only leads to more anarchy; rebellion to more rebellion. So only violence, disorder and perversion can come out as a result of absolute freedom of religion. This is why we need laws against cults and other insidious organizations, and most certainly they must apply to the sodomites, the godless and all of the promoters of prevision. Vitoria, who stands amongst the most learned of theologians and one of the fathers of international law, said:
princes have enacted laws concerning moral goodness, such as prohibiting blasphemy, sodomy, and so on; laws must concern moral actions, or these would be invalid. (Vitora, On Law, ST I-II. 92, article 1, 122b)
To those who object to intolerance against homosexuality, or any grave evil, we repeat the words of Solomon, “He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.” (Proverbs 17:15)
The inculcation of the homosexual ideology is due to the weakness of churches. In ancient Israel, when low class priests reigned, sodomites were also given leeway to conduct their evils and further degenerate society. For after Jeroboam made “of the lowest of the people priests of the high places” (13:33), “there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel.” (14:24)
This is why the sodomites must be rooted out, for such is what God commands, and failure to do so leads only to spiritual, and then ultimately, to societal anarchy. This command was obeyed by Asa who, doing right for God, rooted out the sodomites:
And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father. And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made. (1 Kings 15:11-12)
The societal anarchy that comes from toleration toward homosexuality is illustrated by the modern advocates of “consensual cannibalism,” or the diabolical idea that says that cannibalism is permissible as long as the one getting eaten is being eaten willfully. For all of the advocates for this heathen practice are atheists, occultists, and promoters of homosexuality. In other words, if a society can accept the demonic actions of the sodomites under the pretense of “privacy” and “individual freedom,” then it can just as easily permit the consumption of human flesh under the guise of “privacy” and individual freedom.” But the uprooting of the homosexuals will only happen once the Church is restored to its rightful place.
God’s law should be the only acceptable system for society, because it is the only system that promotes the natural order by which a healthy civilization flourishes. Christianity teaches that marriage must be between man and woman, and anything contrary to this must be uprooted because it is a hinderance to the natural order.
Since a part (and the order of a part) stands in relation to the whole, then the order of marriage stands in relationship to the rest of civilization. Marriage’s end is orderly and fruitful reproduction of humankind, without which there is no civilization.
With this said, homosexuals (or sodomites) cannot be considered as a part of civilized life, because their activity is not in relation to the whole of civilization, but a willful declaration of war against it, a willful hinderance to the order that perpetuates civilization, a contumacious attempt to destroy the very means by which humankind exists. Since what is good for the part is good for the whole of civilization, sodomites cannot be esteemed as part of it, for they are not beneficial to the part nor the whole.
If everyone were a sodomite, we would cease to be a civilization, but a mere aggregate that leads to a transient existence that ends in the inevitable death of itself. Men die, but because of procreation, civilization lives on. Therefore, homosexuals cannot be a part of civilization.
There are those who argue that homosexuality is not harmful. But, before making such a rash conclusion, we must first observe the process by which an action is determined to be dangerous or not. The way we determine if something is harmful or evil is to consider the result of it being commonly accepted or participated in by everybody. Once we make this observation, then we can determine whether an act is worthy of toleration or punishment. A dangerous act committed by even one person must be punished so as to prevent the crime from being collectively acceptable. As Vitoria articulates:
we must instead consider what would happen if it were done commonly, by all or by many. For instance, if the export of money outside the kingdom is prohibited, then anyone who smuggles out money commits a mortal crime, because although a single infringement is of little damage to the commonwealth, if it were to become general the kingdom would be wasted away; therefore the law obliges all on pain of death. Similarly, one case of fornication does little harm, but general fornication would do great damage, and therefore this too is a mortal crime on every occasion. (Vitoria, On Civil Power, question 3, article 2)
The reason why homosexuality, and even infanticide, have become so dangerously common, is because we have refused to see it as a crime. “A little homosexuality here, and some abortions there, or some drug usage, will not hurt you.” This is what the moderns say, and this sophist way of talking has efficiently deceived many (and we can thank the obsession with free speech for that).
Notice how people frequently say that such and such a perversion is not done by everyone. They use the minority participation in a crime to somehow make the warning against it benign. A small step is a great fall, and a little leaven spoils the whole batch; if we allow such wickedness to be done in incriminates, then they will soon be done in great numbers. Crush the eggs of the baby serpents before they hatch. The sodomite, the atheist, the fanatic feminist, the Muslim — all such must be deemed as criminals and enemies to civilization, for they war against the Faith, promote death and hate life.
They should be told to leave their wicked ways under coercion, and if that does not work, then death and strong suppression is the only solution. We cannot allow someone the freedom to do evil, for this will only increase the presence of darkness in the society, and it will become an internal enemy. As Augustine once said:
When we take away from someone the freedom to do wrong, it is beneficial for him that he should be vanquished, for nothing is more unfortunate than the happiness of sinners, when impunity nourishes guilt and an evil will arise like an enemy within. (Augustine, letter 138:2, in Aquinas, Summa Theologiae IIa IIae 40, article 1)
Look to the beautiful pillars of the Faith — how they raise high the virtues of Heaven! —; gaze with the eyes of your souls, to the basins of the Faith — how they shield against the arrows of the devil! —; look to the holy saints of Christendom, and you will see resistance against the tyranny of abysmal demons who now possess the enemies of the Cross. Resistance against evil is of the essence of the Faith. As Benjamin Franklin said:
Moses standing on the shore, and extending His Hand over the sea, thereby causing the same to overwhelm Pharaoh who is sitting in an open Chariot, a crown on His Head and a sword in His Hand. Rays from the Pillar of Fire in the clouds reaching to Moses, to express that he acts by command of the Deity. Motto, Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.
Read the life of the saints and you will see rebellion against the tyrant Satan. The devils take possession of the souls of men, and through them they attack the saints. And so God uses His saints, and the one who are joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17), to fight those being used as instruments for the demonic.
Throughout sacred history this can be witnessed; through time did the sons of light battle against the spawn of darkness. In Maccabees it says: “Elijah, for that he was exceeding zealous for the Law, was taken up into heaven.” (1 Maccabees 2:58) All those who have zeal, will be united with God, and will come “to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem” (Hebrews 12:22).
Before the righteous Maccabeans revolted against pagan tyranny, the traitorous Jews “built a gymnasium in Jerusalem according to the manner of the Gentiles.” (1 Maccabees 1:14) And what would be included in this manners? No one can deny that it would be homosexuality. The Jews “sold themselves to do evil.” (1 Maccabees 1:15) Homosexuality is definitely amongst the most evilest of things. The gymnasium was a place where the pagans would exalt the male body to not only partake in homosexual attraction, but to as well honor the pagan gods, (2) by whom homosexuality was justified.
It was therefore not against mere tyranny that Judas Maccabees revolted, but homosexual tyranny. Paganism and homosexuality are very much intricate and interconnected. They are both part of antichrist doctrine. St. Paul tells us that those who “changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man” (Romans 1:23), also “exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.” (Romans 1:26)
Since God is the Creator of nature, those who hate Him will inevitably go against nature, and try to redefine reality itself. To equate homosexuality as the same as love between a man and a woman; to call a man a woman and a woman a man, is to attempt to redefine nature, and those who want to redefine reality will also try to redefine life, and to thus dictate who is worthy of living and who of dying in their sight. This is why there are so many homosexual serial killers, and why when homosexuality and perversion sink their claws into the fabric of society, they will commence tyranny against those who live for “the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) The pagan sodomites invaded Judea and wanted to uproot the Faith from the land, and against this despotism did Judas Maccabees revolt. In the words of the Scripture:
And he extended the glory of his people,
And put on a breastplate as a giant,
And girt on his weapons of war.
He set battles in array,
He protected the army with the sword,
And he was like a lion in his deeds:
And as a lion’s whelp roaring for prey
He pursued the lawless, seeking them out,
And burnt up those that troubled his people.
And the lawless lost heart for fear of him,
And all workers of lawlessness were sore troubled,
And deliverance prospered in his hand.
And he angered many kings,
And made Jacob glad with his acts.
And his memorial is blessed for ever. “ (1 Maccabees 3-7)
And what must Christians do against such a repulsive oppression and tyranny, but revolt, if the sodomites continue their onslaughts? In the most militant words of the holy Apostles: “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29) When the pagans wanted to afflict the Hebrews as they were trying to rebuild the Temple, the prophet Nehemiah armed his people and told them:
Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses. (Nehemiah 4:14)
In Christianity, mysticism and war become one. The prophet tells us to remember the Lord, this is contemplation; he tells us to fight for your brethren, this is war. The unity between contemplation and militancy is the essence of the Faith; to remember God in perpetual awareness, and being joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him, becoming the weapon of God and an advancer of His justice, praying to God with Maccabees, “Strike them down with the sword of those who love thee” (1 Maccabees 4:33). The warrior strikes the wicked, but it is God Who strikes through the arms of His servant.
This is theosis and the manifestation of love. Judas Maccabees reached theosis because of his zeal, being one with God and thus being the instrument of the divine justice. One becomes unified with God through love, for having love, by laying down one’s life for the brethren (which is the greatest love), one unites with Love — that is, God. And so Maccabees declares, “Fight this day for your brethren.” (1 Maccabees 5:33) And in another place he says, “let us die manfully for our brethren’s sake” (Maccabees 9:10). Christ told St. Peter, “strengthen your brethren.” (Luke 22:32) And to strengthen the brethren is to fortify their hearts, and even to fight for them against the tyrants. St. Gregory VII, referencing this very verse, wrote:
And because our fathers, in whose footsteps we, though unworthy, desire to walk, often went to those regions for the strengthening of the Catholic faith, we also, aided by the prayers of all Christian men, are under compulsion to go over there for the same faith and for the defense of Christians — provided that the way shall be opened with Christ as our guide — for the way of man is not in his own hand, and the steps of a man are ordered by the Lord. (3)
The command of Christ to strengthen the brethren is applied to warfare against the forces of darkness in the cosmic war between good and evil. Bishop Bonizo of Sutri, writing on the valorous feats of the crusader, Herlembald, praised his protecting of the brethren through faith and the sword:
He realized that there was nothing more important for him to do than to take up arms like the mighty Judas to defend himself and the people of God who wished to fight for righteousness. (4)
Holiness does not remain idle, it expands, and in expanding, it destroys evil. Goodness does not remain static, it conquers. Only God is good, and so to expand goodness is to be united with God, and to flood the world with His ever glorious light. To shine the candle of zeal is to dissipate the darkness, and thus to be a witness of God is to scatter the wicked. St. Chrysostom said that Christ “hath made us His own body”. (5) Thus when Christendom, under the governance of the divine sword, slays the wicked tyrants and obliterates the enemies of God, it is Christ Who destroys them through His beloved children.
You may say that to affirm that the sodomites and their advancers deserve destruction is against Christian meekness. But those who bring up such objections do not understand the Christian concept of being meek. In the words of Bishop Fulton Sheen:
The meek person is not one who refuses to fight, nor someone who will never become angry. A meek person is someone who will never do one thing: he will never fight when his conceit is attacked, but only when a principle is at stake. And there is the keynote to the difference of the anger of the violent and the anger of the meek person. (6)
It is the homosexual who is violent; it is these sodomites who ceaselessly make war upon us and the holy laws. Thus, as Christ was angry when He saw His House being harloted, and as Moses was enraged when he saw God mocked by the people and their calf idol, Christians must get angry against the homosexuals and their wickedness.
The Christian does not revolt in anger for the sake of the ego, but rather for the denial of ego and self. The maliciousness of the enemy is all the result of his indulgence in the flesh; he is drunk off his own ego. But the Christian, not remembering self, but being in God, wars against the slaves of the flesh. St. John of Damascus wrote that the man who turned their attachment from God and became attached to the things of the flesh, “was also to transfer his anger from the real enemy of his salvation to his own kind.” (7) Thus those who are slaves to ego, hate their fellow man, despise humanity and war against mankind. Amongst these are the sodomites who wish to abolish marriage, and abolish the order by which God has man to be fruitful and multiply.
Truly it is the sodomites who wrestle against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), and it is the Christians who war “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12) The sodomites hate humanity, and so to fight them, is to fight against the enemies of mankind, and for the triumph of the Spirit. The Scripture says:
The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. (Psalm 9:17)
Notice that it does not refer to individuals, but to nations. And I say to you, O Christians, will you allow your nation to be perverted by the haters of God?
Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies. (Psalm 139:21-22)
Will you allow civilization to be swallowed up by these Canaanites, who in antiquity participated in all their abominations? Did not Joshua destroy them? Where, then, is our Joshua? The warriors of Heaven “through faith subdued kingdoms” (Hebrews 11:33), and Joshua was amongst those warriors, subduing the kingdoms of the Canaanites, which were filled with wickedness and homosexuality. The poor sons of Abraham, abandoned by all men, subdued such violent and vicious nations. And where are you, O Christendom, to subdue the savage invaders, who “come unto us in fulness of insolence and lawlessness” (1 Maccabees 3:20)? Let the nation say with Maccabees, “we fight for our lives and our laws.” (1 Maccabees 1:21) Not secular laws, but the laws of Heaven, against which no enemy can prevail. Let the governments take up the Holy Cross, and destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8) Let it destroy the advancers of antichrist, and utterly annihilate the acolytes of the evil doctrines of Sodom. Christus vincit!
(1) *Odo of Cluny, The Life of St. Gerald of Aurillac, 2.4*
(2) See Nigel Spivey, The Ancient Olympics, ch. 2, pp.47-48, 54*
(3) *Gregory VII, b. 2, 31, p. 165*
(4) *Bishop of Bonizo of Sutri: ‘To a Friend’, book vi, trans. IS Robinson*
(5) *Chrysostom, Homily III on Ephesians, versus 15-20*
(6) *Sheen, The Cross and the Beatitudes, ch. 1, p. 15*
(7) John of Damascus, Orthodox Faith, book 2, ch. 30*
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